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Increased pesticide use due to bat extinctions may have led to 1300 child deaths in US


No amount of cajolery...

Really shocking story. Bats which eat pests died out locally due to a fungus and as a result farmers used more pesticides, which led to an increase in the infant mortality rate
Shocking but perhaps not surprising. The ways in which we collectively depend on natural systems are poorly understood.

For me this increasingly feels like the biggest challenge - how we have a step change in how everyone thinks about and relates to nature. Was having an argument with some idiot on Facebook recently about the council's policy of not mowing grass any more (except strips round the edges) and not spraying every weed to death down paths etc. 'Nature belongs in fields' was their repeated refrain - and of course, no it doesn't, and there's barely any in a lot of fields because they are chemical filled monocultures!
If there's one thing that really does wind me up it's 'save the planet' type messaging. It's not about the planet, it's about our own survival as a 'civilised' species, as Saul says. I don't think it's at all cynical, I think the planet focus makes the whole thing seem really distant from everyday life and something only really affecting polar bears.
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