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Is this another "WMD" episode?

Yeah, he's also an Arsenal supporter, which is yet another crime against humanity. I suppose you're right. :rolleyes:
A "full blown holocause denier"? wtf? Is this based on battybutcher's hastily googled "research" (otherwise known as hearsay) or have you established this for a fact all by yourself? I'm not particularly interested in the Holocaust at the moment, got my hands full with Syria, however as it seems to be bit of a thing in this forum, I might revisit it later to see what all the fuss is about.

Regardless, nobody dragged you into this thread, you came here of your own accord. If it's not to your liking then as I said earlier perhaps this thread isn't for you.

a detail of history eh
so far the factual evidence to support your claims seem to fall short of the standard required by even the local magistrates court

You're completely deluded aren't you? There is huge amounts of evidence/proof from a number of independent non-State orgs and State's that say Assad did it. You just refuse to believe it because you're fixated.

You also do know it's possible to think the regime was responsible for the attacks, and also to not to support the US airstrikes?
Holocaust denial is a bit like supporting arsenal and calling someone battyboy is a good idea. Exemplary proper debate stuff. :thumbs:

Sad thing is it's not just people like that doing the false flag thing. I've lost a couple of old friends over it since twin towers, people I didn't think had it in them to be so obtuse. They so very rarely come out and say what they really think as well (Mossad dun it or whatever), just this vague superior 'I'm not falling for it' stance.
c'mon, he's saying that the loons theories equate to denial.
what do we call those who 'question the numbers'? Other than massive twats of course.
c'mon, he's saying that the loons theories equate to denial.
what do we call those who 'question the numbers'? Other than massive twats of course.

My original response was just in general regarding what false flag means. Then I got a haughty unsolicited "I know what it means, thanks" which prompted the pointless exchange.
I'm not particularly good at debating, however I'd live to see butchersbitch and 10thdan have a fact based debate with someone like Ryan Dawson who appears to know his shit.

I might be prepared to spend some of my precious time answering non-loaded non leading questions, however you appear to be a bit stupid so it doesn't look like that's going to happen.


... If you went to idiot school, you'd be top of the class. ...

... As I said to your leader butchersbitch, if you are not able to debate properly and can only conjur up emotional outbursts then maybe this thread is not for you...

... Is this based on battybutcher's hastily googled "research" (otherwise known as hearsay) or have you established this for a fact all by yourself? ...

Well, I've got news for you, emotional outbursts and bad mouthing is not proper evidence.
Oh, the irony.
fucking nuts. Where do these people come from ? scrabbling around in the shadows to find a theme that fits your bonkers viewpoint does not make you a woodward and bernstein, it just makes you look utterly fucking nuts and effectively belittles the suffering of those on the ground, fucking hell.
Please revisit it soon. It'll hasten your departure.
Like I said, it's not a particular interest at the moment although I notice the repeated attempts to drag the thread in that direction for some reason, perhaps as a distraction from providing the real evidence that ASSAD DID IT! maybe? :hmm:
Like I said, it's not a particular interest at the moment although I notice the repeated attempts to drag the thread in that direction for some reason, perhaps as a distraction from providing the real evidence that ASSAD DID IT! maybe? :hmm:

Who is at war with the rebels btw?
You're completely deluded aren't you? There is huge amounts of evidence/proof from a number of independent non-State orgs and State's that say Assad did it. You just refuse to believe it because you're fixated.
More fixated than the ASSAD DID IT! gang? I think not.

You also do know it's possible to think the regime was responsible for the attacks, and also to not to support the US airstrikes?
Anything is possible. How about bringing the real proper evidence to the discussion and we take it from there.
Holocaust denial is a bit like supporting arsenal and calling someone battyboy is a good idea. Exemplary proper debate stuff. :thumbs:
Selective reading and more diversionary tactics eh? Attention to detail is really not your thing is it? Please quote where I called anyone a "battyboy"? As I said in a previous post, the holocaust has not been a particular are of interest and so I haven't spent that much time looking into it, I may do at a later stage especially now Mr Dawson has been accused of being a "denier". There is already a thread dedicated to this topic so perhaps you'd like to continue in that thread and leave this one to concentrate on the clusterfuck that is in Syria.
Anything is possible. How about bringing the real proper evidence to the discussion and we take it from there.

Give that the overwhelming evidence and weight of opinion is that the regime was behind it, the burden is on you to come up with something more concrete than your 'shaky camera' theory to prove otherwise.
Like I said, it's not a particular interest at the moment although I notice the repeated attempts to drag the thread in that direction for some reason..

The only reason people are talking about it because the person you respect most for 'knowing his shit' says that the nazis never intended to kill any jews, that it's all made up lies.
He is the one you regard as an authority on what's really going on in the world.
This is not helping you appear less of a nutjob.
Where's your evidence?
My evidence of what? I am not the one making the claims. I'm waiting for those who claim that ASSAD DID IT! to produce the evidence to back that up. So far, nothing doing, just a bunch of holocaust diversion and hot air. I'll come back later and see if there are any developments.
My evidence of what? I am not the one making the claims. I'm waiting for those who claim that ASSAD DID IT! to produce the evidence to back that up. So far, nothing doing, just a bunch of holocaust diversion and hot air. I'll come back later and see if there are any developments.

Where is your evidence disproving Assad did it?
Give that the overwhelming evidence and weight of opinion is that the regime was behind it, the burden is on you to come up with something more concrete than your 'shaky camera' theory to prove otherwise.
Merely repeating it does not make it true. I'm not sure what you are on about with "shaky camera" theory, that is not anything to do with me. You want to check your facts sir.

That's enough for the moment. There's only so much time I can allocated to zealots. I'll come back later to see if there's anything worth replying to. In the meantime, here's Mr Dawsons latest video.

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