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Johnny Depp Libel Case

They played a tape or her admitting to hitting him and calling him a baby for making a fuss about it.

And another recording of her saying "tell the world that you, a man, are a victim of domestic violence and see who believes you".

Nasty piece of work

Pissing and shitting on his pillow = give me a break!!!!

But, oh, she has mental issues.....

Diddums, many people do.
But we don't pee on s/o pillow and joke about it on social media.
I don't!!!
She is a lying little bitch who give women a bad name.

I hope they put her in prison, but that is not really an option.
You know about this, right?

'Johnny Depp has lost his libel case against the Sun newspaper over an article that called him a "wife beater".

Mr Depp, 57, sued the paper after it claimed he assaulted his ex-wife Amber Heard, which he denies.

The Sun said the article was accurate.

Judge Mr Justice Nicol said the Sun had proved what was in the article to be "substantially true".

He found 12 of the 14 alleged incidents of domestic violence had occurred.'

And the lying little bitch suffers nothing wrt her career.

Did I mention that I don't support that poor excuse for a woman?

That's very OTT. And a fucking awful post. I assume you were a bit fucked up when you posted it.

I've not been through the courts for domestic violence or rape or anything, but I have been through family court for custody of our son for years now and yes, it's very heavily biased against men. We basically have no voice. The mother will always win and be completely believed with absolutely no evidence. But AFAIK in domestic violence cases and rape it's very very hard to get a conviction, and that's something that's got to change.
Honestly I think Depp should not have continued this whole thing.

They are both as bad as each other. She..slapping him.
Him being so drunk and drugged up that he cant recall stuff but denying he hit her when there was photos/ video of him hitting her or throwing bottles at her.

They just should admit to both of them being fucked up...and MOVE THE FUCK ON.

Sue ppsted earlier about him losing his libel case. That should have given Depp a clue as to how his actions were viewed.
He cant come out and claim he was innocent in the relationship and never touched a hair on her head. And lets all just remember who's bringing who to court now.

Depp slid into a fucking big black hole full of drugs and alcohol. And now he thinks he can claim he never hit her...when he can barely recall anything much from that time...is close to stupidity.

He only wants to nail it on her at this stage. Blame her for the fact he did throw that bottle and did land a punch.

And just to be clear...I dont like EITHER of them.
Johnny was nice when he was young. I wouldnt want tp be within an asses roar of him when he's on drugs / alcohol.
Amber is a messed up person who was abused as a child and has issues.

My yardstick measure is this.
Would I want to spend a week on holidays with this person?
I wouldnt want to go on holidays with either of them.

As for the current court case?
Couldnt give a fuck about either of them. They're both going to come out badly...no matter who wins.
Heard's legal team are a complete bunch of cowboys who often draw laughter in court at their incompetence.
I almost feel sorry for her
I've been following it a bit on you tube, and they most certainly don't come across well at all. Mistakes a plenty and obvious attempts to twist defendants answers. I thought maybe this sort of thing happens all the time, but I've not seen it they are also all pretty rude and quite unlikeable. It doesn't seem like a very a very good tactic. I don't mean just rude to Depp, but rude to all the witnesses regardless. . . Though to be fair I haven't heard anyone speak strongly to back Heard's side yet. Maybe that comes later?
Quite a lot of the you tube footage I have watched isn't presented very impartially though, nobody seems interested in posting highlights that don't show Heard's team up.
There have been a couple of times that Depp doesn't exactly come off so great. . . I'm not sure it's worthy of a trial of this magnitude though.
Heard's legal team are a complete bunch of cowboys who often draw laughter in court at their incompetence.
I almost feel sorry for her
I've been following it a bit on you tube, and they most certainly don't come across well at all. Mistakes a plenty and obvious attempts to twist defendants answers. I thought maybe this sort of thing happens all the time, but I've not seen it they are also all pretty rude and quite unlikeable. It doesn't seem like a very a very good tactic. I don't mean just rude to Depp, but rude to all the witnesses regardless. . . Though to be fair I haven't heard anyone speak strongly to back Heard's side yet. Maybe that comes later?
Quite a lot of the you tube footage I have watched isn't presented very impartially though, nobody seems interested in posting highlights that don't show Heard's team up.
There have been a couple of times that Depp doesn't exactly come off so great. . . I'm not sure it's worthy of a trial of this magnitude though.
Honestly I think Depp should not have continued this whole thing.

They are both as bad as each other. She..slapping him.
Him being so drunk and drugged up that he cant recall stuff but denying he hit her when there was photos/ video of him hitting her or throwing bottles at her.

They just should admit to both of them being fucked up...and MOVE THE FUCK ON.

Sue ppsted earlier about him losing his libel case. That should have given Depp a clue as to how his actions were viewed.
He cant come out and claim he was innocent in the relationship and never touched a hair on her head. And lets all just remember who's bringing who to court now.

