As if anyone thinks the act of decomissioning is literally about putting arms out of use. Do you think if the RA wanted to go back to war they couldn't just buy another shit load?
The act of decommisioning was always symbolic.
I mean do you really expect people who have in their eyes fought the Brits without surrender for close to 100 years (going on their own historography of course) would hand their guns over to the British government.
Plenty of criticisms can be made of republicanism but casting doubt on the significance of this decommissioning is just barking.
A better question is why the IRA deluded themselves for so long that they could bomb the British state out and force a united ireland on the unionist population. So much brutality and death unleashed in the name of republican blood sacrifice dogma, all for a Gerry Adams to sit up in Stormont with an expenses account and have a tri colour in his office.