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Johnny Depp Libel Case

Van. Van, not can

Actually, iirc i fulfilled classic lesbian stereotypes on the second date - my mistake. A really really big mistake :D
Look, marriage is an outdated institution IMO. Anyway, been there done that & wouldn't want to go back. We could get engaged tho 💋
The good thing about marriage though is legal stability in unequal income divorces etc for the poorer party/also benefits following a partners death.
It does make it very expensive to legally part though, which is a huge disadvantag obviously.

Im quite fond of the idea of handfasting though.

Superglue or string?
I say get engaged, but I wouldn't want to live with ya. I need my own space see, I like to do what I want when I want. I spent too many years accommodating loons. Let's just have a long distance engagement.

Deffo a long ball of invisible string.

Or we could do 'handfasting' as long as it's at a distance tho.
HELL YES I refuse to live with a partner ever again. They take up my cat's bed space :mad:
I'd listen to it, but it's too late & I might wake my son up! I'll save it for a rainy day.

Bliddy Hell, did you hear that! There's a man on the premises 😱

I mean I could plug my earphones in, but it's too late :D
Oh. Oh no! Are you safe? ;)

I'm in a women only by my rules single woman flat :)
But definitely save Taylor for rainy day. She was my surprise birthday present this year - her album dropped the day I hit 41 and my support bubble didn't even text me :(

She is the best U-turn I've ever made. I assumed she was bubblegum! She's actually velvet wrapped in an iron lyric.
Or the other way round. Or both :)

Sleep well! I'm off to dream of kittens and romance and training to be a Smith one day :)


Ps well done on raising a good lad. I'm working on assumptions obvs, but I trust that you have!
I've raised a fookin' brilliant lad. The best there is IMO. He wouldn't dream of being a misogynist twat like some of the responders on this thread. He respects women, because I've taught him about the world & the people that live in it. Treating people with respect has always been a priority.

It was hard work, bringing up a lad, but definitely worth the effort. And anyway, if he ever did a switch & tried anything with me, I'd knock him spark out. Figuratively not literally, because I can't condone violence!

Don't forget lads - you've probably all got mummies, and if you haven't, my condolences.

I had also assumed Taylor Swift was bubblegum, but after reading your description, I'll get right on to her!

Nighty, night.
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Well, you'll never believe it. I just got buzzed by my 'horror scope' it says:

Having complete harmony in your life isn't always possible, which is actually a good thing because harmony isn't always helpful. Sometimes you need some friction to help real solutions come about and enable real learning to take place. Don't shy away from conflict all the time. Your controversial stance on a certain issue might not make you the most popular person in the room, but you're right & they're wrong! Take the opportunity to try to educate them.

Bliddy Hell, you couldn't make this shit up!
Thought I'd do another sneak attack while most of you aren't here. Tee Hee :hmm:

I'll respond one by one again, as it makes it easer for me to keep up with where the abuse & bile is coming from. So, here we go!

Just remind me. Are we on a thread about The JD libel case? What should we talk about, NOT the case, that's for sure. Oh that's right, we MUSN'T talk about the case, because most of the responders on this thread know eff all about it. And would rather parrot the tabloids, the Scum in particular. As football fanatics, I'm surprised you take the Scum's side. It appears you'd rather do that than discuss this case in a reasonable manner. Or maybe most of you are too young & aren't able to be properly reasonable yet, 'cause you're still in that heavily competitive angsty teenage phase. All I can say is, I can't wait 'till you grow up. If you'd really rather continue acting like Clownish Buffoons, go for it. It won't make you happy tho because it's too negative & negativity will poison you if it hasn't already. I know this is a fookin' mad football group as well, but we are not on the terraces - at present - so try if you can to be civilised. And if you really can't be civilised, then fuck off, and stop wasting my time. I'd far rather discuss this with people who are interested in this case & it's wider ramifications. But so far, they are few & far between. Cowed at the beginning of this thread by nasty, abusive bullying.

1. Clownish Buffoon, you told me you were obsessed with me, I can see it. I've given you the solution, but you're obvs an addict & maybe need to go through some sort of therapy. Projection much? You self-regarding little prat.

