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Johnny Depp Libel Case

It was the article in this post that changed how I viewed it, brought home what Depp has been doing irrespective of how Heard has behaved. Also not sure about the accuracy of it but it only really has to be half right.

Thread by @brosandprose on Thread Reader App idk about the accuracy of this but this doesn't sound good

I've known a man who'd totally do all this to his ex.
I've been watching friend's reactions on social media. My personal observation is that which side someone believes, says more about them and their relationship with the opposite sex, than it does the trial. The whole thing probably says something deeply unpleasant about us all, but then again, I'm an unrepentant misanthrope.
You definitely have something here. It’s a mirror, an ugly mirror rather than a vanity.
I've known a man who'd totally do all this to his ex.
Prejudicial. You'd be excluded from the jury.

Just because person A behaves in a manner does not mean all persons act in a manner.

Women have been excused killing men because they've been abused.
Yet there is no excuse for a man hitting a woman, not even chronic long term abuse.


I don't know if he hit her or not to be honest. Ain't been following it that closely.
At the risk of sounding like the "All lives matter" guy at a "Black lives matter" rally I hope gender is not how this matter is judged but on evidence.
Prejudicial. You'd be excluded from the jury.

Just because person A behaves in a manner does not mean all persons act in a manner.

Women have been excused killing men because they've been abused.
Yet there is no excuse for a man hitting a woman, not even chronic long term abuse.


I don't know if he hit her or not to be honest. Ain't been following it that closely.
At the risk of sounding like the "All lives matter" guy at a "Black lives matter" rally I hope gender is not how this matter is judged but on evidence.
Absolutely fuck the fuck off you creepy cunt.
I do wonder if the verdict is almost an irrelevance now?
Due to the publicity its received and the sheer amount of support Depp has it seems, the film companies will offer him tentpole films as they know that he has millions of fans and his popularity has only grown as a result of this court case.

I don't know what Amber will do next, career wise.

And its not a case of forgiving an abuser or looking the other way, the vast majority don't believe he did what he was accused of
Have to say that gender bias does make a difference in these sorts of cases. Men are less likely to come forward if they have been abused in a relationship because of the shame and less likely to be believed they were to tell his story.

Once worked in a law firm where a client had been accused of abusing his girlfriend. I was appalled when I read her statement. I thought what a disgusting man. He wasn't allowed to see his kids because of this. He then told his side of the story where his girlfriend was constantly hitting him. She smashed his fish tank and put a hammer to his car! We applied for an order for him to have contact with his children and fortunately he was successful. You really do need to hear all sides of the story before making judgement about someone.
It's all been really grubby. The media hangers-on and YouTube ghouls will have to find something else to get outraged about I suppose.

Mental health, substance use and domestic violence. Keep looking. Look some more. Yay, this is fun.

Glad the shit-show is over.
Bizarre to think that in England where it’s pretty easy to win a defamation claim, it’s not at all defamatory to call Jonny Depp a ‘wife beater’. But in the US, where it’s much harder to win a defamation claim, it is defamatory to indirectly accuse him of domestic violence. It’s almost like something other than the facts determined the outcome
Be interesting to see where they both go from here. Depp has already said Disney can poke the pirates up their arris
Be interesting to see where they both go from here.

When one of the options is your own private island in the Bahamas forgive me for not finding it interesting.

There's real agony in the world, often played out in deep poverty, sometimes played out in war, and we're supposed to give a fuck about $15 million court settlements?

Pass the sick bag.
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