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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Yeah, I have noticed this fear around enthnology before. Had a good conversation about it a few months back about it - she gets called racist all the time for her use of the word. It would be funny if it didn't effect her job or her family (parent of a mixed race child).

But hey - racist right!
Here in Germany it's a perfectly normal word, which serves as a stand-in for anthropology most of the time. I was wondering about your use of it in context, though. It's clear that the perpetrators of the NYE crimes had misogynistic attitudes and beliefs that predisposed them to their crimes, and that these attitudes and beliefs were rooted in their cultural backgrounds. But I'd be wary of anything which suggested that all people from those backgrounds could be written off as equivalent to the NYE gangs. And that's why I was wondering about your use of "ethnological" in this context - because the roots of the word are in the study of peoples, and to argue for an ethnological angle to complement what Bernie Gunther was talking about would seem to suggest that they committed these crimes because they are sprung from this or that ethnos. Which could be - not in your case, but possibly in the case of others - a prelude to some political conclusions I would find obnoxious.
one woman i knew many years ago droped out after four years and nine months of a medicine degree. which seemed then as it does now rather silly, as even if she did badly at the end of it she would have had something to show for the years between 18 and 23.
She's probably feeling quite smug now though, wherever she is, watching what the junior docs have got going on.
Doctoring is a proper job though. How many of my university co-anthropologists grew up to be fully paid up professionals full time anthropologogizers I have no idea. 2 of them got jobs in places that create whole new graduates of it though, and those are the successes I guess.
The two successful anthropolologists I vaguely still know are having more fun than me, or than NHS doctors though; one teaches in California and specialises in Chinese tourism (as in, the whole industry that now exists there, of bussing around wealthy / middle class Chinese to take videos of other Chinese people dressed up in ethnic costumes etc) and the other one is shacked up with a very handsome Naga Baba writing a book about tantra.
The two successful anthropolologists I vaguely still know are having more fun than me, or than NHS doctors though; one teaches in California and specialises in Chinese tourism (as in, the whole industry that now exists there, of bussing around wealthy / middle class Chinese to take videos of other Chinese people dressed up in ethnic costumes etc) and the other one is shacked up with a very handsome Naga Baba writing a book about tantra.
If it's any consolation, I am definitely not having more fun than you.
I had to google that. Bloody sad, heartbreaking stuff.
If you google video search 'Sentinelese contact with indians' or similar, you might find something that will make you feel all sorts of confusing feelings, I'm not going to link it here because of how confusing - but it's only short, and I watch it sometimes for the confusing feelings. Look out for the man and woman who walk down to the sea holding hands, at 3 minutes 20.
If you google video search 'Sentinelese contact with indians' or similar, you might find something that will make you feel all sorts of confusing feelings, I'm not going to link it here because of how confusing - but it's only short, and I watch it sometimes for the confusing feelings. Look out for the man and woman who walk down to the sea holding hands, at 3 minutes 20.
I didn't see that one, but saw others, quite upsetting. Oh the white man, what seductions in his language, what infections on his skin.
I didn't see that one, but saw others, quite upsetting. Oh the white man, what seductions in his language, what infections on his skin.
I'll PM it to you. :) Big silly anthropological derail anyhow, but just a favourite 5 minute video.
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Here in Germany it's a perfectly normal word, which serves as a stand-in for anthropology most of the time. I was wondering about your use of it in context, though. It's clear that the perpetrators of the NYE crimes had misogynistic attitudes and beliefs that predisposed them to their crimes, and that these attitudes and beliefs were rooted in their cultural backgrounds. <snip>

I think that it's also perfectly possible to acquire misogynistic beliefs from 'western' cultures (just look at the Roosh thread).

Just as it's perfectly possible for tactics and techniques for street robbery and/or sexual aggression to be recombined and refactored across different criminal and/or counter-cultural milieus.

These suspects for these crimes have inevitably been exposed to all kinds of different influences, whether 'cultural', media reports and social media interactions or criminal 'apprentice' schemes and tradecraft, and it's not at all a given that they brought all of their misogynistic attitudes and robbery / sexual assault tactics with them and didn't get any of it here.

If anyone wants to seriously claim that it is something exclusively due to ethnicity (I'm pretty sure you weren't actually claiming that, but rather citing it as a likely influence) then I think that I'd like to see some compelling evidence.
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I think that it's also perfectly possible to acquire misogynistic beliefs from 'western' cultures (just look at the Roosh thread).

Just as it's perfectly possible for tactics and techniques for street robbery and/or sexual aggression to be recombined and refactored across different criminal and/or counter-cultural milieus.

These suspects for these crimes have inevitably been exposed to all kinds of different influences, whether 'cultural', media reports and social media interactions or criminal 'apprentice' schemes and tradecraft, and it's not at all a given that they brought all of their misogynistic attitudes and robbery / sexual assault tactics with them and didn't get any of it here.

If anyone wants to seriously claim that it is something exclusively due to ethnicity (I'm pretty sure you weren't actually claiming that, but rather citing it as a likely influence) then I think that I'd like to see some compelling evidence.

Do you think that there is a culture of misogyny in Islamic cultures?

If the answer to that is yes, do you think that that misogyny might be capable of travelling across borders?

And, finally, do you think the behaviour of "pick-up artists" in the West provides some kind of valid moral equivalence on a relative basis exculpating all of the above (because quite frankly I would consider it to be totally irrelevant)?
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