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Italy v Switzerland 16/09/21 ko 8pm

Bit of a suspicious object in the centre there :hmm:

ta for the post though - I was thinking "I wonder if there's another game on". Will be a lot less stressful than the Wales match, I don't really mind who wins (Switzerland of course but I can't see it happening).
Bit of a suspicious object in the centre there :hmm:

ta for the post though - I was thinking "I wonder if there's another game on". Will be a lot less stressful than the Wales match, I don't really mind who wins (Switzerland of course but I can't see it happening).
The centre? Probably one of Shaqs calf muscles :hmm:
Am a massive fan of Shaq,always gives 117% in any game. Great he is at Liverpool but he deserves top flight games. Hard to get into that first team.
Yep me too, as remarked I loved seeing him when he played for Stoke, lovely control of the ball and some wonderful passes/crosses.
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