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Hurricane Irma

Hi res imagery from the new GOES-16 satellite:

Now seeing sustained winds of 185mph.

A friend of mine is in Haiti right now. Looks like she'll just get tropical storm force based on current modelling.

Those models have it veering north hugging the east coast of florida to make landfall around Savvanah, GA.

E2a: ECM predicted path from latest run somewhat west of GFS, HWRF, HMON...
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Remarkably, there's a working webcam on Saint Bartelemy. At trhe time of posting, there's tree getting blown about to fuck, but apparently the eye is approaching.

I've been through three hurricanes. I didn't like the experience at all. My thoughts are with all those going through this.
And.... Jose is hurrying along behind Irma. Very similar path predicted.

talk about adding insult to injury:(

I've friends in Antigua, Barbuda and St Kitts Nevis. Barbuda in particular is going to be completely devastated - its highest point is about 120' above sea level so no buffer from the winds and the centre of the island is already a salt water lagoon. Christ, I've been through a couple of low category hurricanes and that was bad enough. I can't imagine this.
And.... Jose is hurrying along behind Irma. Very similar path predicted.
Models currently prognosticate José on a more northerly+easterly track.
Some models already hinting at the next two storms after that (Katia, Lee) forming out in the eastern mid Atlantic.
Hard to overstate how bad this seems, any metrologist I follow on twitter is talking about this in almost apocalyptic tones.
My mate's son and his partner are in Sint Maarten, which is sitting right in the path of Irma. They appear well prepared from what I can tell but I still feel for her - communications have now been severed and it's time to wait it out. Fingers crossed for everyone out there
We should have taken off and nuked it from orbit, when it was further out in the Atlantic - it was the only way to be sure.

Too late now.
Bet he won't be standing there for long....Branson on his private Island, which the eye is going right over.

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