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India shoots down live satellite in space


Yesah! Let's take war to space! :facepalm::(:rolleyes:

India has shot down a live satellite in space as part of a successful test of new missile technology, prime minister Narendra Modi has announced.

The operation, dubbed Mission Shakti, makes India part of a “super league” of nations to have achieved such a feat, Mr Modi said, alongside the US, Russia and China.

The announcement comes weeks after India engaged in aerial clashes with Pakistan over the disputed border of Kashmir. “This new technology is not directed against any particular country,” the prime minister said.

The target of the test was “one of India’s existing satellites operating in lower orbit”, a foreign ministry source said, rather than an asset belonging to another country. Experts said a mini-satellite was put into low orbit one month ago, likely for this purpose.

Mr Modi’s address, which he trailed as an “important statement” on Twitter, was simultaneously broadcast on All-India Radio and all national TV stations.
Madhavan Nair, the former chief of the Indian space agency Isro, said that “Mr Modi has chosen to take this step ... To show that we have capabilities in this area,” and that if another country targets India’s satellites, India could “respond in a timely manner”. He described it as a “great achievement for the country”
You're right behind the curve on this one, the Americans, Russians and Chinese have been working on this for years

Think it was last year trump set up a space command but there's loads of stuff on the Internet going back a decade or more, policy documents and manuals
maybe more impressed if they managed to get toilets to their population knocking, a sat down is pretty easy orbits are known .
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