2. Yikes is right Muscovy duck.

3. Two Sheds. I've told them more than once, if you insult me, I'll insult you back x 10.

4. Tufty, I'm not sure where you're coming from. but FYI I don't identify as a 'laydee' never have. I am a woman, with a gob on her. You wouldn't say that about a 'laydee' would you? That's the whole point isn't it. When we call someone a 'laydee' we immediately take away her agency. Because 'laydees' are demure & quiet & never raise their voices & certainly don't answer back. And they sit with their knees together. No 'manspreading' for the 'laydees'. I think you might be a woman too. But you're spending too much time 'manwhispering' & placating the lads/mob.

5. Gromit, Killer b started his insulting line with that idea. Suggesting there's something wrong with me for coming on an 'obscure' forum on a Sunday night. I had to let him know that he's the one with the problem, judging by his post count. And obviously doesn't have a life outside this coterie of loons. Anyway, the long & short of it is, I've been on these forums for nearly 20 years & it never changes does it. Still a pack of laughing hyenas who are just waiting to pounce. Glad you found it amusing tho Gromit. I like a good laff myself. :snarl:

All you little girls & boys, just remember where you are. This is a thread about JD & the libel case & issues surrounding that. If you don't want to discuss anything about it. Go somewhere else to play. Your pissy little jibes & insults aren't needed here.


Feel better now?
Actually, you COULD make it up, but it wouldn't be as fun as spotting it occuring naturally in the wild

Meet my stand in wife/bodyguard

I'm so glad I found you, you seem a lot less cold hearted than


haggi mambling xxxx
Don't shy away from conflict all the time. Your controversial stance on a certain issue might not make you the most popular person in the room, but you're right & they're wrong! Take the opportunity to try to educate them.

Bliddy Hell, you couldn't make this shit up!

Oh, am sure you could

Oops wrong thread :facepalm:. Oh well may as well go with it and make it a lucky three
Ann Tigonie

This one's about you and your boy :) xx

Come play with us on the what are you listening to thread - we'll dance to anything on there, no arguments :)
I suppose Depp doesn't have much of a choice, if he doesn't clear his name he won't work again. But if he loses in the US the damages and costs are likely to bankrupt him.

They are both accomplished actors, could you tell which was telling the truth?
Heard's legal team are a complete bunch of cowboys who often draw laughter in court at their incompetence.
I almost feel sorry for her
Heard's legal team are a complete bunch of cowboys who often draw laughter in court at their incompetence.
I almost feel sorry for her

I don't!!!
She is a lying little bitch who give women a bad name.

I hope they put her in prison, but that is not really an option.
I don't!!!
She is a lying little bitch who give women a bad name.

I hope they put her in prison, but that is not really an option.
You see, I always maintained that Johnny is innocent, and was the victim of the domestic violence on this here thread.
The majority on here sided with heard, based on gender alone and didn't bother to look at the evidence.
It all got a bit nasty, bizarre so I ducked out.
I wonder if any of those who sent Depp to the gallows have had another think?
You see, I always maintained that Johnny is innocent, and was the victim of the domestic violence on this here thread.
The majority on here sided with heard, based on gender alone and didn't bother to look at the evidence.
It all got a bit nasty, bizarre so I ducked out.
I wonder if any of those who sent Depp to the gallows have had another think?

She said that if she accused him of violence, the world would believe her.
And they did......woman should always be believed.

But this time, they were wrong.
Imo, it takes courage for a man to say a woman beat him.

I have no problem believing him, my grandfather was beaten regularly by his wife.
I was so happy he left her!!!
I suppose Depp doesn't have much of a choice, if he doesn't clear his name he won't work again. But if he loses in the US the damages and costs are likely to bankrupt him.

They are both accomplished actors, could you tell which was telling the truth?

And the lying little bitch suffers nothing wrt her career.

Did I mention that I don't support that poor excuse for a woman?
She said that if she accused him of violence, the world would believe her.
And they did......woman should always be believed.

But this time, they were wrong.
Imo, it takes courage for a man to say a woman beat him.

I have no problem believing him, my grandfather was beaten regularly by his wife.
I was so happy he left her!!!
They played a tape or her admitting to hitting him and calling him a baby for making a fuss about it.

And another recording of her saying "tell the world that you, a man, are a victim of domestic violence and see who believes you".

Nasty piece of work
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