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Jesus Myth Theory

My limited understanding on him (or Him) is that he was an ordinary bloke who did and said some good things and it all got blown out of proportion. The myth mattered more than the man or the message, eventually.

The Scorsese film kind of deals with that.
Imagine if someone like that came on here? They’d last five minutes. And that’s just for getting cheese and beans the wrong way round without the stickier foibles being considered. Heck, it’s the Sleaford Mods who are cunts today for not having the right politics, or any politics at all or whatever.
Although it would seem more likely accurate than a book a couple of thousand years older.

Numerically speaking, I agree that the number of Jesuses was most likely higher than zero.

The small percentage of literature that survives the Roman era is still heavily dominant.
Imagine if someone like that came on here? They’d last five minutes. And that’s just for getting cheese and beans the wrong way round without the stickier foibles being considered. Heck, it’s the Sleaford Mods who are cunts today for not having the right politics, or any politics at all or whatever.
Blessed are the cheesemakers
I struggle to understand how someone that turned water into wine, parted the seas etc can be thought of as anything but a myth. The old Testament is even worse.
Cos it would be a bit embarrassing to admit that a central pillar of western civilization is just a load of old cobblers.
I thought that I had found a nest of young pythons, but it turned out to be a load of old cobras.

I know a man who can turn wine into water. "Jesus Christ!", I exclaimed "please don't do that in the kitchen".
You could derren brown most of the miracles attributed to yeshua ben joseph but the rising from the dead after being crucified one is beyond even derens powers imo. Spear in the side remember, no getting out of that one without some heavenly assistance
You could derren brown most of the miracles attributed to yeshua ben joseph but the rising from the dead after being crucified one is beyond even derens powers imo. Spear in the side remember, no getting out of that one without some heavenly assistance
It's raising other people from the dead that I object to. Poor Lazarus had to die twice, because of that man.
You could derren brown most of the miracles attributed to yeshua ben joseph but the rising from the dead after being crucified one is beyond even derens powers imo. Spear in the side remember, no getting out of that one without some heavenly assistance

A fellow disciple? :cool:
It's raising other people from the dead that I object to. Poor Lazarus had to die twice, because of that man.
'take up thy bed and walk' was great, good to be alive, but then he had to work next day, swings and roundabouts
In the US of A, Jesus is portayed as a blond, white skinned, blue eyed man.

Some citizens really believe that Jesus was an American....


A fellow disciple? :cool:
When I was 11 I won a third place for oratory in a comp. reciting 'the road to Emmaus' from the gospel of Luke.
See you've no sand in your gut. Your riffing off Monty Python while the world goes dark

tldr: don't take lord name in vain.
au contraire Mr Humberto. I reject faith from the place of having grown up in it. I do have an affection for the rituals still. Easter and carol service. But its just the 'heart of a heartless world' to quote the beard
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