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Johnny Depp Libel Case

They both come out of this looking awful. And I wouldn't be surprised if there were further allegations about one or both of them later on
There have already been allegations about AH, she’s been arrested for it before but the charges were dropped. I agree we’ll see more about one or both in the future though.

I think that more’s going to come out soon-ish though - she’s already signalled that she’s going to appeal.
It was properly toxic both ways, and the jurors heard her admitting that she physically abused him. I dislike that she thinks it’s ok to hit people.
And this is why I would be interested to see as neutral a run down as possible of everything that was shared, just description no opinion.

It is undoubtably as complex as it is horrible. I’ve found it impossible to get an idea of context from the bits I’ve read, and tbf it’s probably not even possible with a full trial transcript in front of you. Truths are often subjective in some way and two retellings of the same event can sound like two completely different events. Observers read their own truths into what’s reported which distorts things even further. Ultimately there will have been power dynamics at play which will influence how meaningful each specific action was, and none of us will ever really know about those.

But yeah, everything I’ve come across suggested there was mutual abuse even if the precise power dynamics have been harder to pinpoint. I’m still clueless as to how the sharing of mutual abuse has led to the “poor him, evil her” stance - apart from the enduring, background static of misogyny of course.
Yes, the internet has been a horrific shitshow.
It’s been awful, truly shameful, and if you prefer the evidence of Dr Curry AH has two concurrent personality disorders to contend with. Even if you prefer the evidence of Dr Hughes, AH has one disorder to deal with. The Internet has certainly brought out some of the very worst of behaviour, hasn’t it.
I’m still clueless as to how the sharing of mutual abuse has led to the “poor him, evil her” stance - apart from the enduring, background static of misogyny of course.

Ultimately, I think this came down to her being shown to have lied. She undermined her own credibility, which gave reason to regard everything she had said as suspect.
And this is why I would be interested to see as neutral a run down as possible of everything that was shared, just description no opinion.

It is undoubtably as complex as it is horrible. I’ve found it impossible to get an idea of context from the bits I’ve read, and tbf it’s probably not even possible with a full trial transcript in front of you. Truths are often subjective in some way and two retellings of the same event can sound like two completely different events. Observers read their own truths into what’s reported which distorts things even further. Ultimately there will have been power dynamics at play which will influence how meaningful each specific action was, and none of us will ever really know about those.

But yeah, everything I’ve come across suggested there was mutual abuse even if the precise power dynamics have been harder to pinpoint. I’m still clueless as to how the sharing of mutual abuse has led to the “poor him, evil her” stance - apart from the enduring, background static of misogyny of course.
The New Yorker article posted above talks about the many ways Heard was fucked over in this case. Disallowed evidence, where the case was heard, the jury.

I think the full transcript is the only chance you’d have of an opinion free account but if there is evidence the jury didn’t hear then that isn’t going to give you the full story either.
Might see if I can get around that paywall...
The Washington Post published the op ed in the first place so I don't really think I'm going to get a neutral view from the New Yorker. Not enough to pay for it anyway :D
The Washington Post published the op ed in the first place so I don't really think I'm going to get a neutral view from the New Yorker. Not enough to pay for it anyway :D

This had occurred to me too.

When I said "getting around paywall", this did not involve any attention of paying. ;)
Yes, that’s my understanding too. That he sued her for writing and re-publishing an op ed about physical and sexual abuse, that anyone reading it would draw the conclusion it was about him. Yes I believe that victims of DV should have a voice and men victims apparently under-report. But I think there are other ways of illustrating your point/asserting your rights when you are a celebrity and very rich. For example all of those lawyers fees would have been better of in DV charities and he could have become an activist for DV victims rights.
Would a DV charity have wanted to accept money from Depp under such circumstances though?
Could just imagine some misogynist going 'Oh but Women's Aid accepted money from wife-beater Johnny Depp so x statistic they put out has no value' or something
Would a DV charity have wanted to accept money under such circumstances though?
I don't know. Taking a principled stand on not taking money from one abused party in a 2-way toxic relationship? If I were a DV charity I'd accept and direct the funds where they were most needed as long as there weren't any conditions attached. But yes, maybe they wouldn't. There are men's refuges too, perhaps they'd be more likely to accept.
That's helpful thanks.

Don't they share the same website? I might be mistaken and if so I apologise.

Nope, no ties at all as far as I can tell, though it's a reasonable suspicion to have, with the state of US media ownership - the New Yorker is published by Conde Nast, its parent company, Advance Media, owns a couple of dozen regional papers but the Post's not one of them.
Nope, no ties at all as far as I can tell, though it's a reasonable suspicion to have, with the state of US media ownership - the New Yorker is published by Conde Nast, its parent company, Advance Media, owns a couple of dozen regional papers but the Post's not one of them.
Ah, ok thanks for the clarification. My Google search obviously failed me. Apologies.
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