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Johnny Depp Libel Case

Bimble, you obvs don't know what that phrase means, or you wouldn't be asking what it's got to do with the price of beef. Just stop, think for one minute what you are saying, and hopefully you'll understand what it means.

I don’t know what you are on about what phrase but tbh I’ve got other worries right now than trying to guess what is going on in your brain.
I've only felt the need to add the not all... disclaimer when blokes have insisted on pointing out that THEY'RE not like that.

It's unnecessary in the right company, which I think this place counts as?
To make herself look like a person who is aware of all the counter arguments when feminism is up for discussion. There are a lot of idiots who come in shouting, well that's not my experience, so what you're saying can't be true. Try to forget your experience of whatever you're an authority on & look at the specifics.

I can remember whole threads filled with NAMNAW! because every idiot out there who wanted to weigh in with their two pennies worth would shout 'But that's not me! Or any of the men I know". Or 'that's not me, or any of the women I know'. NAMNAW!
That's my fault for not fully reading the full thread until the last page or two, or half the actual posts since, tbf.
Bimble, you were critical of the phrase "meta narrative" & wondering what it's got to do with the price of beef. I asked you to stop & for one moment to think about that phrase, or look it up if you're unclear, then maybe you'll understand what it has to do with the price of beef. NAMNAW!
I think she meant me bimble e . I reponded to someone else's post ...

It's getting draining now.
I'm actually in bed self isolating with a cough and I think I just will take a break from here.

My posts have been misinterpreted and misrepresented by Ann Tigonie

I will ask you Ann Tigonie why you think JD is completely innocent when he has admitted to jealous rages, smashing stuff and turning into a "monster" (his words)

What I found difficult was the people who rallied round him. Like someone here in Tipperary who claims JD was atrracted to violent women. Which absolutely puts Vanessa de Paradis and all his exes under a microscope..stupid thing to say... so JD obviously told this person he was attracted to violent abusive women.

Puts a different picture on things doesn't it? So he probably did get involved in violence. And what he doesnt like now is the fact that its out in the open. Would he be happier if she came out to say she had agreed to being hit?
Or what?

The whole thing is horrible. And one thing for sure ...JD isn't the jovial happy go lucky guy people thought he was. There's a dark side he needs to get help with.
Like I said, it's hard to keep up with all the brick bats (look it up if you're not sure) that are coming my way.

Boo Hoo, misinterpreted & misrepresented. I think your posts have been perfectly clear and I completely understand where you are coming from. If you read the thread, I've said they are both as bad as each other with regards to drink & drugs. However, being a druggie and a drunkard does not necessarily equate to being a 'WIFE-BEATER' . AH has relied on the public thinking that's exactly what being a druggie & drunk does mean.

I have not said he is completely innocent, this is not black & white, it's shades of grey. I have also previously listed the things he has admitted to doing to AH. AH admitted in the court docs to hitting him once in self defence. Although the tapes as I have repeated ad infinitum paint a completely different picture of her behaviour. The monster referred to JD's drinking, which he took up again, after foolishly marrying AH thinking that it might help to stop her rages, if they were married. She's a supreme projectionist, accusing JD of doing everything & more that she did to him. No wonder he was jealous, Elon Musk & James Franco were staying over when he was away filming. See lift footage in the Columbia Building. They are all over each other, yet according to AH, were just good friends.

Yes, the whole thing is horrible. He said, she said, being played out in the court of public opinion. But it's not just he said, she said. There are texts, documents & video footage suggesting that she said a lot that wasn't true, thinking she would get a huge divorce settlement, hundreds of millions of dollars. Half & half as it is in California. Instead, she got $7 million, because their divorce was not in the California courts. $7 million she promised to donate to two charities in an attempt to 'prove' she's not a gold digger. . The ACLU who Elon Musk is the greatest contributor towards & on the board of & the Children's Hospital in LA. Unfortunately, so far it seems, JD was the only person who donated some money on her behalf, because he knew she was BS'ing. AH has yet to prove that she donated any money to these charities & willfully refuses to provide receipts. Even though newspaper headlines have trumpeted what a charitable person she is!
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Don't trust Justice Nicol, he's up to his eyes in it! Someone said earlier, JD's appeal has been refused, it was refused by the presiding judge Justice Nicol. However, Depp is now going over his head to the Supreme Court.

