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il virus: covid-19 in italy

“He has a bit of a cough and obviously because of his age it was better that the symptoms are taken care of in hospital,” said Deborah Bergamini, a deputy with Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party.
I had hoped there might be some sort of herd immunity in places like Bergamo given how many people were dead and infected the first time :(

My mum's now ex in Northern Italy has a mate in his 50s who is now in intensive care with the virus. He was ill a few months ago himself but it turned out not to be covid.
Bergamo actually does have much fewer cases now compared to many other areas in Lombardy so there is some truth in that. Also the virus is generally weaker now, cases are high but number of people needing ICU is much lower than March/April
Is there any evidence to suggest the virus is actually weaker? As opposed to it currently effecting different les vunrible age groups.

IIRC there was that Italian doctor who suggested the virus had weakened a couple of months ago but I thought his notions had subsequently been discounted.
Is there any evidence to suggest the virus is actually weaker? As opposed to it currently effecting different les vunrible age groups.

IIRC there was that Italian doctor who suggested the virus had weakened a couple of months ago but I thought his notions had subsequently been discounted.

AFAIK there is a school of thought which suggests the virus is weakening, and some coronaviruses do have a track record of fading into the background. The strain of influenza which caused the 1918 pandemic is now just another seasonal flu strain. But this isn't flu and may behave differently, and as I understand it those who think there's evidence enough to be confident it's weakening already are very much in the minority.
I did comment the other week, probably in the worldwide thread, that I was a bit worried about Italys testing. This was because although their case numbers have been going up for a while, they were not showing the same sort of rises as France, Spain and the UK, and I could not tell if that fairly reflected the situation in Italy or whether it was something to do with their testing regime compared to other countries. Because other countries were seeing numbers that exceeded the numbers they detected in the first wave, and Italy was nowhere near that.

Well, their case numbers are shooting up recently so it looks like they were just behind in terms of the timescale of virus resurgence (or detection of said resurgence). So now they are close to matching case numbers detected last time.

Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 13.54.06.png
Number of people in hospital has been going up, I suppose I would expect to see its trajectory change now that there are so many more cases being picked up in the last week. Although as usual if a lot of the cases being detected are in younger age groups at the moment then the hospital numbers wont rise in the same dramatic way, at least not yet.

Screenshot 2020-10-11 at 13.54.54.png
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And yes as with other countries there is no point comparing number of cases now with number of cases in first wave and expecting them to be directly equivalent and drawing conclusions about 'virus strength' as a result, thats a faulty method. Because most countries were only picking up a small fraction of their cases the first time, usually the severe cases that required hospital attention. And this was especially true in Italy where they really didnt detect their first outbreaks until they started to get hospital deaths.
fair enough. also perhaps worth saying that a good proportion of the most vulnerable people in the most affected regions won't be catching the virus a second time and adding to hospitalization figures, because, you know, they're already dead
fair enough. also perhaps worth saying that a good proportion of the most vulnerable people in the most affected regions won't be catching the virus a second time and adding to hospitalization figures, because, you know, they're already dead

Its a factor but it might not be as big a one as some people expect, since a very large number of vulnerable people were not exposed to the virus in the first wave.

Things could still end up as bad or worse than last time, but it isnt really safe to make confident predictions in either direction.
With todays news what do Italian people, residents, non-cycling people think about the Giro continuing? Should it even have started?
any particular reason? Doesn't Italy need something to cheer and get excited about. It's in the open air and should be reasonably safe.
It involves thousands of people gathering in different towns from one day to the next. It's a recipe for super-spreading. There is plenty to be excited about without the Giro, which is not particularly popular anyway
Cheers for that. Im a fan of the giro, I see its continuing and am watching it now. As a fan, I have already questioned whether it should be proceeding or not and am thinking all racing should not be taking place for the time being.
No updates on this? I was hoping amongst the widespread global slaughter that this useless fucking virus might find the time to actually kill at least one cunt.

Hr's still a bit dizzy

"È stato terribile, per tre giorni sono stato davvero male - ha confidato -. Poi mi sono ripreso. Ma anche ora se mi alzo dal letto mi gira la testa.

"It was terrrible for three days I was really poorly" he confided "Then I got better. But even now my head spins when I get out of bed.

Silvio Berlusconi sul coronavirus: "Mi gira ancora la testa ogni volta che mi alzo dal letto"

It involves thousands of people gathering in different towns from one day to the next. It's a recipe for super-spreading. There is plenty to be excited about without the Giro, which is not particularly popular anyway
Latest news I see 17 police escorts have tested positive :confused:
Also probably a lot of people who normally live with cash in hand jobs that suddenly are no longer there; and with a lack of support from the governement the mafias are stepping in providing "loans" to businesses and individuals therefore getting their hooks in there. :/
Yeah obviously lockdown and covid have been great for organized crime everywhere. but these protests in Turin and Milan (not so much the protest in Naples though) seem to be driven by a shady bunch, the usual anarchist/student block absent as fas as I can tell
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