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Johnny Depp Libel Case

I had a look for the audio tape of him coked and alcohol fuelled up but couldn't find it. It would have been scary for Heard being in the same room since it sounded like he could easily be violent: also a credibility thing.
I agree that the juror system is fallible but I'd still rather have it than not.
Someone more on it than me will be able to put me straight on this, but isn't the decision on jurors quite a big deal in terms of US litigation? More so than here?

Yes, it's called voir dire and is essentially the process of cross-examining potential jurors. It's supposed to select an impartial jury, but often seems to pan out as a phase of the trial where a good lawyer can dismiss jurors that might impact their case... So if you have something like a case of sexual assault (just because stats are widely discussed) you can exclude people who might have been victims of that. Which is 1 in 6 women in the US. And obviously the 'bias' there will affect far more. Also rather obvious privacy issues at play.

I don't really know enough about it, but I've never seen anything that convinces me it's a remotely good idea. I think juries in the US have always been tricky because states and regions etc can be heavily divided along political/racial lines. So voir dire could be seen as an attempt to get around that which, when viewed through more modern sociology etc, has probably created its own problems.
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I have to wonder if it negates to some extent the judge vs jury question with this case. Surely a judge would have to, purely on procedural grounds, treat her as an unreliable witness as well.
Yes, judges have to take witnesses' credibility into account, any the fact that she lied in the English court under oath wouldn't do her any favours in that regard.
This is the problem with Depp fanboys, they conflate Depp's legal team's curated selection of witnesses and viral marketing campaigns with reality. Notice, nobody is claiming Amber Heard is all sweetness and light, the myopic sycophancy is all team Depp.
I agree, but I've seen some people on fb/twitter coming close to it, saying that if you found depp more believable in this trial you're a misogynist? Which I'm not convinced you can make that sort of conclusion based on someone's view of a celebrity trial tbh
Yes I saw someone complain that taking Depp's side on some threads gets you called an incel. I'd imagine taking Heard's side on other threads would get you called worse with more people piling in though.
I'm neutral on the whole thing btw, my only observation from the little attention I paid is that they both seem highly dysfunctional and probably both carry some 'fault'. I've witnessed those sort of relationships close-up IRL.

Yep, Depp has testified that he came from a very troubled home - he's also been a multimillionaire marinating in celebrity culture for several decades, I think someone like that might have difficulties forming healthy relationships with women his own age, let alone somebody 22 years younger.
If AH can’t pay the £8.5m, can she still appeal? Or does she have to pay the fine in full before she can begin the process of appealing?
If AH can’t pay the £8.5m, can she still appeal? Or does she have to pay the fine in full before she can begin the process of appealing?

No, being unable to pay something won't affect rights to appeal.

I've got myself confused over the actual process of payment, i.e whether an award of damages is immediately 'payable' (in reality it would probably be a negotiated set of payments over a period of time, depending on ability to pay) or whether it waits until after appeals process*... But certainly being unable to pay wouldn't affect your right to appeal; rights to appeal are integral to rule of law type stuff.

*I think it's probably placed on hold until appeals process is complete, or you'd get weird payment-repayment shenanigans going on.
No, being unable to pay something won't affect rights to appeal.

I've got myself confused over the actual process of payment, i.e whether an award of damages is immediately 'payable' (in reality it would probably be a negotiated set of payments over a period of time, depending on ability to pay) or whether it waits until after appeals process*... But certainly being unable to pay wouldn't affect your right to appeal; rights to appeal are integral to rule of law type stuff.

*I think it's probably placed on hold until appeals process is complete, or you'd get weird payment-repayment shenanigans going on.
In some courts in the UK, awards start to accrue interest if they're not paid within a given amount of time. The appeal process doesn't stop the clock on that. That's just in the UK though and I'm not sure if it applies across all jurisdictions. I'm definitely not sure about the US generally or within any particular states.
If anyone has done women a disservice and made it harder for them to be believed its Amber Bleedin Heard.

Falsely accused a man, co opted the metoo etc movements and rode on the coat tails of victims of DV for her own ends, lost the court case cos its so spurious.
She's the disgrace imho
If anyone has done women a disservice and made it harder for them to be believed its Amber Bleedin Heard.

Falsely accused a man, co opted the metoo etc movements and rode on the coat tails of victims of DV for her own ends, lost the court case cos its so spurious.
She's the disgrace imho
You could say that about a lot of DV victims tbh. It doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen.
You could say that about a lot of DV victims tbh. It doesn't mean the abuse didn't happen.
But in this instance I'm certain it didn't.

But in the vast vast VAST majority of cases it did.

Even Margaret Atwood said we must be wary of just flatly going for the "believe women" and there always must be a process.
Predictably twitter went doolally and called her a bad feminist
If anyone has done women a disservice and made it harder for them to be believed its Amber Bleedin Heard.

Falsely accused a man, co opted the metoo etc movements and rode on the coat tails of victims of DV for her own ends, lost the court case cos its so spurious.
She's the disgrace imho
Fuck me, I didn't miss much by not reading this thread, did I? Is there more of this incel shite?
Was it just the charity divorce payment or was there other stuff too? I agree that looks dodgy.
It was the charity donation, yes, but also the reason she gave for one of the times she struck him (allegedly to protect her sister) was that she thought of Kate Moss and the stairs. Suggesting that he’d pushed Kate Moss down the stairs. So Kate Moss gave evidence that he never had.

She also admitted it, there’s a recording of her saying that she was only hitting him, not punching him. Other recordings include her admitting starting physical fights with him. And there’s one of her taunting him when he complains of her hitting him, by daring him to tell that to a judge and jury because no one will believe him.
It's probably already been posted above but I cant be arsed reading. The Mail has an 'exclusive' with a juror who said the kicker was the fact she lied about giving her previous winnings in the UK to charity. That didn't play well. Understandably.

I did look for that recording of him on coke and alcohol sounding really violent but can't find it. Not sure whether I've exaggerated it in my own mind but I found it a bit of a shock.

Heard isn't the only one that doesn't come out of this well for me, though.
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