May justice eventually see the light of day!

If justice Nicol had admitted the appeal, he would have had to investigate his own errors of judgement. Naturally, he wasn't prepared to admit he'd made any errors of judgement.
Didnt JD trash a hotel room while Kate Moss was asleep? Arrested for it?
Back in the 90s was it?

I dont know why you're going off on me Ann Tigonie ?
I said they were both abusive. I said she hit him..called him names etc.
You seem to think JD is pure as the driven snow. I'm just not that naive. I would like to think he is innocent...but he isnt that innocent if he was flying into rages and throwing stuff around the place accusing her of shit because he worked himself up into jealous rages.
And I am prepared to think maybe she liked pushing his buttons. Maybe he liked it too.
They've both admitted it as much. JD stating the relationship was volatile passionate and that he had another side he called "the monster".

Point is ... the court case was against a newspaper.
Not her.

Btw are you from or in Ireland?
Don't trust Justice Nicol, he's up to his eyes in it! Someone said earlier, JD's appeal has been refused, it was refused by the presiding judge Justice Nicol. However, Depp is now going over his head to the Supreme Court.

May justice eventually see the light of day!

If justice Nicol had admitted the appeal, he would have had to investigate his own errors of judgement. Naturally, he wasn't prepared to admit he'd made any errors of judgement.

Posts #181, 184 and 186 deal with the appeal being denied and debunk the notions of errors of judgement.
Ps. Ann Tigonie
JD admitting headbutting her...on tape.
So if you are going to start referencing tapes then why not reference that one?
He denied and denied hitting her until the tape was played. Then all of a sudden he is saying "oh yeah that time I headbutted her after trashing the room was an accident."

One of them two of them.
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Ok. I watched some of the videos on YouTube. I know I know... 😳🙄
What I don't like is that they dont just play the tape recordings straight. Some guy interprets before the next bit plays.
It's clear that the two of them were really not good together. It's also clear he loved her in some way...which is sad. It would appear that she and he were really not on the same page. She demanded stability etc and didnt like that he "split" or left if an argument started
And she seems very mixed up and weirded out at times. Scared of her reputation. Scared of her position.

The video of him in the kitchen slapping doors and belting things and then he finds she is videoing him..and grabs the phone off her..that was actually scary..I wondered if when the screen went black and shouting was heard..I wondered if he had lost the plot.

In the phone tapes it sounds like she is trying to protect her reputation. He is trying to convince her to keep everything private and that it will be bad for her if its public. He says it all in a very calm soothing voice but it was akin to "this will be bad for you if you go public"

All fucked up.

Johnny should have stuck with Winona.
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Actually what is really horrible is the youtube stuff. A hell of a lot of anti AH.
Not going back to any of that any time soon. Ugh.
So many videos. Just the sheer number of them surely mitigates against any credibility and only indicates creepy obsession?
So many videos. Just the sheer number of them surely mitigates against any credibility and only indicates creepy obsession?

I watched 2 videos. 2 was enough for me.
The 2016 one where she videoed JD slamming doors in the kitchen and grabbing her phone.. that was actually quite scary. No doubt about that.

The other was a recorded phone conversation. Pretty sure it was recorded by Depp. Him telling her it will be bad for both of them if things go public. But worse for her. Her going on about her reputation and asking how TMZ got info about her and pretty much asking him if he leaked it cos nobody else knew....Him asking her to sign letters privately. Her basically saying she can corroborate everything..with witnesses and texts etc... Him getting quiet and then in the end saying essentially "see you in court" . It's also clear that there was an incident with a door where she pushed it and he was at the other side and it hit his head, she saying it was an accident and then he pushed it back and it went over her toes scraping them. She then says she didnt intend the door to hit his head. Then he says he didnt know her toes were under the door. He asks why she hit him. She says she hit him because her toes were hurt. It's all very schoolyard crap.

I wont get those minutes back. Things I do for urban75.

