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Johnny Depp Libel Case

I watched 2 videos. 2 was enough for me.
The 2016 one where she videoed JD slamming doors in the kitchen and grabbing her phone.. that was actually quite scary. No doubt about that.

The other was a recorded phone conversation. Pretty sure it was recorded by Depp. Him telling her it will be bad for both of them if things go public. But worse for her. Her going on about her reputation and asking how TMZ got info about her and pretty much asking him if he leaked it cos nobody else knew....Him asking her to sign letters privately. Her basically saying she can corroborate everything..with witnesses and texts etc... Him getting quiet and then in the end saying essentially "see you in court" . It's also clear that there was an incident with a door where she pushed it and he was at the other side and it hit his head, she saying it was an accident and then he pushed it back and it went over her toes scraping them. She then says she didnt intend the door to hit his head. Then he says he didnt know her toes were under the door. He asks why she hit him. She says she hit him because her toes were hurt. It's all very schoolyard crap.

I wont get those minutes back. Things I do for urban75.

Back to Fargo for me

...this is worse than when I used to listen to police interview tapes. I mean, at least I got paid for that.
The user is bimble not bumble.

Calling people imbeciles and buffoons because they're not agreeing with your views is rather childish. And your continued insistence that people listen to hours upon hours of tapes/YouTube/whatever is hardly reasonable.

You've been here since 2002, as you like to remind us. Surely you know how urban argues by now?

It usually goes something like Derek & Clive's "this bloke comes up to me..." sketch:

This bloke comes up to me, & he says "you cunt!". I said "who you calling a cunt, you cunt?". He said "you, you cunt". I said "you fucking cunt"...etc etc
It usually goes something like Derek & Clive's "this bloke comes up to me..." sketch:

This bloke comes up to me, & he says "you cunt!". I said "who you calling a cunt, you cunt?". He said "you, you cunt". I said "you fucking cunt"...etc etc
That's given me the 'orn.
Watch out for potential lobsters, ViolentPanda . .. ;)
On a more "thread related note"
This though...has really made me quite angry.

"Keep it in the forefront of your mind, that being a drunken/drugged slob, does NOT automatically make you a wife beater. And if you can't do that, there's not much hope for drunken/drugged slobs in this world!" Quote from Ann Tigonie.

Where did anyone state that drunken addicts automatically are abusers? You're some tulip coming out with that shit. 😡

I know people who would not hurt a fly who have alcohol problems and drug dependencies. I know people who were pushed to the limits of their capacity to cope with life who've literally gone through hell in their lives and never lashed out at anyone.

You have automatically assumed that anyone here who doesn't agree with your opinions on JD / AH , is somehow of the view that all alcoholics and drug addicts are physically abusive.
Fuck off with that flawed thinking.
Minor development.

AH claimed she had donated her $7m divorce settlement from JD to a children's cancer hospital in LA.

She even stated this in the court case and the judge mentioned it in positive terms as good character.

Last week her legal team were forced to admit she hadn't donated a penny of it.

Blimey- i think this thread may play out like a real life Internet bulletin board 12 Angry Men
Minor development.

AH claimed she had donated her $7m divorce settlement from JD to a children's cancer hospital in LA.

She even stated this in the court case and the judge mentioned it in positive terms as good character.

Last week her legal team were forced to admit she hadn't donated a penny of it.

Blimey- i think this thread may play out like a real life Internet bulletin board 12 Angry Men
Which role are you playing?
Sugar Kane - The drunken drugged slob, is not my narrative, it's the meta narrative. Pot, kettle black an' all that! That's why I've been talking about meta narrative! It's the narrative that AH has been pushing. She's saying, when JD is out of it on drugs & drink etc., He turns into a 'monster' a proper little Jekyll & Hyde and doesn't 'remember' what he's done and what he hasn't. That's why she's been getting away with telling all these horrible lies about him. She managed to convince Judge Nicol in particular. All he's been saying is, he doesn't remember saying that, or beating her to a pulp, or shredding her to ribbons, because he didn't say or do what she's accusing him of. He's never been violent to a woman EVER, he says. He's a history to back that up. However, AH is the one who does have a history of violence & drug & alcohol abuse. She was arrested for her violence to a previous partner & spent the night in a cell, before charges were dropped, as her partner did not wish to press charges. She's also been violently abusive to her sister & abusive to many people who have worked for her. She 'stole' a rape story one of her assistant's told her & used it as her own. The assistant's testimony - as well as 14 other testimonies supporting Depp's account were dismissed by Judge Nichol, because they were either AH's ex 'disgruntled' employees, employees of the Columbia Building, where they lived, JD's employees and even 4 police officers who testified. Not that I'm saying the police ALWAYS tell the truth, but they had nothing to gain by lying & weren't willing to set JD up, without any evidence and on her testimony alone.

