How can I determine that the spat in question actually had anything to do with ID politics?
Because he says so. Because it is always their fault, them, over there. Their behaviours and beliefs are the problem. Point, point, point...other, other, other...externalise everything that is apparently unacceptable whilst never actually being transparent about what perspective and actual experience that informs these judgements. Hiding behind a
superficial online persona and OH try hard, DESPARATELY AND TIME CONSUMING HARD, pick your targets, attack, attack, attack....claim victim hood or blame them if they dare to call you out or fuck you off for doing so.
Slivver and snake and fork tongue your way around...say the
right things so that the vanguard believe you are one of
them, whatever and whomever that is today, on this thread. If you are questioned, feign innocence, feign humbleness. Quickly return to blaming
those others though just in case, never let them get too close, or personal...grandstand and showcase, compete and's their fault, them idpolitickers and liberals over there, If only they were
like us, not them.
A little poem i've written.