Back to Fargo for me

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I wasn’t talking about the videos of the toxic two, but the videos other people have dedicated whole channels and hours of ‘content’ to talking about them in tedious detail

Ann Tigonie in post #428 you claimed up thread the video of her with Franco in a lift that they were "all over each other".
I had a look.
Nope. Not true.
He stood beside her and after a few seconds he put his forehead on her shoulder. Like he was resting.
She stood there head down with her arms folded all the time. She did not touch him. Not once. She did not even raise her head.

There is a LOT of shit being read into these youtube videos.

Now someone tell me to go to bed 🙂

Ann Tigonie in post #428 you claimed up thread the video of her with Franco in a lift that they were "all over each other".
I had a look.
Nope. Not true.
He stood beside her and after a few seconds he put his forehead on her shoulder. Like he was resting.
She stood there head down with her arms folded all the time. She did not touch him. Not once. She did not even raise her head.

There is a LOT of shit being read into these youtube videos.

Now someone tell me to go to bed 🙂
Go to bed
well Sugar Kane, you obvs haven't really read the thread very closely. Skipped over most of it, it sounds like from your line of questioning. I am not going to keep going over questions that have been posed and already answered, but you didn't bother to read. So this is the last time I will try to explain why I understand things a little differently from you.

JD has been an alcoholic & drug abuser from a young age. However, at the time AH & he met, he was sober, although admittedly smoking a lot of weed. AH was at that time drinking 3 bottles of wine a day, as well as copious amounts of psychotropic drugs & anti-psychotic drugs for her mental health issues. After a time he also started drinking again, although he made several attempts to get sober, he was only successful for a short time.

Both of them are from dysfunctional families who used violence and coercive control, to keep them in line. His abuse stemmed from his mother, her abuse stemmed from her father. Both of which were alcoholics & drug users.

Sometimes when people come from that type of background, they gravitate to others with similar issues. That's what they know, and what they feel comfortable with. Fucked up eh? But that's life it seems.

She was at the beginning of her career & he was at the zenith of his. He was a powerful man in an industry she was just breaking into. JD gave her the role in 'The Rum Diaries'. He gave her a step up the career ladder and they were both enamoured with each other for a while. Personally, I think someone who marries someone else half their age, must have serious self-esteem issues. He was taken in by a pretty face & she was taken in by his charm, money & pretty face! She pretended to be a huge fan of his, but later admitted that she'd never seen any of his films. She did by her own admission, do a lot of research on him & spent many an hour talking to him about his interests, in an attempt to 'win' him over. It worked too. Clearly his ego must be v. large & in need of super stroking, which AH provided, at first.

From early on, Ah was filming him in drunken/drugged stupor's. He didn't have the wherewithal or presumably, inclination to film her in her drunken/drugged rages. AH said she did this to show him what a 'monster' he was when he was in a drunken/drugged coma. He agreed with her that this did make him look like a 'monster'. That is what they both referred to whenever he was so drunk, he was almost unconscious, which as time went on, became more & more frequent. All this time though, AH was doing far more alcohol (3 bottles per night, her assistant who replenished all the bottles said). As well as copious amounts of psychotropic and anti-psychotic drugs. I wonder why she is taking anti-psychotic medication. Just a guess, but maybe she's a psycho!

The phone recording you mention in their kitchen, where JD is slamming cupboards, I do think is a form of abuse, but abusing a cupboard is not the same as abusing a person physically. However, the film was dropped when he realised she was secretly recording him again. The film goes on showing AH picking it up again and giggling while following him out of the room. She was not scared or frightened of him, she was taunting him, because she knew that morning JD had just found out he had been swindled out of $650 million by his so called tax advisors. It's not in my nature to start slamming a cupboard doors, or to smash inanimate objects, but I understand that day, why he felt the need to.

Anyway, I'm done answering questions that have already been answered or you could find the answer to yourselves, if only you could be arsed. I think I'll go and listen to some 'crackpot, obsessive, misogynistic' YouTubers.

Keep it in the forefront of your mind, that being a drunken/drugged slob, does NOT automatically make you a wife beater. And if you can't do that, there's not much hope for drunken/drugged slobs in this world!

Maybe I'll come back when JD's appeal is heard or the VA trial begins.
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