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Johnny Depp Libel Case

This is an important case for many reasons, firstly as mentioned previously the meta narrative of #MeToo has been hijacked by a domestic abuser & secondly, the meta narrative of #BelieveAllWomen has had a hole blown right through it. Thirdly, men who have been abused by women, which we know is a minority, but it still happens, won't be believed, because we don't believe JD. We laugh at & tell male abuse survivors to 'grow a pair' & stand up for themselves. Abuse isn't only physical it's psychological too. Which all those who have been in an abusive relationship know that the psychological abuse can be as damaging and as lasting as the use of brute force. People seem unwilling to accept that women can be abusive as well as men. Although male abuse centres on brute force, women's abuse tends in the main to focus on the psychological, because generally they don't have the brute force. In this case however, AH was both physically & psychologically abusive.

I say AGAIN, that if you don't think domestic abuse is important enough for your consideration, and this is just celebrity pap, you should either do your own homework or STFU about it.
I love the YouTube consiraloonary, you don't know the truth as you haven't educated yourself by watching them, the ones ed just posted add to to more than 19 hours of viewing. No sane human being would watch all that shit, but if you don't you haven't done your research.

Sounds my dog makes when she sees the postie...
I love the YouTube consiraloonary, you don't know the truth as you haven't educated yourself by watching them, the ones ed just posted add to to more than 19 hours of viewing. No sane human being would watch all that shit, but if you don't you haven't done your research.

Sounds my dog makes when she sees the postie...
The EU Acquis communautaire is now 90 000 pages. It's the same principle.
That’s the massive revelation that makes this case so important Ann Tigonie ?The groundbreaking totally new idea that sometimes women are arseholes too, and sometimes they don’t tell the truth.
Two women every week in this country killed by current or ex partner and your main concern, as a feminist obvs, is that we all watch YouTube videos about johnny depp and stop believing women too much. Inspirational stuff cheers.
The point, as you would know if you'd read the thread, is that Killer.b suggested that something must be wrong with me, to join an 'obscure' message board on a Sunday evening. I had to point out that I joined this message board in April 2002, BEFORE killer.b And if anyone has a problem with their life it might be killer.b whose post count suggests he doesn't really have a life outside of an 'obscure' as he called it, message board.
This is an important case for many reasons, firstly as mentioned previously the meta narrative of #MeToo has been hijacked by a domestic abuser & secondly, the meta narrative of #BelieveAllWomen has had a hole blown right through it. Thirdly, men who have been abused by women, which we know is a minority, but it still happens, won't be believed, because we don't believe JD. We laugh at & tell male abuse survivors to 'grow a pair' & stand up for themselves. Abuse isn't only physical it's psychological too. Which all those who have been in an abusive relationship know that the psychological abuse can be as damaging and as lasting as the use of brute force. People seem unwilling to accept that women can be abusive as well as men. Although male abuse centres on brute force, women's abuse tends in the main to focus on the psychological, because generally they don't have the brute force. In this case however, AH was both physically & psychologically abusive.

I say AGAIN, that if you don't think domestic abuse is important enough for your consideration, and this is just celebrity pap, you should either do your own homework or STFU about it.

You are putting words in people's mouths. You are deciding that because of one case all male victims of domestic abuse will be ignored? That's one hell of a stretch to make.
You're also claimjng AH has taken over #,MeToo.
Women in domestic abuse situations may well be less inclined to speak out BECAUSE people are trashing what a judge has stated about this nasty situation..

Can you for one minute think to yourself...what if JD did actually push her around and fight with her and hit her? Can your brain just accept for a moment that even though she might well be a shouty aggressive person who slapped him, that he also might have hit her? Can you be impartial? Can you entertain 2 points of view in an effort to understand their fucked up relationship?
The point, as you would know if you'd read the thread, is that Killer.b suggested that something must be wrong with me, to join an 'obscure' message board on a Sunday evening. I had to point out that I joined this message board in April 2002, BEFORE killer.b And if anyone has a problem with their life it might be killer.b whose post count suggests he doesn't really have a life outside of an 'obscure' as he called it, message board.
Who amongst us does ? I certainly don't have a life 🤣
Yes sometimes women are arseholes too. I don't know why so many of you refuse to accept this. Judging by the statistics, in the domestic violence/abuse arena, they are nowhere near as big arseholes as men. But #BelieveAllWomen is presently being dragged through the gutter.

Funnily enough, I was called a rabid feminist by an arsehole on this message board years ago & decided to adopt it as my moniker. Course he was only being misogynistic, but if the cap fits, wear it.
I’ve never seen hashtag believe all women. Only believe women, without the all.
I think you can relax anyway, the last few years have shown that whatever the hashtags it’s still fine to be president of the USA or a Supreme Court judge when multiple women have accused you of being an abuser. You’re trying to correct a problem that doesn’t exist.
I’ve never seen hashtag believe all women. Only believe women, without the all.
I think you can relax anyway, the last few years have shown that whatever the hashtags it’s still fine to be president of the USA or a Supreme Court judge when multiple women have accused you of being an abuser. You’re trying to correct a problem that doesn’t exist.

..Johnny Depp for president. I can see it... definitely.
So much YouTube support.
On a serious point though..
I'll just add that I think what is really tragic is that ordinary people, men and women are abused daily by their partners and the scummy newspapers don't get involved.
Men rarely go to the police for help. Only 5% of violence in the home was reported by men last year in Ireland. It's estimated though that 40% of men have been physically abused by their female partner.

On the other hand...women are 61% more likely to be killed by their partner or ex.


