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J30 strike: NUT, PCS, UCU, ATL call for a general strike on June 30th

I have three teenage children. Come September, my daughter will be studying for A2's, my eldest son for AS and my youngest son for GCSE's. So, any action you take from the Autumn on could have a disruptive effect on their future. But, before you all rush to defend your position, I fully support any actions you take. Whilst I realise it may disrupt my children's schooling and that is of course a concern, I also realise if this government are allowed to get away with their plans, my children [and everyone's] future will be even more disrupted and messed up. So, you see, there is support out here for you. I'm sure there are other parents who would agree. I am not a member of any political party though I've always been pretty left wing in my outlook. In the last 9 months or so though, I have become politically active. I am organising a march and rally in Watford in support of the J30 actions. So, if anyone reading is in or near Watford, get in touch and join us.
yes very :cool: Tizme..

There will be a second Birmingham open assembly, on Friday 24th at 6:30pm, meeting in the University of Birmingham Guild of Students reception

Facebook Event

Non-students welcome to attend. Stop Fees and Cuts Birmingham is a genuinely broad-front student group, whilst probably most people are part of another group it's never discussed.. we meet up, talk about action, take it and then meet up again when there's more activity to be done.. even the socialist party and swp members who turn up sometimes don't sell their papers at the meetings. It didn't work out so well at the previous open assembly as some of the more factional people in Birmingham came along (for the first time I was offered leaflets at one of these meetings.. idiotic - come to a meeting about 30th June and try to give people leaflets about 30th June!..
I'm hoping some of the older non-student anarchist/unaffiliated types might be able to come along to this one, and I'm going to have to work out how I tell some people that I have to work with in Birmingham Against the Cuts that our meetings don't work like the Batc meetings, or the other meetings he tends to go to. We try to stick to the point - is there a consensus on taking action on this date/for this event? If yes then discuss possible actions and then find consensus on a proposal.

No talking about wider politics, no mentions of other groups except in terms of outreach/interests in the action.. no divergences about whether consensus decision making is the right way to make a decision when you've been told you've come to a meeting run by a group who always use consensus decision making. HAve some fucking respect.

I didn't realise I needed to say that until now :)
Going to work hard to try to get some of the more sensible people there for this one, even if people come along who aren't going to be able to do anything on the day because they will have to go to work (or call in sick so can't be out doing stuff). It'd be good to get some people along to counterbalance some of the other older attendants..
I have three teenage children. Come September, my daughter will be studying for A2's, my eldest son for AS and my youngest son for GCSE's. So, any action you take from the Autumn on could have a disruptive effect on their future. But, before you all rush to defend your position, I fully support any actions you take. Whilst I realise it may disrupt my children's schooling and that is of course a concern, I also realise if this government are allowed to get away with their plans, my children [and everyone's] future will be even more disrupted and messed up. So, you see, there is support out here for you. I'm sure there are other parents who would agree. I am not a member of any political party though I've always been pretty left wing in my outlook. In the last 9 months or so though, I have become politically active. I am organising a march and rally in Watford in support of the J30 actions. So, if anyone reading is in or near Watford, get in touch and join us.

just in case it puts your mind at rest, it is highly, highly unlikely that any strike action by teachers will be continuous. It would almost certainly not get support at ballot. Teachers are, by and large, a conservative bunch.
I've already been fairly open with my bosses about my refusal to cross any picket line on the 30th, and about me being a PCS member.

I accept I'll lose a day's pay, but fuckit. I don't defy strikes and never have.

Admittedly my public sector position, even as a temp contract type, leaves me less exposed than many ....
just in case it puts your mind at rest, it is highly, highly unlikely that any strike action by teachers will be continuous. It would almost certainly not get support at ballot. Teachers are, by and large, a conservative bunch.

Trust me SC, I know. When my children were at primary school, I was very involved with their school. Over all though, I think teachers should take more action over this. I am already sick of this government setting private sector workers against public sector, employed against unemployed, able bodied against disabled and so on. An agreement is an agreement.
hmm. I've got a 3 day job booked in that takes us over the 30th for me and my team. How much of a general strike is this?

