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Just leaving that to hang like the bad fart it is...

I'm not quite sure how that was published given the Buzz is usually very decent.
Also pretty sure Liverpool are not in the USA right now (or at least at the time of the article).
Guest contributions - nothing wrong with that, but this is just littered with inaccuracies.
Enjoyed the Pulp lyrics and lol'd out loud at 'fucking book' being hyperlinked. Book now bought.

Separately thanks for the links within (and on here) to read up more on the history. I obv knew of some of the historical links and it wasn't just a random fixture shoved in for bantz, but great to get more info.
They responded above. The new article doesn’t contain any sort of response. I don’t understand the new piece either - it doesn’t make sense to me, and seems to be completely off the cuff, random ideas just appearing and disappearing. If buzz want to keep putting them up then it’s up to them. This one’s not offensively inaccurate just not very good.
That’s the thing for me. Why is this person being given the platform? What have they done to deserve it?
Unless as I said the joke is that they’re being sent up.
That’s the thing for me. Why is this person being given the platform? What have they done to deserve it?
Unless as I said the joke is that they’re being sent up.

To be fair, we publish quite a lot of stuff from different people and like to encourage writers/photographers etc to contribute. I don't think that last column was particularly bad and a definite improvement on the one before, no?
To be fair, we publish quite a lot of stuff from different people and like to encourage writers/photographers etc to contribute. I don't think that last column was particularly bad and a definite improvement on the one before, no?
An improvement in the sense that the previous thing was the worst thing I’ve read about Hamlet, if not sport, if not anything…

Still a long way from meeting the threshold for getting to the end and thinking “that was worth reading” though.
Doesn’t make an ounce of sense as article. I spent most of that time just bemused, reading with a sense of wondering as to what had been imbibed by the author. Is this an attempt at out and out surrealist football writing as if Wojciech Has had been appointed to direct match highlights on DHFCTV? Is this a pointed barb at the supposed hipster, day tripper & stag party infested terraces of Champion Hill? Are purple people eaters galloping across the fields of Green Dale? I don’t actually know but that probably makes as much sense!
It's like one of those sunday times articles that's just a whimsical word salad because they haven't got anything to say.
Not really into censorship just because some people don't like something that's been written from a position of enthusiasm for the club, however misguided or inaccurate that may be. Everyone has a right to reply to the articles - or write their own - and to challenge the author, but this ganging up on him and calls for him to be cancelled aren't a good look.
With the greatest respect… Could you not help him out a bit here? I get your view that guest columns are just that, and you don’t want to edit… But I would say that there is a difference between editing fact and editing sentiment. And what wound most people up most severely about the Altona one was that it was riddled with basic factual errors that a two minute proof read would have spotted. Had those been corrected, is it not possible that the sheer volume of fact-based red pen might then have given the author pause on whether they were on the right track sentiment wise…?
Not really into censorship just because some people don't like something that's been written from a position of enthusiasm for the club, however misguided or inaccurate that may be. Everyone has a right to reply to the articles - or write their own - and to challenge the author, but this ganging up on him and calls for him to be cancelled aren't a good look.
Apart from the multitude of inaccuracies, I don’t think it WAS ‘written from a position of enthusiasm for the club’. It was more written from a position of piss-take of the club.
Not really into censorship just because some people don't like something that's been written from a position of enthusiasm for the club, however misguided or inaccurate that may be. Everyone has a right to reply to the articles - or write their own - and to challenge the author, but this ganging up on him and calls for him to be cancelled aren't a good look.

Not publishing something isn't banning or censoring it though is it. If Jonathan Bishop, say, sent you an article would you feel any obligation to publish it on your site?
We're not saying he should be "cancelled" because we object to his opinions, we're saying it's a questionable editorial decision to give him a platform because he's crap.

I mean, I've never been invited to do a slot on Live At The Apollo. But it's not because I'm being cancelled, it's because I'm not funny.
Apart from the multitude of inaccuracies, I don’t think it WAS ‘written from a position of enthusiasm for the club’. It was more written from a position of piss-take of the club.
Come on. It's meant as a light hearted article and you've have to be ridiculously uptight to view it as some sort of malicious piss take.
Not publishing something isn't banning or censoring it though is it. If Jonathan Bishop, say, sent you an article would you feel any obligation to publish it on your site?
You're seriously putting these articles on a par with something that Jonathon Bishop comes up with?

