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Industrial Music - the showdown!!!

Who bangs your head?

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I've seen 4 off that list live:

Whitehouse - probably the funniest gig I've ever been to. They played at The Venue in New Cross to a crowd of indie kids. Their music was just single note, harsh, electronic noise, while the 'singer' shouted monosyllabic 'lyrics'. The crowd, more used to Mega City 4 or Neds Atomic Dustbin hated them, and showed their hate, all encouraged by the band. There was a few hundred people stood there shouting 'FUCK OFF' at them, and they loved it. Some particularly gobby indie kid was dragged up on stage by the singer, who pulled his trousers down and spanked him. Brilliant night.

Who's the best industrial act on that list? Fuck knows.

I think I was at that. ^ :D (not an indie kid)

Tough list. Maybe Foetus. Maybe Gristle.

NiN? meh. emo-light industrial.
WTF is industrial then?
My broad definition is stuff with shouting and metal hitting metal
BTW I've never heard that much Coil - never had them down as beatmakers.

origins in Throbbing Gristle's Industrial Records
who released records by Cabaret Voltaire and Clock DVA.

It's a slippery term - there's precious little in common between Ministry and Psychic TV, and especially not with heavy metal dickwads like Nine Inch Nails.

But sometimes it's the subject matter - taboos, transgression, subcultures of various kinds - that is seen as the identifying factor rather than the music.

You'd REALLY love some Coil stuff though, they've made some great dance records. I'll burn you some..
Cheers - I've heard a bit - got some friends who are severe Coil fans but I've never explored them much
It's a slippery term - there's precious little in common between Ministry and Psychic TV, and especially not with heavy metal dickwads like Nine Inch Nails..
but that's why Ministry and TG are in the poll and PTV and NIN aren't :rolleyes:

coil are very cool indeed, pushing it to include them in some ways but they're certainly out there with the best of the more experimental end of things. i loved scatology, very gripping and disturbing music.
strictly speaking, ouch my ears my ears is in the lead, but if people think NIN, Skinny Puppy, PTV or any of these other bounders are in with a chance, they've got another think coming :mad:

Yeah, but ouch my ears doesn't count...I mean fucksake, NIN?

I listened to Dienstag aus Licht by Stockhausen last night...
Oh and I fucking hate Whitehouse. No matter how many interviews I read with Bennett where he calmly explains what a serious aesthete he is, how he's trying to dismantle power structures through taboos etc, ultimately it's just a couple of gimps dicking about on stage shouting about concentration camps over increasingly non-powerful Power Electronics.

I met Peter Sotos once. Sweaty man. Although tbf, he someone had made threats to the venue where he was speaking.
a man who published kiddy porn and tried to make out it was art.

Afaik, he got into trouble for collecting newspaper cuttings about child abusers. At least, that's what he maintained. An ex-g/f of mine got him to speak at an art event she was curating, along with Stewart Home.
Big Black are NOT a fucking industrial band :mad:
they are round my house, i just decided :cool:

They sought and found little mainstream success, but the group's piledriver drum machines and brutal, slashing electric guitars were widely influential, especially for industrial rock. Albini's vocal style and provocative lyrics garnered much attention. says everyone's fav ref wiki ;)

altho to be fair, it goes onto say They have been classified as noise rock, and were a formative influence on industrial rock, but the band members have always described the band as punk rock;
they were a punk or hardcore band.

William Burroughs was a big influence on industrial music. By your measure, that makes him an industrial band :p
Afaik, he got into trouble for collecting newspaper cuttings about child abusers. At least, that's what he maintained. An ex-g/f of mine got him to speak at an art event she was curating, along with Stewart Home.

there were definitely fanzines as well
In 1984-85, Sotos published the zine Pure, which soon attracted the attention of the Chicago police for its depraved content. In 1986, after Sotos had been under surveillance for nine months, his apartment was raided. Police did not find much more than books and zines; however, among them was a copy of Incest #4, which purported to contain depictions of sex between an older man and a 14-year-old girl. Sotos was quickly arrested for obscenity and possession of child pornography, even though no statute existed to prohibit possession of the latter at that time. Though the obscenity charges were later dropped, Sotos eventually became the first person to be convicted of possession of child pornography.

Pure had really dodgy content too. I think even Bennet is a bit embarassed about him now
they were a punk or hardcore band.

William Burroughs was a big influence on industrial music. By your measure, that makes him an industrial band :p
Well, he did make an album with Disposable Heroes, progeny of Beatnigs, who could be termed industrial-lite perhaps. And the Wilner recording Dead City Radio is brilliant stuff and again verging on the edges of the poll options imo. And there were the Giorno recordings as well so old William S could certainly lay claim to being a granddaddy of industrial music.
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