Depp slid into a fucking big black hole full of drugs and alcohol. And now he thinks he can claim he never hit her...when he can barely recall anything much from that time...is close to stupidity.

He only wants to nail it on her at this stage. Blame her for the fact he did throw that bottle and did land a punch.

And just to be clear...I dont like EITHER of them.
Johnny was nice when he was young. I wouldnt want tp be within an asses roar of him when he's on drugs / alcohol.
Amber is a messed up person who was abused as a child and has issues.

My yardstick measure is this.
Would I want to spend a week on holidays with this person?
I wouldnt want to go on holidays with either of them.

As for the current court case?
Couldnt give a fuck about either of them. They're both going to come out badly...no matter who wins.

He must feel extremely strongly that he is the victim here in order to risk his entire fortune. But unfortunately didn't film any of her alleged antics (although the severed finger aint good). I dont like either of them either. His 'perfomances' in court are painful, whats with that fucking accent, he sounds like he's trying to perform at the Gielgud.
I've been following it a bit on you tube, and they most certainly don't come across well at all. Mistakes a plenty and obvious attempts to twist defendants answers. I thought maybe this sort of thing happens all the time, but I've not seen it they are also all pretty rude and quite unlikeable. It doesn't seem like a very a very good tactic. I don't mean just rude to Depp, but rude to all the witnesses regardless. . . Though to be fair I haven't heard anyone speak strongly to back Heard's side yet. Maybe that comes later?
Quite a lot of the you tube footage I have watched isn't presented very impartially though, nobody seems interested in posting highlights that don't show Heard's team up.
There have been a couple of times that Depp doesn't exactly come off so great. . . I'm not sure it's worthy of a trial of this magnitude though.

It's ALL attention.

Depp has lost his grip on reality...if he ever had any grip..at least since he was 30.

Heard... Just is annoying abd whiney.

I hate that I am even paying attention to this absolute shoite...when the world is full of very real agony .
Honestly I think Depp should not have continued this whole thing.

They are both as bad as each other. She..slapping him.
Him being so drunk and drugged up that he cant recall stuff but denying he hit her when there was photos/ video of him hitting her or throwing bottles at her.

They just should admit to both of them being fucked up...and MOVE THE FUCK ON.

Sue ppsted earlier about him losing his libel case. That should have given Depp a clue as to how his actions were viewed.
He cant come out and claim he was innocent in the relationship and never touched a hair on her head. And lets all just remember who's bringing who to court now.

Depp slid into a fucking big black hole full of drugs and alcohol. And now he thinks he can claim he never hit her...when he can barely recall anything much from that time...is close to stupidity.

He only wants to nail it on her at this stage. Blame her for the fact he did throw that bottle and did land a punch.

And just to be clear...I dont like EITHER of them.
Johnny was nice when he was young. I wouldnt want tp be within an asses roar of him when he's on drugs / alcohol.
Amber is a messed up person who was abused as a child and has issues.

My yardstick measure is this.
Would I want to spend a week on holidays with this person?
I wouldnt want to go on holidays with either of them.

As for the current court case?
Couldnt give a fuck about either of them. They're both going to come out badly...no matter who wins.
Just to pick you up on one point, there is no footage or any evidence he hit her apart from her claims.

It has all been devastating for both of their careers - he was dropped from the pirates and Harry Potter films. He hasn't really done much since all this kicked off.

And her part in Aquaman 2 is rumoured to have been cut to under 10 minutes such is her unpopularity with the public.

The court case isn't about the $50m but being vindicated after the London case.
I have a feeling film companies will be biting his hand off if he wins.

On the socials, twitter and Instagram, support is overwhelmingly for JD. He has loads of support.
Just to pick you up on one point, there is no footage or any evidence he hit her apart from her claims.

It has all been devastating for both of their careers - he was dropped from the pirates and Harry Potter films. He hasn't really done much since all this kicked off.

And her part in Aquaman 2 is rumoured to have been cut to under 10 minutes such is her unpopularity with the public.

The court case isn't about the $50m but being vindicated after the London case.
I have a feeling film companies will be biting his hand off if he wins.

On the socials, twitter and Instagram, support is overwhelmingly for JD. He has loads of support.
This is true. I would think that film companies have been asking him for this case from behind the scenes. If he is cleared it's a green light. Amber is unlikely to come off so well either way.

The socials and the overwhelming support for Depp certainly make it hard for the casual viewer (such as myself) to get a clear unbiased opinion of what is actually going on. As much as I am seeing a horrifically inept and rude legal team on Heard's side, I'm also seeing lots of instances of "Watch Heard's team get utterly destroyed" videos, where Heard's team don't really get destroyed at all and make a few valid points.
This is true. I would think that film companies have been asking him for this case from behind the scenes. If he is cleared it's a green light. Amber is unlikely to come off so well either way.

