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Jesus Myth Theory

As far as books go, are we all aware of this site for finding books? It's basically a site for free books that can be paid for everywhere else. By the same people who do the science paper sites. I would be quite surprised if there wasn't any on Christian power since the decline of the religion.
i think the materialist has to prove there are seperate objects, no?
isn't the burden on them to prove "first causes" as well? i'e causality. To have causuality you'd need a first cause. And for that you would need time. Not sure how time can exist if eternity exists. the void gets hit thinking of these things, so the normal narratives of time and space can vanish, or at least be put aside. it's up to meditator i guess to find out whats left.
i think the materialist has to prove there are seperate objects, no?
which there is of course in our awareness. the appearance of objects, of course. but even then the "knower" of the object can never truly be known. it does all fall down in my view. but teh hard core rationalist starts from different premises i guess, such as there are definitely seperate objects, and all of reality is just a coming together of them to bring life, and that those objects make up the knower.

but does that really hold up? i don't think it does. how can the knower ever be known? i don't think it can so even their starting position seems to be faulty.

but this has nothing to do with "spiritual truth" or knowing fundemental reality.

i think the buddhists call it convential reality (that of form/objects) vs fundemental reality (both being the same). but as said none of it can be truly known or understood. but old systems of thought can definitely be let go of. "I am alone and worthless" well just ask what is the I that is alone? try and find it.
I like Michael Hudson's Jesus

on Debt Parasites
January 7, 2022
That was what the first sermon of Jesus was all about. When he went to the synagogue, and Luke explains that he unrolled the scroll of Isaiah the prophet and said, “I’ve come to proclaim the year of the Lord,” which was the debt cancellation — the Jubilee year — that was brought in from Babylonia into Judaism, as it was done all through the Near East.

Assyria had it when it conquered Judea. Babylonia had it when it conquered Judea and took the exiles to Babylonia, and the exiles, picked up, literally the same word used in Babylonian for a clean slate (debt cancellation), brought it back to Israel, and word for word had the same conditions of a clean slate: when a new ruler took the throne, or when there was other reasons — a war was over, or there was any reason for a debt cancellation — you’d cancel the debts, you’d liberate the debt servants to go back to their families, you’d give them back the pledges that they’d made. If they pledged a slave girl, they’d get the slave girl back. If they pledged their land, they’d redistribute the land.
I haven't ploughed through thus thread - but I am half-way through this, which must be the ultimate in logical deconstruction
(I actually got it from Kobo for £6.99).
RG Price is not to be confused with Robert Price the YouTuber who is currently persona non grata with History Valley etc

Deciphering the Gospels asserts that the gospel of Mark is the first - and is a life of Jesus Christ written to fulfill various prophecies in Isiah and other old Testament texts.
Matthew and Luke and John are all based on the same material says Price.

Meanwhile the Epistles of Paul are a different thing altogether he says - referring to an immaterial "Christ" who has more in common with mystery cults - including "He descended into Hell" - because he also had to ascend - as did Paul himself to the third heaven.

This where (as far as I've got) we get into the Book of Enoch. Incidentally the Book of Enoch was available to William Blake with is presumably why he created all those angelic images.

Another wayward modern analyst of scripture is SP Laurie who claims to be an Oxford educated mathematician, and self-publishes (on Amazon).
He has written a book on the Gospel of Thomas, and others on the origin of Christianity. His book on the Gospel of Thomas claims there are mistakes in the text we have - because the verses/logia have patterns - and he discusses at length what the original "correct" text must have been.
His book "The Judas War" imputes motivations for certain texts in the Old Testament - and Enoch - which cover up the betrayal of Israel by Judah at the time of the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions. I found it hard to get my head round.
I bought a third book "The Rock and the Tower" which apparently says Mary (which one?) was the founder of Christianity. I haven't read that one yet.
Fascinating - but is this really "Holy Blood and Holy Grail" stuff? It seems to me that many people "go off" on these trains of ideas in a religious context as do in conspiracy theory circles.
For reference SP Laurie's website is here:
I struggle to believe that a book published in 2018 proved 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that Jesus of Nazareth 'never existed'.

Although it would seem more likely accurate than a book a couple of thousand years older.

Numerically speaking, I agree that the number of Jesuses was most likely higher than zero.
Although it would seem more likely accurate than a book a couple of thousand years older.

Numerically speaking, I agree that the number of Jesuses was most likely higher than zero.

There were many christs as there are today.
I read a short book by this Indian author a while back and his whole deal was that christ was actually one of the deva/devi. The syncretism thoughts again. It's worked a few times tbf but I don't buy it. Even on its own terms it feels like a stretch
I struggle to understand how someone that turned water into wine, parted the seas etc can be thought of as anything but a myth. The old Testament is even worse.
My limited understanding on him (or Him) is that he was an ordinary bloke who did and said some good things and it all got blown out of proportion. The myth mattered more than the man or the message, eventually.

The Scorsese film kind of deals with that.
Although it would seem more likely accurate than a book a couple of thousand years older.

Numerically speaking, I agree that the number of Jesuses was most likely higher than zero.

I think a rube is a rube in any age.
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