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Is it worth 'leaking' this to the press?


Be the sun and all will see you
It may not be - it's regarding a review which is out on Tuesday. I managed to garner some info (recorded on me phone and all) about said review.

I just happened to bump into (Professor Sir) Simon Wessley on Wednesday. He was reluctant to divulge much about the Mental Health Act Review, but after much charm from myself, he asserted that, (as things stand):

1) The Review won't suggest cutting funding. Whilst he can't guarantee that government would not use the Review cutting resources, he would challenge them if they attempted to do so.

2) The only 'reasons' for the Review are the stated ones, and because the Review is 'packed with service users', we would have heard by now if there were were any other motives for the Review. The Review 'has nothing to do with privatisation'.

3) The Review is entering into a 'new phase'. There will be 17 different working groups, and each of these will have service users on them

4) The Review will be advocating for more resources for alternatives to reduce detention.

5) The Review will not be looking at Welfare Benefits, apart from S117. The Review will recommend S117 to be 'improved' S117, and make it 'much better'. He stated that currently, 'Section 117 is a mess'.

6) He indicated that it would be optimistic to expect the final report to be ready by October

I haven't read anywhere else that a) Simon (or other top bods) are prepared to challenge government if the Review is used to cut funding, or b) the Review will advocate for more resources for alternatives to reduce detention, or c) the Review will propose considerable 'improvements' to S117 (although C is to be expected I guess, given how crap S117 is at the moment).

Have I got a scoop here?
That all sounds very positive. Why would you consider going to the media? I’d just let them get on with the good work if I were you, or see if you can get involved as a member of the public if you’re interested?
That all sounds very positive. Why would you consider going to the media? I’d just let them get on with the good work if I were you, or see if you can get involved as a member of the public if you’re interested?

'leak' is a bit of an overstatement. I'm a patient, and i got myself a long to an event full of bigwigs. Amongst patients there is huge desire to see legal reform, and a skepticism that this review will advocate for that.

There is also considerable anxiety that the tories will use the review to cut funding (so assurances that funding will be improved for less coercive alternatives to 'sectioning'
He's a Sir so unlikely to rock the boat if he wants a peerage down the line and he will work within the assumed parameters of achievability and the nods of winks given when he took on the review. Looks like a sort of hands on bloke - a younger Dustin Hoffmann could have had a stab if only he would keep his filthy paws off the interns. Oh and you have excellent memory retention of so much obtuse detail !

He's a Sir so unlikely to rock the boat if he wants a peerage down the line and he will work within the assumed parameters of achievability and the nods of winks given when he took on the review. Looks like a sort of hands on bloke - a younger Dustin Hoffmann could have had a stab if only he would keep his filthy paws off the interns. Oh and you have excellent memory retention of so much obtuse detail !


He's married to Claire Gerada. I think she assumed I was another 'VIP' as she asked if i was joining her and the rest of them for dinner
'leak' is a bit of an overstatement. I'm a patient, and i got myself a long to an event full of bigwigs. Amongst patients there is huge desire to see legal reform, and a skepticism that this review will advocate for that.

There is also considerable anxiety that the tories will use the review to cut funding (so assurances that funding will be improved for less coercive alternatives to 'sectioning'
If it was a semi open event chances are some journalists will already be aware. Don't see the harm in you tweeting or blogging it?
If it was a semi open event chances are some journalists will already be aware. Don't see the harm in you tweeting or blogging it?

It will be interesting to see if the (limited) assurances given will be honoured
He's married to Claire Gerada. I think she assumed I was another 'VIP' as she asked if i was joining her and the rest of them for dinner

Wow two Profs one household wonder if they ever argue - would love to be a fly on the wall...

From a practical point of view, you’ve missed the deadline for tomorrow’s papers realistically (they’d stop the press for a big scoop such as Rudd going but not for this). If it’s for an event on Tuesday morning chances are they’ve already sent embargoed press releases to relevant and interested journos about the issue for Tuesday’s press.

Basically they’ll have already sold the narrative they want to the mainstream press. It won’t hurt for you to blog/tweet about it, but chances are no one will notice unless you can guess and or know who the interested journos are likely to be and point them to it. And with the best will in the world the points you’ve got, whilst interesting, are way too technical for the mainstream press and they mostly won’t care.

That said you should probably talk to the more specialised press in this area ASAP as it may help build any stories they’re getting up which may then feed into the wider press.
It seems like standard NHS trying to treat more people with long term health problems at home to save money and resources, if done properly it's a good thing. What did I miss?
From a practical point of view, you’ve missed the deadline for tomorrow’s papers realistically (they’d stop the press for a big scoop such as Rudd going but not for this). If it’s for an event on Tuesday morning chances are they’ve already sent embargoed press releases to relevant and interested journos about the issue for Tuesday’s press.

Basically they’ll have already sold the narrative they want to the mainstream press. It won’t hurt for you to blog/tweet about it, but chances are no one will notice unless you can guess and or know who the interested journos are likely to be and point them to it. And with the best will in the world the points you’ve got, whilst interesting, are way too technical for the mainstream press and they mostly won’t care.

That said you should probably talk to the more specialised press in this area ASAP as it may help build any stories they’re getting up which may then feed into the wider press.

Yeah I’m thinking Community Care, Health Service Journal, Nursing Times etc (oh the rock and roll life I lead).
The three big issues (as I understand) for mental patients atm are

1) Legislation (ie, the powers to detain and forcibly treat patients; and the rights and processes associated with this)

2) Welfare (eg the move to UC)

3) Funding for the NHS

The current review is of *massive* importance to the MH survivor/user community.
Yeah I’m thinking Community Care, Health Service Journal, Nursing Times etc (oh the rock and roll life I lead).

Yep totally the route you should go down. If you want to go with it get in touch with them 1st thing tomorrow. It might lead to nothing but can’t hurt. Also worth thinking about Twitter people in that area who could be influential.
Yep totally the route you should go down. If you want to go with it get in touch with them 1st thing tomorrow. It might lead to nothing but can’t hurt. Also worth thinking about Twitter people in that area who could be influential.

Good plan.

TBH, I’m not sure what I’ll achieve other than fucking off the MH establishment (although that in itself is worthy!).
Yeh you have a scoop. But it's only one scoop in a three scoop cone

I think I may have the cone as well.

These particular bits of info aren’t a lot, but the issues they centre on are fairly explosive. There’s huge anger in my community atm. I’ve pretty much accepted that I’m going to spend the rest of my life having other people make (shite) decisions about my body; if I’m going to die horribly, I’m going to die with honour. I’m going to go down fighting.
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