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Johnny Depp Libel Case

I'm only here for the geese now, sorry/all about goose by Taylor Swift is now playing on repeat

Have many funs!
Don't chase me. I'm not wild, and I'm too unfit for fulfilling tired stereotypes these days.

It is induced by delighful situations such as stress, panic, and laughing really really hard. And a super secret bonus trigger that it's best for everyone concerned to never press again.
Thanks for your input krtek

I'm glad you have something positive to say & don't feel the need to stir the pot.

To those boys & girls whom I may have offended, because I fight back - when I can be arsed -and can be as dirty as you, give yourselves a talking to & sort out your own dirty laundry.

Playground bullies don't intimidate me. I can stand up for myself.

Feel free to pile on though, if that's how you get your kicks, you know who you are.

Thanks for trying to distract though Jay 💋
I'll say it again - at the risk of repeating myself - because some of you can't allow yourselves or won't allow yourselves to hear me, if you you don't want to discuss what this thread is about, why don't you just eff off to another more interesting thread, where you can throw your mortar bombs and people might applaud you for your audacity & daring.

Edited for effect: And you won't silence me either

Edited for emphasis: Lordy, I just lost my train of thought there. Whatever I was going to say was a doozy & you'll just have to take me at my word! If you're able to do that.
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So shall I assume from the deafening silence, that maybe some of you did read JD's deposition/his side of this horrible shit-show?
Most people don't give a fuck any more, and that's not because people don't care about domestic violence. They just don't care much about this particular Hollywood shitshow and the obsessive fans going on and on it.
You could remark on people's indifference to a ton of threads here and how only obsessive fans keep them going eg all the Dulwich hamlet threads. But i hope that's not among the criteria used for locking threads as I suspect is about to happen here
You could remark on people's indifference to a ton of threads here and how only obsessive fans keep them going eg all the Dulwich hamlet threads.
You're comparing a single thread primarily driven by one poster obsessing about a specific celebrity case with one of the site's busiest forums, which enjoys a wide rage of contributions from multiple posters across multiple threads?

Some could remark on what a piss poor argument you've just conjured up there! :D
You're comparing a single thread primarily driven by one poster obsessing about a specific celebrity case with one of the site's busiest forums, which enjoys a wide rage of contributions from multiple posters across multiple threads?

Some could remark on what a piss poor argument you've just conjured up there! :D
To compare is not to say the comparators are of equal value. So some might say my argument rather better than the puddle of pee you've posted
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I knew if I waited long enough the bully boys & girls would creep out - Thank you for your contributions.

1st off: Clownish Buffoon, obsession can be a dreadful state of mind to be in I agree with you there. However, you need to get over me. Take some deep breaths & go for a walk or something. When thoughts of me pop into your head. JUST SAY NO! and try to move on & walk away. Or go and throw your little jibes in another forum. They wash right over me. However, I will not be SILENCED by you or anyone else. So put that in your pipe & shove it where the sun don't shine.

2. Elizabeth of York, this thread has been v.weird from the get go. They might as well have all been shouting 'I can't hear you, I don't want to hear you, I won't let myself hear you'. Because I've already decided this, this & this about you poster. And as my mind is locked tight, it's going to take a jemmy & dynamite to get in there! And I'm certainly not going to let you - me - explode anything in my head, because I've got too many pre-conceived ideas about you already. Talk about can't see the wood for the trees. Anyway, there's a lot of 'em about, so knock yourselves out.

3. Bimble, I don't know what you've got going on in your fevered little brain, but you are way off base. Jumping on the bandwagon with the lads, yeah! Pile on! Yeah! Hope you feel better after your outburst. See no.1 above if you don't.

4. Numbers, glad if I've beaten some kind of record. Have you ever beaten any records? It takes some doing, but with practice - 10,000 hours - if you keep it up, you'll get there.

5. Editor: You might be less partisan in your approach, but I understand your minions are watching & taking their cue from you. Anyway, you would show up better for it & look slightly less nasty than you do, to me at any rate. I have never had a reasonable response to anything I've ever posted on here, that you deign to respond to. I'm beginning to think you might have a touch of misogyny about you. I guess we're all entitled to our snarky opinions tho. As I have repeated continuously, this shit show isn't just about a couple of celebs, you stoopid knobheads! it is about far wider issues regarding domestic violence & abuse. If you can't get beyond the narrow little tunnel you're in, well there's not much hope for the rest of them. Have you read anything I said? Or are you so comfortable in your lofty tower dispensing your own sack of shit on the rest of us, me in particular. Why should you come down. I understand, it must be lovely up there.

5. I was just going to lay into you Pickmans Model & then read your post again. Quite!

I'll leave you to stew in your own juices for now - Eww

Maybe I'll come back in a few days to see how the pile on is going - as long as Editor doesn't have a hissy fit & ban me. Ta ta
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Thought I'd do another sneak attack while most of you aren't here. Tee Hee :hmm:

I'll respond one by one again, as it makes it easer for me to keep up with where the abuse & bile is coming from. So, here we go!

Just remind me. Are we on a thread about The JD libel case? What should we talk about, NOT the case, that's for sure. Oh that's right, we MUSN'T talk about the case, because most of the responders on this thread know eff all about it. And would rather parrot the tabloids, the Scum in particular. As football fanatics, I'm surprised you take the Scum's side. It appears you'd rather do that than discuss this case in a reasonable manner. Or maybe most of you are too young & aren't able to be properly reasonable yet, 'cause you're still in that heavily competitive angsty teenage phase. All I can say is, I can't wait 'till you grow up. If you'd really rather continue acting like Clownish Buffoons, go for it. It won't make you happy tho because it's too negative & negativity will poison you if it hasn't already. I know this is a fookin' mad football group as well, but we are not on the terraces - at present - so try if you can to be civilised. And if you really can't be civilised, then fuck off, and stop wasting my time. I'd far rather discuss this with people who are interested in this case & it's wider ramifications. But so far, they are few & far between. Cowed at the beginning of this thread by nasty, abusive bullying.

1. Clownish Buffoon, you told me you were obsessed with me, I can see it. I've given you the solution, but you're obvs an addict & maybe need to go through some sort of therapy. Projection much? You self-regarding little prat.

2. Yikes is right Muscovy duck.

3. Two Sheds. I've told them more than once, if you insult me, I'll insult you back x 10.

4. Tufty, I'm not sure where you're coming from. but FYI I don't identify as a 'laydee' never have. I am a woman, with a gob on her. You wouldn't say that about a 'laydee' would you? That's the whole point isn't it. When we call someone a 'laydee' we immediately take away her agency. Because 'laydees' are demure & quiet & never raise their voices & certainly don't answer back. And they sit with their knees together. No 'manspreading' for the 'laydees'. I think you might be a woman too. But you're spending too much time 'manwhispering' & placating the lads/mob.

5. Gromit, Killer b started his insulting line with that idea. Suggesting there's something wrong with me for coming on an 'obscure' forum on a Sunday night. I had to let him know that he's the one with the problem, judging by his post count. And obviously doesn't have a life outside this coterie of loons. Anyway, the long & short of it is, I've been on these forums for nearly 20 years & it never changes does it. Still a pack of laughing hyenas who are just waiting to pounce. Glad you found it amusing tho Gromit. I like a good laff myself. :snarl:

All you little girls & boys, just remember where you are. This is a thread about JD & the libel case & issues surrounding that. If you don't want to discuss anything about it. Go somewhere else to play. Your pissy little jibes & insults aren't needed here.
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