So many particulars. So many questions.
him and his massive tongue can stay in new orleans
I don't agree with that for a second - he's out to portray a true picture of the South, not the sanitised telly-friendly view.
True picture of the cooking not the social demographics, political, race issues or to be a moral compass while frying some chicken necks in the back yard.
When did he do that?!
by saying nothing, he was tacitly agreeing
I still think's he a wet lettuce for not saying anything though. Who lets that kind of shit go unchallenged in real life? if you can't confront a load of toothless alkies about the things they've said into your tv camera then when can you say anything?
Chalk another one on your list. And I'm not just "claiming" it, I'm flat out telling you that I have never heard it used.i'm surprised that so many people on here claim to have never heard the word nigger used.
i heard it loads when i was younger.
i worked with a bunch of racist pricks and they'd deliberately tell racist jokes in my presence cos i always told them they were out of order.
i hated that job and i hated my colleagues, but i would never have put my head down and ignored the bigotry.
bigotry need to be challenged at all levels.
But I take tarannau's point -- I'm not fronting a television show which is recording and showing people using that kind of language. You do have a greater responsibility under those circumstances.
I havn't seenthe clip.
I' ve also never really heard the term being used in that manner,
To be honest ghey, or gay, is a bit different. The meaning of that word has changed so much that I don't think anyone can lay claim to it.
Unpopluar view I know, but I stand by it.
Also, I'd rather not have the scars thanks. I'm quite happy with thinking "this person is an idiot".
How do you know what manner it was used in if you didn't see the clip?
what scars?
Sometimes it ends in confrontation - hell I've some scars and endless police visits to show off
From what was described in the thread I'm gathering it was a white dude saying "niggers this" and "niggers that" in a completley blaze fashion.
But like I said I'm guessing. And if it was like that I'd probably have behaved the way Oliver has been described.
I tried to look for a link on youtube. Couldn't find one. If anyone can, it would be much appreciated.