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Katie Hopkins

Of course there fucking is. It's another little reminder to all of us -- women in particular -- that we are constantly being judged on our appearance. And god help you if your genetics (or otherwise) leads you to looking older than you are, because people will laugh at you for it. That's the definition of socially corrosive.
What a load of old shit. No one's judging and no one's laughing. Get a fucking life.
Eh? That's exactly what they're doing.
Nonsense. The initial comment didn't, it simply observed that Hopkins looks older than she is. That's not judging her, it's a factually accurate observation of the type made daily by millions without comment. The only judgement made was subsequently by existentialist who suggested that hate aged people, but that didn't seem to bother anyone.
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Think I have a double standard here because I think it's generally not really on to criticize a woman's appearance if you don't like her politics, even when it's Katie Hopkins, though I have no problem saying that Steve Bannon, for example, looks like a rotten piece of fruit brought to life by an evil wizard.
Think I have a double standard here because I think it's generally not really on to criticize a woman's appearance if you don't like her politics, even when it's Katie Hopkins, though I have no problem saying that Steve Bannon, for example, looks like a rotten piece of fruit brought to life by an evil wizard.
i think if it's funny enough sometimes it get a pass. Just saying "she looks older than she is" tho is totally unimaginative, counterproductive and dumb.
Think I have a double standard here because I think it's generally not really on to criticize a woman's appearance if you don't like her politics, even when it's Katie Hopkins, though I have no problem saying that Steve Bannon, for example, looks like a rotten piece of fruit brought to life by an evil wizard.

Hard to tell based on appearances alone whether the wizard is actually evil or could just do with a bit more practice, though. Unless Bannon is actually seriously ill, in which case, how dare you?
i think if it's funny enough sometimes it get a pass. Just saying "she looks older than she is" tho is totally unimaginative, counterproductive and dumb.

It wasn't aimed at avoiding any of those things, it was just an observation, so lighten up a little.
Now this is funny...or will be if it works :D

This OUTRAGEOUS decision is set to cost Katie £324,000 in legal fees and damages.

We believe that having to find such an enormous sum of money could jeopardise Katie's glittering career in journalism, and we are not prepared to sit here and watch her disappear from our screens and newspapers!

Therefore, we hope to raise the full £324,000 as a matter of urgency so that Katie doesn't have to endure any financial hardship as a result of this massive injustice.

LEGAL BIT: We're actually going to give the money to The Trussell Trust - a FANTASTIC cause who help to provide foodbanks all over the UK. Because irony ... REMEMBER TO GIFT AID!!!!

ENQUIRIES - newsdesk@southendnewsnetwork.com

Read Chief's story
Because she's an arsehole.

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People who think "Never say sorry it is a sign of weakness" are morons who really don't get how humanity works.:facepalm: it wasn't just an offensive remark it was a plain mistake.
£350,000 + is an expensive lesson.
If you make a mistake you say sorry and try and put it right. Allways saves time and money in the long run.
Stupidity combined with arrogance and a huge ego will get you a long way. Chris Lowe. Seems to sum her up.
I didn't refer to lyrics from their songs to support anything. I never said they were pleasant. You can't stop yourself, can you?

I really don't know what you're talking about, and I didn't infer you were a liar. I think you're getting a little confused. And this must be a boring diversion for others on here, so I'm moving on. Take a chill pill

E2A it isn't pedantic to say you're lying, which is in effect what a strawman is. Don't post things you can't or won't defend.
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Should have been imprisoned for her 'poetry' alone...

That was tweeted on the day, 3 years ago, when Bob Crow's death was announced.
Southlondon I said you were lying. And sort out the quote.
Sort yourself out fella. The point was you referred to the words of a stones song, and in the context of referring to a woman's perceived beauty/age I thought it poor on the grounds of they being a mysogenistic group of multimillionaires who wrote some very poor taste lyrics. Just move on, as this must be boring for others
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