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jfk assassination

I was 3 when it happened. I only came to learn gradually that it was supposed to be this seismic event. Consequently, it's never seemed like such a big deal. Fwiw, I reckon Oswald was the lone gunman. I went to the spot in Dallas once and that grassy knoll and the picket fence are far too close for a shooter there not to be noticed.
I was in Humberston, where I lived at the time. I was a kid. My father made me, and my sister, watch the news about it, he said it was going to be something very important in history and that we would remember it forever. He had this attitude to a number of things. He was right.
i was in first grade and since they were parishioners at my church when in nyc the school was able to get a report from a doctor inside the hospital.
it was going to be something very important in history
I watched the Oliver Stone film again recently, and it feels like he has this attitude that it was some momentous event that had to mean something. He had a wooly idea that Kennedy was about to withdraw from Vietnam, but there's many slip twixt cup and lip. It was by no means certain that a withdrawal was going to happen. Shit happens, but it's unlikely it changed the course of history very much. The superpowers were moving their pieces around during the 60s, but it wasn't until the late 70s and the fall of the Shah, the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets, the start of Monetarism and Reganomics and the rise of China that the real changes happened.
I watched the Oliver Stone film again recently, and it feels like he has this attitude that it was some momentous event that had to mean something. He had a wooly idea that Kennedy was about to withdraw from Vietnam, but there's many slip twixt cup and lip. It was by no means certain that a withdrawal was going to happen. Shit happens, but it's unlikely it changed the course of history very much. The superpowers were moving their pieces around during the 60s, but it wasn't until the late 70s and the fall of the Shah, the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets, the start of Monetarism and Reganomics and the rise of China that the real changes happened.

The only conspiracy theory that really makes sense is that it was LBJ what done it, because he had the most to gain (not only getting the presidency, but also having a couple of annoying court cases dropped). But I think that if he did it, he was only allowed to get away with it because it didn't make any actual difference to the overall political interests of the US establishment.

The point about the grassy knoll being small was made by a couple of guys my Da knew - when I met them a few years ago they told me that they'd been in Dallas in the 90s and visited the knoll, only to discover that it was far too small to shoot from and stay hidden.
I can't really remember. It was an American thing and it didn't really bother me that much.
I don't know exactly when I first heard of it, but I do remember it was the first video I saw on a computer. I was in the library at school and there were 3 different types of computer you could book: normal, CD-ROM or Internet. If you got the CD-ROM one, you could get Encarta and it had videos on it. I remember JFK, Armstrong on the Moon and Maradonna's Hand of God.
My Parents, my brother and I lived in a small cottage on a huge estate on the north downs in Hampshire. I was five at the time and can just vaguely remember mum and dad being shocked and upset. I can remember asking what had happened and understanding enough to know it was a 'big thing'.
I was 13 years away from existence. My in-laws had a mad time of it, though.

When my father in law saw the news on TV, it precipitated some form of mental breakdown. He ran amok in the house, smashing things up and screaming. It was a trigger following other stressful incidents at the time. He had to give up working on the bins for a while.

My mother in law was terrified that he would be committed, so didn't get any help with him. She just fed him Andrew's salts every day for a year, telling him that it was medicine which would get him well again. And this seemed to work. The birth of my OH two years later gave him the focus to pull himself right...

Even now, the death of JFK can't be mentioned in the house.

My in-laws are weird and wonderful people. :)
I was at secondary school which was a big coincidence.Yes I know as old as the hills.

The coincidence is that I hardly ever went to school so it was unusual to be there.
At home, my parents were waiting to watch Take Your Pick (remember that?) when there was a newsflash (remember them?) to say the POTUS had been shot, there was another in the commercial break to say there were reports that he had died. I was put to bed.
I remember the grown ups talking about it in the corner shop the next morning, Mrs Spurgeon said '' Hope this isn't another war!''.
I saw the news and film of Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby, dad said, ''I told you they would kill him ''.Never knew if he meant Kennedy or Oswald.
People were sad. I was six at the time.
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