You are arguing blind, because you haven't looked at the evidence or listened to the tapes, where it's clear to anyone with half a brain, that AH is the violent abuser, not JD. I've suggested her motives for setting him up, were financial & PR motives. Obviously if she got her narrative in 1st, it might look to the outside world like nearly every other DV story where the man beats up the woman because he's bigger & stronger.

The details of this case are extensive. The judge decided to dismiss 15 of JD's character witnesses but chose to accept the narrative of one Josh Drew, the now ex-husband of her BFF Rocky Pennington who both lived off JD's money, in one of his penthouses in the Columbia Building LA.

That's why I keep on saying don't believer the tabloids, look at the evidence & listen to the taped conversations, which were taped by AH not JD, on the recommendation of her therapist. All the evidence is there if you care to look. If you don't want to or can't be arsed, you can speak about DV in general, but not this specific case, because you don't know what's been going on in this case, except maybe what you've read in the media, in particular the Scum who published this meta narrative, fairy/horror story in the beginning. Being accused of being a 'wife-beater' by the Scum meant JD had no choice but to come out and defend his name & reputation, unless this was the label that was going to be his legacy.
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I am trying to disrupt - it's what I do - the meta narrative in this particular case, because I've read the court docs, listened to the tapes, seen the podcasts, YouTube and on. I've taken some time to go into the details - thanks covid.

You obvs know nothing about it, or you wouldn't make such lame comments & ask such ridiculous questions.

Maybe you dislike him because he's a successful, good looking celebrity. I really don't know, is it envy? I don't get why you have to spout such bile at someone you clearly know eff all about! I didn't know that much about him & his life before this stuff came up. I could answer questions on Johnny Depp, his life & career on University Challenge now!

You do you & I'll do me!
Maybe you dislike him because he's a successful, good looking celebrity. I really don't know, is it envy? I don't get why you have to spout such bile at someone you clearly know eff all about! I didn't know that much about him & his life before this stuff came up. I could answer questions on Johnny Depp, his life & career on University Challenge now!


Been following his career since Nightmare on Elm Street.

Loved his films. Even the crap ones. Even managed to sit through the occasional 21 Jump Street.

Then there's the time he was in Bruxelles. Only time you could call it envy.

But when he started beating up on his wife?

Seen the results of domestic violence perpetrated by charismatic, well-regarded men on their partners.

Only a cunt would get behind someone like that.
Are we getting into it Krtek? Getting into the playground taunts. Well if so, don't diss my fucking fanny you cunt.

That's the whole point of what I've been saying, he didn't start beating up on his wife, his wife started beating up on him, which again, you would know if you knew anything about what's been going on.

We all know about violence perpetrated by charismatic, well regarded men on their partners. OJ Simpson is an excellent example of that. Hell, he's so charismatic he got away with brutally murdering her. However, we know a lot less about well regarded women abusers. You have swallowed this overarching meta narrative hook, line & sinker, understandably I suppose because that's how it nearly always is! And that's what AH has banked her reputation on. Don't be taken in by a pretty face, women can be psycho bitches too. NAWNAM!

So, I'm defending him, because women can be abusers & do abuse. NAMNAW! And in this specific case, not in the generality of things, that's what happened.

It's not my job to convince you of anything. You believe what you want to believe, whatever floats your boat.
Have been in an abusive relationship before, so reckon have a reasonably good handle on women abusers.

And don't be taken in by Depp's pretty face. This self was.

Btw, if it's not your job to convince, why keep trying to? You seem to be taking it very personally.

Are you PR for the wife beating egomaniac?
I've also got a pretty good handle on both male & female abusers. I reckon many of us have been in some sort of abusive relationships before, parental relationships, as you know can also be abusive.

When you start calling me a cunt, maybe that's when I start taking it personally, and maybe that's what you want/like.

That's abuse you know, verbal & psychological not physical. They're not all on a par, but whichever abuse you want to dabble in, go for it, if it makes you feel temporarily better about yourself. It won't make you happy in the long term though. All it does is highlight your own abusive tendencies.

I don't care about his films, or 21 jump street, which I've never seen. It maybe heresy, but I haven't seen most of them, because I've not really been interested in the genres he's devoted himself to. I can separate out the human being from his acting roles though, and see him as a human being, not just some celebrity luvvie or 2nd rate actor. - Will the pixie in the sky forgive me for saying that - & don't tell Johnny, please.

Drag yourself out of that gutter you're in krtek and try to engage one human being to another, without having to call someone a cunt because we don't agree.

I know, let's agree to disagree & try to keep it civilised. And if you can't do that STFU!
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