I wholeheartedley agree with your viewpoint
How so? Go on, I'll bite
OK so caveat that I haven’t read the opinion only the commentary.
First, from what I’ve read it seems pretty likely that the ECJ will follow today’s AG Opinion. Let's assume they do.
The question the court was asked was a narrow one - having triggered Art. 50, can a state unilaterally reverse that or does it need permission from the other EU member states?
The opinion says that the state doesn’t need permission - although it needs to demonstrate (not sure how) that it has really changed its mind and isn’t just playing negotiating games.
The relevant court (ECJ) will not enforce the idea of any legal obligation to leave.
The ECJ doesn't do enforcement off its own bat afaik. It rules on cases brought before it. The default position is that the UK is leaving the EU on 29 March 2019. It *is* legally obliged to leave, because it triggered Art. 50. What the opinion says is that the UK can in principle reverse that decision.
The relevant court does not want us to leave.
This is completely wrong. It doesn’t express any opinion either way as to whether the UK should stay or leave. That isn't what it was asked to look at (and it would be bizarre if it had been).