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Industrial Music - the showdown!!!

Who bangs your head?

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woah!! you mean jordi vallis' VAGINA DENTATA ORGAN project on WSO ?

his stuff's quality.

but, though a signifiucant and criminally neglected figure in the whole 'industrial' set up, i dont know if you would term his recordings 'industrial' or even 'music' , though i'd rather listen to his work than most of the bands listed above.

I really like his stuff more and more over time. There's just something about it which suggests it's the logical conclusion to a lot of the early industrial stuff - ideas valued over the music, disturbing subject matter, total vinyl fetishism, pisshead surrealism.

He does paintings of super models in his own blood now, I think. :)
Vallis features in a lot of the more entertaining stories in England's Hidden Reverse.

Oh, and apparently Bennet is now making percussion driven african influenced trance stuff now as Afro-Noise.

I really like his stuff more and more over time. There's just something about it which suggests it's the logical conclusion to a lot of the early industrial stuff - ideas valued over the music, disturbing subject matter, total vinyl fetishism, pisshead surrealism.

He does paintings of super models in his own blood now, I think. :)

i like the way, as i recall reading in an interview with him, that he didn't record anything for years because he just thought, well V.D.O is just such a cool name i don't really need to.

then he releases something called "Attack Dogs - Trained To Kill/Sexual" which is about as fucking cool a song title as you could ever deam up.

woah, just noticed there's loads of clips of him on youtube , but this spanish TV one is my fave:


though this is fairly excellent too - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs5C_by1zEk

cool guy and a genuine artist unlike some of the bedsit masturbators who're big-cheeses in that scene.

haha, i like his blog. :)

most of those rare old records seem to be stockpiled in japan anyway. i sold most of my stuff like that in the late 80s and probably spent the cash on Es. Not that it's ever bothered me, plus all the decent stuff from tht era you can pretty much get on CD now anyway. Don't mind splashing a ton on an ultra rare house or disco record but have never seen the point on spending thaat kind of money on something like a Sodality LP that you'll probably only ever listen to once and certainly never play out in a club. Records are for playing, not taking out to look at every now and again like the underwear section in the Freemans catalogue when you're a kid. :confused:
i like the way, as i recall reading in an interview with him, that he didn't record anything for years because he just thought, well V.D.O is just such a cool name i don't really need to.

then he releases something called "Attack Dogs - Trained To Kill/Sexual" which is about as fucking cool a song title as you could ever deam up.

woah, just noticed there's loads of clips of him on youtube , but this spanish TV one is my fave:


though this is fairly excellent too - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs5C_by1zEk

cool guy and a genuine artist unlike some of the bedsit masturbators who're big-cheeses in that scene.

Yeah I had a grainy 5th generation video of that spanish TV one. Top stuff.

Your point about the not releasing things is great - VDO never pimped themsleves out with endless limited editions and t-shirts and boxed sets, they just released about 4 weird picture discs and a few CDs over a 25 year period.

He was giving out fliers at the first Whitehouse come back gig saying he was going to do an "all Whitehouse disco". :D I don't think that ever happened, but again - perhaps the idea and the flier were enough?
EJ - unrelated, but what was the name of that drone band - NATO something or other - that you reccd to me eons ago?
Icebreaker International? :)

they were ace.

errr...and you were thinking of their hoax NATO ARTS project? - that's one of my best mates that is. simon break. he's currently recording under the name 'the european' who are on myspace. he's got an LP coming out in a month or so which features an absolutely amazing track called 'tearaway' . he's got a myspace page :)
Controlled Bleeding

That's ok but it's still pretty industrial dancefloor (like their Joined At the Head project if I remember rightly). I was meaning proper industrial noise. Listen to the samples here and here :)

You'll probably like their 'The Drowning' album. The intro track is industrial metal but from then on it's a good mix of dark ambient and all out rhythmic noise.

Ah, just found a shitload of samples on amazon which shows all their various styles...

Their myspace player only seems to feature the 'poncey' stuff, though some of it sounds ok...
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