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I travel across planet Earth in my own private conveyance

I travel across planet Earth in my own private conveyance:




Obavijest Suverenog O Putovanju Planetom Zemljom Vlastitim Privatnim Putnim Pomagalom
We went to Greece for a week. It was very nice.
So which police force exactly is going to be beating him up?

He could be a travelling euro asset just deploy him to where plod are making a nusiance of themselves and they can beat him up instead :D.

Because refusing to obey the rules and argueinf the toss byond all sense is going to end up being painful.
What on earth is this about?

It's a point-and-laugh thread about this gentleman who appears to be a follower of the 'freemen on the land' definitely-not-a-cult or possibly some Croatian version of same.

If you've not encountered FOTLers before, they are a bunch of insufferable idiots who think they can evade everything from council tax to criminal prosecution via cunning use of nonsense legal jargon, courtroom showboating and tortured puns. Followers seem to be exclusively male, aged 35-60. Many exhibit a fondness for conspiracy theories, anti-semitism, misogynistic behaviour and just generally being a waste of viable organs.
It's a point-and-laugh thread about this gentleman who appears to be a follower of the 'freemen on the land' definitely-not-a-cult or possibly some Croatian version of same.

If you've not encountered FOTLers before, they are a bunch of insufferable idiots who think they can evade everything from council tax to criminal prosecution via cunning use of nonsense legal jargon, courtroom showboating and tortured puns. Followers seem to be exclusively male, aged 35-60. Many exhibit a fondness for conspiracy theories, anti-semitism, misogynistic behaviour and just generally being a waste of viable organs.
Would you really want lungs, kidneys, blood or liver from a fotler?
My article is in Serbo-Croatian language. As you can imagine, I'm very selective in my choice of words - consequently Google translate is so bad that it is funny.
For example, the original article title is "The Sovereign Man's Notice Of Travelling Planet Earth By His Own Private Travel Tool".

Few months ago I filed 2 lawsuits at the 'Arbitral Court of Justice' (non-state entity regularly registered within the Croatian judicial system). First one against the individual who performs the function of current so-called Croatian State Treasurer (regarding failure to pay 'SOVRO Sovereign Payment Instrument' SOVRO - Sovereign Payment Instrument), and the second one against three individuals who performs the function of so-called Croatian police officers (regarding their unlawful and illegitimate actions).

Once (hopefully very soon) the 'Arbitral Court of Justice' makes a judgment - stating who wins the case and what remedies the winner is awarded - I will publish everything and of course translate it to English and Italian.



In the meantime, here's two documents with which the 'Arbitral Court of Justice' properly establishes its jurisdiction to preside over abovementioned cases:

- Lawsuit with request for compensatory damages;
- Plaintiff: Aljoša from the Đurić family, planet Earth;
- Arbitration contract between parties exists and is valid.

(click on the image to enlarge it)

(click on the image to enlarge it)
I am surprised this idiot's vehicle has not been seized and impounded by the Croatian plod. It's been what, five months? Maybe longer?
Court Final Decision: I'm the Winner against three individuals who performs the function of so-called Croatian Police Officers :) :) :)
Court Final Decision: I'm the Winner against three individuals who performs the function of so-called Croatian Police Officers :) :) :)
If you are attacked by someone in Croatia, who physically assaults you and steals your money, who do you go to for help? Surely not a so-called police officer? Or would you then, temporarily of course, consider them to be actual police officers? At least until it suits you to revert back to calling them so-called police officers?
I've got So Called Father Todd Unctuous in my sights after this stunning victory. :mad:
'Arbitral Court of Justice' is a non-state entity regularly registered within the Croatian judicial system
It appears to be their version of the small claims court, providing arbitration on minor civil issues.

Some people might be sceptical that a historic victory over the oppressive state apparatus would come through such a court. Not me though.
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