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I travel across planet Earth in my own private conveyance

My article is in Serbo-Croatian language. As you can imagine, I'm very selective in my choice of words - consequently Google translate is so bad that it is funny.
For example, the original article title is "The Sovereign Man's Notice Of Travelling Planet Earth By His Own Private Travel Tool".

Few months ago I filed 2 lawsuits at the 'Arbitral Court of Justice' (non-state entity regularly registered within the Croatian judicial system). First one against the individual who performs the function of current so-called Croatian State Treasurer (regarding failure to pay 'SOVRO Sovereign Payment Instrument' SOVRO - Sovereign Payment Instrument), and the second one against three individuals who performs the function of so-called Croatian police officers (regarding their unlawful and illegitimate actions).

Once (hopefully very soon) the 'Arbitral Court of Justice' makes a judgment - stating who wins the case and what remedies the winner is awarded - I will publish everything and of course translate it to English and Italian.



In the meantime, here's two documents with which the 'Arbitral Court of Justice' properly establishes its jurisdiction to preside over abovementioned cases:

- Lawsuit with request for compensatory damages;
- Plaintiff: Aljoša from the Đurić family, planet Earth;
- Arbitration contract between parties exists and is valid.

(click on the image to enlarge it)

(click on the image to enlarge it)

you are doing gods work. oxygen is toxic to plants, and promotes flammability.
In April of 2017 I sovereign freeman on planet Earth already won a court case against 3 man employed as so-called police officers. This is my new court case against Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, sent for information to European Court of Justice Members, International Court of Justice Members, European Commission Members, Croatian Parliament Members ...
Tužba Suverenog Čovjeka Protiv MUP-a Republike Hrvatske - 2 Dio
Google Translate

Crom Alternative News

Investigative journalism and useful articles on various topics.

Mar 18, 2018
The Sovereign Man's Charges Against the MUP of the Republic of Croatia - Part 2
Tagged in: sovereign freeman
Posted by: administrator in Society
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The fact is that countless crimes have been committed during the history of which none of them, either by the number of human victims - whether by material damage or disadvantages - have catastrophic consequences. It is also a fact that the same crimes were committed to the greatest extent by non-detainees from the law, but by those who were blindly adhering to the law.

Prejudice is defined as a predetermined judgment of something that is superficial or completely unexplored and therefore unfamiliar; It is the most stereotypical attitude that is the result of false authority and their never proven, in the society of well-expanded and established, all kinds of reluctant claims. The theory (for example, statehood, monetary theory, economic theory) is defined as the most common assumption without any validity, for lack of evidence of uncontrollable nature. The theory can be presented not only in good faith but also malevolent, best illustrated by the case in which the theory is at the same time a completely false claim - of course, it is a 2005 police and citizens' manual, in which black is white that it is over people supposedly necessary authority, and that state authority over people is allegedly based on their acceptance of some kind of social contract.

Because the unique factual state is exactly what it is and no other, therefore unique - there is no discussion about it. Yet again, more or less, depending, for example, on how much stateism was stubbornly afraid of silence, trying to resist its inevitable own arm on the forensic pillar stage. Forensics is a broad spectrum of science branches that we help when it comes to defining irrefutable facts - whether it is court proceedings, court proceedings, or something entirely third.

About two weeks ago, the Voice of Istria media devoted - including the cover page - six six pages of pages to a fierce collision of reality with someone's utterly frustrated interpretation of it. From around 16:00 pm on Friday afternoon, 02.03.2018 until late evening until about 22: 20h, I was again a free suicide man on planet Earth Aljoša from the Djuric family, again a victim of a criminal action called the so-called. The police of the Republic of Croatia, who with all their strength attributed the characteristics of the allegedly abolished, infamous inquisitor hunt to witches. The following is my reaction: 'Notice, secondly, on additional evidence of my lawsuits against the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia for the falsification of the facts, breach of power, breach of contract, violation of honor and business reputation, violation of the final award, the usurpation of someone else's private property and criminal activity at the expense of humans on planet Earth - filed at the Arbitration Court of Human Rights at the end of August 2017.
In April of 2017 I sovereign freeman on planet Earth already won a court case against 3 man employed as so-called police officers. This is my new court case against Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, sent for information to European Court of Justice Members, International Court of Justice Members, European Commission Members, Croatian Parliament Members ...
Tužba Suverenog Čovjeka Protiv MUP-a Republike Hrvatske - 2 Dio
Cool story bro :cool:
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