If l ban him off Brixton Buzz will everyone be happy then?
The second one seemed fairly harmless. It's not very well written but didn't seem riddled with errors, so it's just bad fanzine type stuff. It'd be nice to aim a bit higher but if editor doesn't want to edit/filter then fair enough.
To add some perspective, these articles generate very little traffic (apart from the Streisand Effect for the one before last) and they make up an absolutely tiny proportion of the Hamlet articles published on the site.
Come on. It's meant as a light hearted article and you've have to be ridiculously uptight to view it as some sort of malicious piss take.
You're seriously putting these articles on a par with something that Jonathon Bishop comes up with?

If l ban him off Brixton Buzz will everyone be happy then?

I definitely felt like it scoffed at the club and its association with Altona.

And tbh I think lines like this:

Rio Ferdinand made a multimillion-pound offer to save the club back in 2018 and didn’t receive so much as a free scarf.​

Even if not written with malice are so ill-informed as to be damaging to the club. It makes us sound ungrateful and incompetent. That's not even the worst example I could have picked.

He certainly mocks Hayrettin as well, completely unnecessarily:

Apart from a handful of familiar faces, it was a surprise any of these players managed to find their way back to the changing rooms at the full-time whistle.

Presumably this is all part of Hakan Hayrettin’s masterplan to become a “Dulwich Hamlet legend”, as he declared last month...

...Hayrettin, with one relegation under his belt already, knows he will need to get his players slaying the Stymphalian birds – or at least winning the occasional match – before his bronze statue is confirmed.​

As I said in an earlier post, it felt like it was written for 'lols' and to make the writer look really fucking clever and witty, when actually all he was serving up was heavily distorted versions of the truth or just plain fabrications (did he find out how we treated Rio after he made a bid to buy the club? Maybe he did get a free scarf? Why hasn't he mentioned that HH had 13 games to save a squad that was sub-standard and full of toxic personalities? In a time in football when we're awash with mercenaries and overly financed leagues/clubs, what about HH saying he wants to become a DHFC 'legend' is so worthy of derision?)

I don't think anyone wants him banned per se - I just think people are confused and upset as to why someone who has written derisory, or at very best extremely lazy, articles about the club is being given a platform to spout this stuff, especially on a site that has done so much to help build DHFC to what it is today, and especially when the criticism/mocking/whatever you want to call it, is so bloody ill-informed? 'Banned' feels unnecessary - I just don't see why he deserves more chances to air his views when what's he's written thus far is so patently flawed, imbalanced, and frankly snide.
And tbh I think there's various people on here that could write better structured, researched, and wittier articles than that. I just think Brixton Buzz could get a better standard of contributor, editor. I think people would be happy to contribute - there's already numerous messages in this thread that have noted the need for a fanzine, or fanzine-style articles, and have complimented the efforts that have been published in recent weeks (e.g. the quarterly newspaper thing, that I think pompeydunc mentioned.)
You're seriously putting these articles on a par with something that Jonathon Bishop comes up with?

If l ban him off Brixton Buzz will everyone be happy then?

The point isn't to compare quality it's just an example to illustrate the principle - basically that it doesn't make sense to talk about 'banning' or 'censoring'. Not publishing is just not publishing, it doesn't stop anyone putting something out elsewhere.
Can't see a problem tbh. It's written for a specific audience, which isn't Hamlet fans. It's making a general comparison between two very different football set ups. Whether the exact number of away fans cited is accurate isn't really here or there as our biggest away following would seem tiny to Toon fans.

You write for an audience. Something aimed at Hamlet fans should be held to a higher accountability than an article written to make a point about a Premier League side that touches on a non league side. Has he stretched the truth a little? Yes, exaggeration for effect. That's a very different thing to basically doing no/little research when writing articles aimed at fans of the club you are writing about. No great admittedly but still a very different thing.

As Jack said in his booklet the other day, if you want to read some rubbish about Hamlet read bits of Champion Hill Street Blues (and I'm almost certainly one of the guilty ones here.) Though I'm pretty confident it wasn't my stuff which got it banned from Sportpages...

In the relegation season from the Isthmian Prem, the away following at champions Farnborough for a late season midweek game was probably in single figures if you deducted officials
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As Jack said in his booklet the other day, if you want to read some rubbish about Hamlet read bits of Champion Hill Street Blues
If you fancy reading that rubbish, donated several surviving copies of Champion Hill Street Blues along with its various bastard offspring to the archive at the Bishopsgate Institute. Curator Stef Dickers is always on the look out for football fanzines so if you’re looking for a home for these it’s the perfect place
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