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How to dispose of cooking fat/oil and banish fatbergs

David Clapson

Well-Known Member
Do you have a method you can recommend?

I've been saving dirty used fat/oil like a good boy, instead of putting it down the drain. I store it in the freezer. Now I have five litres in half litre frozen blocks. The council's option is for me to put it in containers with lids and put them in the general waste dustbin. The Lambeth site says to put it in the food recycling bin A to Z of what to do with your waste This is an error. I called them. They definitely don't want it in the food recycling.

I would like it to be made into biofuel. But the commercial oil collection services only want large quantities from businesses. Maybe I could leave it with a restaurant? I could probably find a suitable plastic 5 litre oil container if I look in bins and skips.
Pretty sure restaurants don’t want people turning up with tubs of dirty oil.

Just put it in the bin. Oil from your own cooking is likely of a lower quality for biodiesel production than commercial oil anyway e.g. it might contain more water.
I dont use much oil / fat etc in cooking but when I do my deep fried sweet and sour chicken .. I pour the used oil into an old tree trunk in the garden. I was very surprised one day to see a load of mushrooms growing in the middle of the trunk where I had poured the used oil.
Likewise I rarely have leftover oil or fat but on the rare occasion I have fat I mix it up with seeds and put it out for the birds. Goes very quickly. The incidence of avian cardiac problems in my garden has not obviously increased.
Great method but I would need more than my own weight in seeds.
I dont use much oil / fat etc in cooking but when I do my deep fried sweet and sour chicken .. I pour the used oil into an old tree trunk in the garden. I was very surprised one day to see a load of mushrooms growing in the middle of the trunk where I had poured the used oil.
Bury it and let the worms and bacteria do their stuff.
Pour it into a container with a lid and put in the bin. Definitely not down the drain nor in the food recycling.
There's a falafel place I sometimes pass and the other week I saw them pouring a barrel of oil down a drain

That’s criminal. I have been getting waste oil collections for the last year and it cost me about £16 for a wheelie bin full every 2 weeks.

They may not have the space and probably use more oil than me but there’s guys that drive around collecting it for not very much money.

It’s not expensive to get collections, it’s greed and laziness.
Our local recycling centres take it. They have these big minging vats that you pour your oil into. I dunno if your local lot do this?
They do! It's in West Norwood. They recycle the oil. It doesn't get binned. I could go there on foot by appointment, and take my 5 litres of oil on the bus. Perhaps it would be used to make biofuel.

There are more and more HGV fleets in the UK converting to bio LPG. Apparently it's made of food waste. Does anybody know what sort of food waste or where they get it?

I'm thinking I might convert my camper to LPG and use bioLPG where it's sold from public filling stations, i.e. in a number of countries in Europe. (Here in the UK the trucks using bioLPG get it from private filling stations.)
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