By arguing that that wording limited the assessment for membership/affiliation etc strictly to how the applicant presents themselves in the "here and now"
But where precisely did the assessment for membership/affiliation etc suggest that the applicant *not* strictly limit themselves to how the applicant present themselves in the "here and now"?
Was "fuck off" not clear enough for you? How's your "hounding off the board" going for you, by the way?
In theory it's a fine principle, but in reality if you made all government-commissioned software public open source tomorrow, then on a £s spent basis, there would still be very little interesting IPR or material that would lend itself to cost-efficient reuse. Not just for smaller entities but even for anyone other than the original author. The government are actually already reasonably good at managing their contractual terms with regard to further commercial exploitation by the commissioned developers.ok fair play - my point was largely what as I recall Chomsky remarks about the state (i.e. all of us) often putting in the money to perform basic research (e.g. BT when it was a public company) which is then made available free of charge to companies who develop their own intellectual property from it. Public money funding private gain.
Anyways - back to JC - in the event that he bows out and McDonnell picks up the baton, would JC supporters here be happy to support him?
Do you not understand plain English?
My favourite Desmond moment
Does promising to "hound someone out" and then failing to do so count as a breach of contract, Desmond? Do enlighten us in a yet another tedious failure to understand context and nuance.
In theory it's a fine principle, but in reality if you made all government-commissioned software public open source tomorrow, then on a £s spent basis, there would still be very little interesting IPR or material that would lend itself to cost-efficient reuse. Not just for smaller entities but even for anyone other than the original author. The government are actually already reasonably good at managing their contractual terms with regard to further commercial exploitation by the commissioned developers.
Admittedly the above concentrates on the large scale and bespoke, and there is something to be said for the public good derived from avoiding vendor lock-in and such, but it's no panacea. In most realms, doing the same thing better should be a more urgent priority. Doesn't make for very exciting techno-policy though.
Well, I don't really understand your point, to be perfectly frank.
By arguing that that wording limited the assessment for membership/affiliation etc strictly to how the applicant presents themselves in the "here and now"
Why should I engage with you, you insufferable prick, Desmond? There's literally nothing in it for me whatsoever. No insight, no humour, no goodwill. Just endless tedious hair splitting. No thanks, I'd rather you just fuck off.
ok - explain this:
and how is that?
Why had his team not reserved their seats?
Presumably they knew weeks ago that they would need to take that train.
The relevant wording is deliberately broad and to limit it to kabbes' reading would probably be illegal if challenged.
e2a - maybe that's a bit strong - may be found to be illegal - is closer to the mark.
bit what is the relevant wording?
"reason to believe" is the operative part.
by coincidence two sheds given your mention of Stalinism I was just about to ask what do Corbyn supporters think about this piece by Sam Hamad? A few quotes to give an idea of the argument:
Regarding this bit:
I'm not sure about the Stalinist angle. He has links with the Morning Star lot which I guess is a descendent of Stalinists, but he seems more to be a product of the decayed liberal left which contains the dregs of Labourism, Stalinism, Trotskyism and other stuff in a cartoonish anti-imperialist swamp, hence why he was chair of the decidedly dodgy Stop the War Coalition. As usual, his politics are top down - calling for imperialist powers and a savage dictatorship to get round the table and sideline the opposition on the ground.
To be honest I don't know much about the university model, other than that they're very good at maintaining IP rights, even if the private entity shares them equally.You know more about this than I do but couldn't government research IP be charged similarly to private research IP? A lot of university research is now (I understand) privately funded but the private company benefits from the IP. Although simultaneously very bad at commercialisation.
Large amounts of government funded research (again I think - not totally sure) goes into setting standards. It's good that these standards are freely available but private IP isn't freely available - seems weighted on only one side of the scale.
It will never end, I'm telling you now. The actual reality of any interpretation is utterly irrelevant. All that awaits you is endless hair splitting that ignores 90% if what you say and misinterprets the other 10%but reason to believe what???
CONC, makes it sound like every bugger that likes the Green Party is a budgy or a spuggy, tweeting!? WTF invented thon stupid term!Are you now or have you ever been tweeting in support of the Green Party?
This thread is confusing me now.
I've no idea what mauvais is on about, but he's probably right.
I've no idea what Diamond is on about, but he's probably wrong.
what you said makes no sense without the context. give the context.
While I agree in principle, in reality, putting that into practice would fuck society up 'big time'I liked the programming for everyone thing. It's a principle that should be rolled out universally. No private profits from public money.