Registered Chooser
The Application for Settle Status scheme was introduced late last year, so it is already a reality, and it's not a registration scheme either. You have to apply, and can be accepted, rejected, or granted pre-settled status, which is a kind of limbo status. If you look at the thread here about EU nationals, you'll see some of the anxiety it is causing already because well, lots of British people have parents, partners, children, work colleagues, neighbours, friends, etc. who are citizens of the other 27 EU countries. Even if they've lived here for decades, own property, have businesses, etc., they could be thrown out. Even if that's not likely, knowing that some stuff shirt in the Home Office can determine your fate with a keystroke is likely to be anxiety-inducing. Once you've been given settled-status, you have to inform the Home Office if you move, change emails or phone numbers, etc., or you could be removed. There's always the threat of status being removed. Who wants to live the rest of their lives like that? Just heard of the 6th person I know from an EU27 country is in the process of leaving the UK for good.The ads don't say please stay, they are spreading the fact people need to register. If the situation of needing to register does become a reality, and I really hope it doesn't, then yes, that is money that needs to be spent.... Might reach a few people who would become illegal, excludable and deportable otherwise
My argument is there should be a need to publicise the settled status scheme because there shouldn't be a settled status scheme in the first place. Both a fucking waste of money, and just widens divisions and increases insularity of the UK.