So there is that inequality to grapple with...
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Sugar Kane, 'you've never seen the #BelieveAllWomen, well I guess I must have made it up!

This isn't about celebs, how many times must I say that. The only reason this is being played out in the media, is because they are celebs. Otherwise, we'd probably never have heard about it.
And nobody thinks JD would be a good candidate for president except you!

Take issue with the issue not ridiculous periphery stuff. People on here asked where they could listen to the hours of taped conversations between AH & JD. Not one person has said, I listened to the tapes & maybe have a different opinion on the meta narrative. Everyone who has come back with their opinion has said something like they're all 'crackpots' or seem 'obsessed' with this case, or are 'notorious misogynists' (killer.b) even though they haven't watched any of the many channels I listed, or listened to any of the recordings of their conversations that are in the public domain. Or read the court documents.

You don't need to search for Johnny Depp, if you prefer, search for Amber Heard instead. There's tons of stuff out there, so don't let your prejudice stop you from researching. Like I said several times, if you can't be arsed because you're not interested or would prefer to shout down people who are interested STFU about it. Go and engage with someone about something you are interested in.
Sugar Kane, 'you've never seen the #BelieveAllWomen, well I guess I must have made it up!

This isn't about celebs, how many times must I say that. The only reason this is being played out in the media, is because they are celebs. Otherwise, we'd probably never have heard about it.
And nobody thinks JD would be a good candidate for president except you!

Take issue with the issue not ridiculous periphery stuff. People on here asked where they could listen to the hours of taped conversations between AH & JD. Not one person has said, I listened to the tapes & maybe have a different opinion on the meta narrative. Everyone who has come back with their opinion has said something like they're all 'crackpots' or seem 'obsessed' with this case, or are 'notorious misogynists' (killer.b) even though they haven't watched any of the many channels I listed, or listened to any of the recordings of their conversations that are in the public domain. Or read the court documents.

You don't need to search for Johnny Depp, if you prefer, search for Amber Heard instead. There's tons of stuff out there, so don't let your prejudice stop you from researching. Like I said several times, if you can't be arsed because you're not interested or would prefer to shout down people who are interested STFU about it. Go and engage with someone about something you are interested in.

I never mentioned believe all women. Someone else did.
My JD for president was sarcasm.
Can you comment on this Ann Tigonie ?

..Johnny Depp for president. I can see it... definitely.
So much YouTube support.
On a serious point though..
I'll just add that I think what is really tragic is that ordinary people, men and women are abused daily by their partners and the scummy newspapers don't get involved.
Men rarely go to the police for help. Only 5% of violence in the home was reported by men last year in Ireland. It's estimated though that 40% of men have been physically abused by their female partner.

On the other hand...women are 61% more likely to be killed by their partner or ex.

View attachment 247060

So there is that inequality to grapple with...
I did say the # was believe All Women, but I was mistaken, the # is #BelieveWomen. My mistake. It was Bumble focussing on that not you, sorry.

I'm playing tennis with imbeciles so it's not easy to keep up with who said what.

I made an error, apologies.
I did say the # was believe All Women, but I was mistaken, the # is #BelieveWomen. My mistake. It was Bumble focussing on that not you, sorry.

I'm playing tennis with imbeciles so it's not easy to keep up with who said what.

I made an error, apologies.

Forgive me for saying but you seem really very stressed about all of this.
Maybe a wee break would be good thing?

From my experience of posters here...most are not imbeciles and bimble is ok.

Just chill a bit..
Yes, there is massive inequality to contend with. I've said several times that there appear from the stats that there are more arsehole in the male arena than the female arena. That more men are accused of being physical abusers than women. Because more men are physical abusers because they aren't as sophisticated verbally as most women. NAMNAW. Boys are taught to use their fists (brute force) .
& girls are taught to use language (psychological abuse).

We know this from the stats. And if you are being physically abused by your partner, you are less likely to use psychological abuse in retaliation, because you're probably terrified you might be battered to death. As far as murder goes, in this arena. Brute force wins out.
Yes, #AllLivesMatter is a reactionary response to #BlackLives Matter. From racist bigots who can't bear the thought of their own racism being put in the spotlight.

I have said I made a mistake with that # and apologised. It was my mistake. I have somehow conflated the two. Terrible, terrible error on my part.

Sugar Kane, I also said NAMNAW did you not see that part, or are you just cherry picking what you feel you ought to attack.

It is widely acknowledged (wait for the attack) that in general, boys are taught brute force to win an argument and girls are taught to use verbal dexterity. NAMNAW!!

This may not be the case so much these days. Because we don't find brute force as palatable as we used to. More boys are being taught that brute force is the last bastion of homicidal maniacs, and they should develop their verbal dexterity to win arguments.

Yes, #AllLivesMatter is a reactionary response to #BlackLives Matter. From racist bigots who can't bear the thought of their own racism being put in the spotlight.

I have said I made a mistake with that # and apologised. It was my mistake. I have somehow conflated the two. Terrible, terrible error on my part.

Sugar Kane, I also said NAMNAW did you not see that part, or are you just cherry picking what you feel you ought to attack.

It is widely acknowledged (wait for the attack) that in general, boys are taught brute force to win an argument and girls are taught to use verbal dexterity. NAMNAW!!

This may not be the case so much these days. Because we don't find brute force as palatable as we used to. More boys are being taught that brute force is the last bastion of homicidal maniacs, and they should develop their verbal dexterity to win arguments.


Why are you accusing me of attacking you ?
I'm not attacking anything ... I am absolutely supporting the facts about femicide.
And I have also clearly acknowledged that men are also victims of abuse.
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