The socials and the overwhelming support for Depp certainly make it hard for the casual viewer (such as myself) to get a clear unbiased opinion of what is actually going on. As much as I am seeing a horrifically inept and rude legal team on Heard's side, I'm also seeing lots of instances of "Watch Heard's team get utterly destroyed" videos, where Heard's team don't really get destroyed at all and make a few valid points.
I think Heard takes the stand this week so we can hear her side.
Its all been Depp so far so things are bound to skew in his favour.

Being completely beautiful looks wise is no ticket to a happy life eh, for both of them.
Just to pick you up on one point, there is no footage or any evidence he hit her apart from her claims.

It has all been devastating for both of their careers - he was dropped from the pirates and Harry Potter films. He hasn't really done much since all this kicked off.

And her part in Aquaman 2 is rumoured to have been cut to under 10 minutes such is her unpopularity with the public.

The court case isn't about the $50m but being vindicated after the London case.
I have a feeling film companies will be biting his hand off if he wins.

On the socials, twitter and Instagram, support is overwhelmingly for JD. He has loads of support.

Depp actually admitted head butting her....
And I am sure I saw pics of her bruised face.

I believe he now has pics of her hitting him.

They were both violent in a toxic violent relationship. Depp doesnt come out of this looking any better but does come out of it looking like he absolutely lost the plot of his life.

Heard doesnt come out of it looking good either. Her mental health has been splashed all over the media...hystrionic personality disorder etc etc.

...I actually am sick of both these fuckwits.Tie them together and BLAST them off with Elon Musk to the moon.
Depp doesnt come out of this looking any better but does come out of it looking like he absolutely lost the plot of his life.
This was my takeaway.
Though not much more or any less than some less rich people.

He looks (in court) like he has come through the other side, but obviously that's hard to tell.
The headbutt is contentious though.
She claims it was a straight headbutt, he claims she was attacking him with the fury of a whirling dervish and he grabbed her to pin her arms at her side to stop the hitting and their foreheads connected by accident.

It all comes to who the jury believes.

He shoulda stuck to Wynona, that much is clear
This was my takeaway.
Though not much more or any less than some less rich people.

He looks (in court) like he has come through the other side, but obviously that's hard to tell.

Yes.. well looks can be deceiving. And he is a good actor. Note all his tattoos covered up and the very toffy handkerchief edge in his top pocket. It's like he's trying to look like someone else. (I have nothing against tatts in case anyone thinks I do)

When I see the video of him slamming kitchen presses and kicking stuff I never would have thought he COULD be like that.

But hey... these are all actors. Their job is to be someone else.
Do we ever get to know any actor? Really?

And that goes for Heard too.


Blast em into space. Two very needy attention seeking twats.
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Isn't his whole case based on the theory that she spent years building up a fake bank of evidence against him and recruiting her friends to lie?
Good luck JD, he clearly got stuck with a psycho and has every right to have his day in court.

He already had his day in court two years ago in the UK. The judge ruled that describing him as a 'wife beater' was not libellous based on 12 instances of domestic violence being proved to the civil standard. Winning a defamation case in the US is much harder than the UK.
I notice that in the summing up Heard's lawyer rather than insisting depp had physically assaulted her, went for the tact that slamming kitchen cupboard doors in front of someone is abusing them
She also said you had to believe that all of Heard's accusations were true or none of them were. That seems strange to me - if she was wrong about even half of them then the other half would seem to demonstrate abuse.

I did also hear some of the early tape when he was (as I recall) coked up and drunk. He sounded really out of control and I don't believe he'd remember anything he did.
He already had his day in court two years ago in the UK. The judge ruled that describing him as a 'wife beater' was not libellous based on 12 instances of domestic violence being proved to the civil standard. Winning a defamation case in the US is much harder than the UK.

Yeah, British justice is impeachable and gets to the TRUTH.
On more mundane matters, if the jury don't decide today, do they get to spend the whole weekend locked up in some hotel somewhere? It's bad enough watching the 'verdict watch' coverage on Law and Crime TV.. :facepalm:
On more mundane matters, if the jury don't decide today, do they get to spend the whole weekend locked up in some hotel somewhere? It's bad enough watching the 'verdict watch' coverage on Law and Crime TV.. :facepalm:
Judge has just dismissed the jury for the weekend. Back on Tuesday morn.
She also said you had to believe that all of Heard's accusations were true or none of them were. That seems strange to me - if she was wrong about even half of them then the other half would seem to demonstrate abuse.

I did also hear some of the early tape when he was (as I recall) coked up and drunk. He sounded really out of control and I don't believe he'd remember anything he did.
Coked up and drunk is how I'd deal being in a relationship with Amber Heard.
I've been watching friend's reactions on social media. My personal observation is that which side someone believes, says more about them and their relationship with the opposite sex, than it does the trial. The whole thing probably says something deeply unpleasant about us all, but then again, I'm an unrepentant misanthrope.
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