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Hull - news, chat, opinions, recommendations

Hull is my mums home town, and whilst I like to take the piss out of her & the city, it is actually a very interesting city, full of strong history about industry, fishing and naval.

Its a shame some of the outskirts are so run down, but I think with the right investment those areas would get sorted out.
I'll add his reply, for the sake of completeness. Thumbs.

Owdo [quoad]

You ask about the re-development of the fish market (together with the related re-development of the former fruit market) in Hull.

Please keep in mind that Hull was once a vibrant City with a thriving port (in fact the third largest in Britain) with a relatively prosperous hinterland. The docks area contained a great many fine buildings. From the seventies on the Hull entered a period of rapid decline in importance and the whole area (indeed the entire City) took on a sad, neglected near derelict appearance. Fortunately however, the area has in the last half dozen or so years undergone (and is still undergoing) very considerable rejuvenation/regeneration ("urban renaissance")- - an imaginative mixed development which preserves many of the old Victorian/Edwardian buildings and frontages, involving the creation of an "urban village" and "cultural quarter" comprising the Marina, residential, hotels, leisure and inevitably retail including many fine eating establishments. All credit to Hull planners.

I would urge you to take a look around the whole area including the Marina, Old Town and the Land of Green Ginger and see for yourself. (See especially The Black Boy Inn !)

Am sure if you were to Google Hull fish/fruit market re-development you would find greater detail.

The old garbage man is doing just fine especially now that he does not have to get up at 05.30 anymore but he does sorely miss the odd slice of fruit and black bread in particular ! Trust all is good with you and yours (and the crack has not widened !).

Kindest regards to those who may remember the old trash collector.

Look after yersen.
Going to look even more stunning soon, not only with the firework display, but I do know that the Humber Bridge Board are currently experimenting with LED's on the Bridge :)

When it was first built it was lit, to see it returned with leds, light show and music will be well worth seeing.
anyone been to see show and installations? I've been working for a week here now and have come to the conclusion that I really like Hull.
I'll be going Friday night hopefully to see the light installations. My Mother, in her Eighties, went last night and was really moved, especially the Blitz part with the searchlights.
I went last night- I am not a massive fan of Hull for long complicated reasons but made in Hull is *outstanding*

Anyone who can go should- just brilliant. Some of the stuff in the shops was, um, odd. But the light and sound installations were amazing- the one in the square on ferens/maritime/town hall is brilliant and slightly different on each one. The thing on the deep is a love poem to immigration which a) makes sense given the naval history and b) makes me very happy. And it was applauded when it finished :) And the work thing on the wall of the Scale Lane/high street corner (silver street by the Manchester arms) was very wry and political.

Anyway. Amazing. Everyone should go
I am told that the 'work' one on silver street they asked to project onto the side of the job centre but the DWP refused permission :D
Went to see the light shows, fabulously done so technical and emotional. The arrivals one on the deep was particularly good. Ticked through the years and counted through the different immigrants that had arrived in Hull or passed through it its long history.

Whilst at the football went to see the turbine blade that has been positioned in the QVS, juxtaposition is everything.

deep.jpg city hall.jpg
You have set up a thread when there is a thread already.
ah! no, this is about the city of culture cultural activities, that is about news from the 2017 city of culture, news like the discovery of nearby dogging hotspots which i suspect wasn't something the op anticipated appearing on this thread.
I'm planning on going to Hull next month with the other half, getting the train from Leeds and going to The Deep as I've never been.

Been over the Humber Bridge a few times as my parents lived near scunny briefly, but never actually been in the city itself.

Apart from the dead rat street, :hmm: where are the best places to visit?

Any decent pubs/nice places to eat?
Some decent pubs with character in Old Town. Worth wandering around the Marina. If you want bars/restaurants then also Princes Ave/Newland Ave.

What's 'dead rat street'? :D Never heard of it!

You missed most of the fun art/culture-wise last year when it was City of Culture! The old Fruit Market is being re-developed and has some pop-up bits and bobs. High Street (Old Town) also has the museums quarter.

Hull has even managed to get its first Banksy so its clearly finally arrived, if very late :hmm: :D
Here's Peter Marshall's Walking Tour Of Hull In The 1980s

Still Occupied, Vogue, Argyle St, Hull, 1979

West Dock Cafe, West Dock Ave, Hull, 1981

Childrens sale on street, North Hull, 1981

Hull 1980s

Real Beer, Newland Ave, Hull, 1982

Here's Peter Marshall's Walking Tour Of Hull In The 1980s

Still Occupied, Vogue, Argyle St, Hull, 1979

West Dock Cafe, West Dock Ave, Hull, 1981

Childrens sale on street, North Hull, 1981

Hull 1980s

Real Beer, Newland Ave, Hull, 1982

Thanks, I’ve sent this to my mum, she grew up in Hull
I knocked a load of it down in the early noughties (the St Stephen’s development around the station/Ferensway area), have a load of dull pictures here which give a bit of a clue as to how it used to look, totally changed now:

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