I'd be quite up for giving us all the day off to go join a protest if there was one to join, or protest in the pub if not, but I'm not convinced the customer would understand, or how it'd make any actual difference us not working on someone's house that day.

anyone know of anything going on in leeds worth supporting?
I'm a self-employed academic, fs. My sector is going out. If you're not crossing any picket lines, I don't think you need to risk anything on a gesture. :)
There are a couple of ballot results this week,lets hope there is a good response for this call to action
I am absolutely amazed at the ATL in this. They have always been notorious for being a weak inactive union and they deserved it because of never going on strike in one hundred and whatever years. What also surprises me is that the NASUWT union is not backing this strike. While not as pro-active as the NUT the NASUWT usually comes up with the goods when industrial action is on the cards.
I am absolutely amazed at the ATL in this. They have always been notorious for being a weak inactive union and they deserved it because of never going on strike in one hundred and whatever years. What also surprises me is that the NASUWT union is not backing this strike. While not as pro-active as the NUT the NASUWT usually comes up with the goods when industrial action is on the cards.

Chris Keates wants to wait til negotiations have closed before they ballot, a shortsighted view IMO as the gpvernment were intentionally stalling the talks so that unions wouldn;t ballot and then they could pass the legislation during the summer holidays, leaving us to take strike action in the autumn several weeks even months after it had already been passed. Just for the sak of unity they should have balloted when the ATL and NUT conferences decided to- both conferences decided on balloting before NASUWT conference voted on it. Oh well, I just hope NASUWT join us in the Autumn.
Sorry to be annoying, but can anyone explain Unison's position on these strikes? I am a member and I work for Birmingham City Council and I haven't had any ballot papers... from what I read on this thread it seems one branch is balloting? Or have I misunderstood? I've been out of the loop a bit, long holidays, festivals and I don't really know what's going on.

I get absolutely fuck all information from them and it's beginning to piss me off. The only time I hear from them is when they want my vote on their flipping executive council.
The sad fact about Unison, is that it is an absolutely massive union, it spends a lot of its money on campaigns and marches - it was very visible on the March 26 march - but when it comes to industrial action, it is very hesitant. Some of its members are among the lowest paid people in the country.
Sorry to be annoying, but can anyone explain Unison's position on these strikes? I am a member and I work for Birmingham City Council and I haven't had any ballot papers... from what I read on this thread it seems one branch is balloting? Or have I misunderstood? I've been out of the loop a bit, long holidays, festivals and I don't really know what's going on.

I get absolutely fuck all information from them and it's beginning to piss me off. The only time I hear from them is when they want my vote on their flipping executive council.

As far as I know Unison does not oppose these strikes (and indeed we recognise them as the opening salvo) however - realistically we won't be in a position to ballot for strike action until the autumn and hopefully we will at least coordinate with Unite and fingers crossed the GMB as well as other public sector unions. It's also the case that Unison won't ballot until negotiations are formerly concluded, which is a mistake imo - but there you go.

I believe the Birmingham Local Government branch is going to ballot for strike action sooner but I don't know as I don't live round there.

If you only recieve voting info it could be that you ticked the non "junk mail" box on the application form when you joined which means you'll only get the statutory stuff (voting papers etc) rather than the other info. It could be the branch doesn't have up to date info of where you work, it's your responsibility to keep them informed if you move house or job.

It is true that Unison is often over hesitant about strike action but in my experience it is the lowest paid members who are most hesitant, often because they can't afford to take time off.
It seems it is entirely my fault i've been receiving no info about Birmingham - i've just updated my details and they had my old employer on there :oops:
Glad to help :D

Seriously though it's one of the biggest reasons in my experience for people not getting adequate or correct info - it's also in the past been one of the issues with the legality of ballots in the past couple of years.
If Unison had fucking bothered sooner, schools would be done on the 30th. As it is, our ATL members joined ATL for its history of no action - our NASUWT members are considering coming out in support of us, and the three or four NUT members are definitely going. Only two weeks too, need to sort it out.
It seems it is entirely my fault i've been receiving no info about Birmingham - i've just updated my details and they had my old employer on there :oops:

Cool - if you work for the city council you should be either have had or be getting ballot papers. I'm not a unison member/official but unison are involved in Birmingham Against the Cuts, as am I and so I hear about these things.
I'm not even sure that they've finished sending out all the ballot papers yet, but I think they have, I think it was all going to have been sent at the end of last week with the close of the vote mid next week.
Is this totally sorted now? Do you know you are going to get ballot papers? pm me if you still have problems
I'm going to give my branch a ring tomorrow and see. i know I haven't received any ballot papers up to now, which is logical as they had no idea I was a BCC employee :oops:

but i guess the question is whether i've left it too late :s
I'm going to give my branch a ring tomorrow and see. i know I haven't received any ballot papers up to now, which is logical as they had no idea I was a BCC employee :oops:

but i guess the question is whether i've left it too late :s

You probably haven't left it too late as long as you do ring them tomorrow.
Anyone here know what schools usually do to get around strikes if they think they can keep the school open? At the moment I don't think enough members in my school will strike to close it if the school gets in cover.
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