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Hurricane Sandy - "Perfect Storm"

..in that case, you may be in luck... If the projected northerly track of this storm runs into the jetstream then you may want to brace yourself for the remnant hitting us a week or so later. No need to crowdsource the expensive air travel fee when you can just soak it up on the outer hebrides and have a taste of what the US Eastern seaboard is about to get...
According to Snowmail (Channel 4 News), The mayor of New York has ordered more than 350,000 people to leave the low lying Evacuation Zone A of the city. The headline for the story uses the word Frankenstorm.
1. That area of the world consumes a wildly disproportionate amount of the worlds energy. A week out of action would do the world some good.

So if that part of the world gets hit by a hurricane so bad it knocks out its energy for a week it will:

A: Consume an even more wildly disproportionate amount of the world's energy rebuilding.


B: Repent and fit solar panels everywhere just in time for winter.
So if that part of the world gets hit by a hurricane so bad it knocks out its energy for a week it will:

A: Consume an even more wildly disproportionate amount of the world's energy rebuilding.


B: Repent and fit solar panels everywhere just in time for winter.

Just go with it and watch Obama and Romney try and out do each other in the aftermath. Giving speeches with firemen and other emergency workers behind them.
Just go with it and watch Obama and Romney try and out do each other in the aftermath. Giving speeches with firemen and other emergency workers behind them.

If a severe storm hits the northeast US it's going to be poor people and old people who suffer most. People who rely on home help won't get it and stores in poor neighborhoods will be the first to run out of food and the last to get resupplied.

Sorry if I spoiled your wank.
actual new yorker here.

there'll be a full moon tuesday (or monday?) + storm surge + big winds = evacuations of some low-lying locations in NYC itself, which is a first in my lifetime. usually these things come NW from the caribbean, bounce off NC, and head NE. this one, very oddly, will go NE then turn NW, landing on NJ perhaps, or even walking right through the narrows into upper NY bay. so NYC precautions are not unreasonable. television outlets, whose job it is to freak people out to keep their attention to increase their ad rates, are going into all-Sandy mode, but "americans", despite the efforts of the profiteers and desires of the urban posters who want them to, are not freaking out. i'm watching the jets playing to a full stadium right now, so there's 80,000 people who don't care. i just got in from the supermarket where i got onto a line of one person, so there's no big run.

but my school is cancelled for tomorrow, so that's good.
This is a water storm. It's about flooding and freezing 1,200 miles of lowland and mountainside. It's the size of the thing not the wind it brings, and it's coming to one of the most densely populated parts of the continent. This is about shutting down the coast and everything for 200 miles inland, flooding and freezing.
Shutting down everything but Reiker's Island probably. :(
tbf many forecasters are pretty worried about the nature of the storm and it doesn't take a genius to see the potential for damage it has.
It will be interesting to see what Romney's response is in the next few days, so close to the election - especially if this gets brought up.
That wasn't Americans though, it was blacks.

Yes, because George W. Bush's handling of Katrina didn't contribute to his party losing control of Congress the next year, and the election of a black president two years after that, and his presidency going down in history as a failure - because black people aren't seen as Americans.

Why do people who are usually reasonably sound turn into complete idiots when it comes to anything American?
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