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Open House: 40yr Anniversary of #Brixton1981- How to get involved.

As long as she didn't get a fee, terrific. Unfortunately she will probably use the article and her recent appearance on C4 News to apply for a grant for a project to benefit nobody but herself.
Haven't had a chance to listen to the Podcasts yet, thanks for your review.
I look forward to the projection of the Zong Massacre in Atlantic Road - which I haven;t yet been to see.
Turner did a painting from imagination. It's bleak but full of Turner light. I hope this big screen presentation is at least informative.
This coming Thursday (18.30pm -20.30pm UK TIME) 11th March https://81actsofexuberantdefiance.com/ are holding an Open House event so that YOU can come along and find out more about what we're doing and HOW to get involved.
It's hosted by https://www.ubele.org/ and & MC'd by yours truly

It will be an opportunity to hear about some of the Acts of Exuberant Defiance that are bubbling, including hearing from
Stella Kanu
Binki Taylor
Lee Meta Jasper
Nina Wafula
Naresh Kaushal
Cheryl Sealey
Kwesi Kwesi
and having plotting space with other Act Makers and 81 Act Builders.
1981 Brixton Uprising Programme Open Evening Zoom Event 6.30pm - 8.30pm Thursday 11th March 2021
Find out more about 81 Acts here: https://81actsofexuberantdefiance.com
Book your free place here: https://jus-tickets.com/events/81-acts-open-house-march-21View attachment 257981
We have heard claims that people have misunderstood the purpose and journey of 81Acts and are sharing their misinformation about it being resourced or supported by Hondo.

81 Acts Builders would like to take this moment to set the record straight.

81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance has been being built through 300+ community members who have contributed to the steering group voluntarily since 2017.

We have worked tirelessly to be as inclusive as possible and, as an unconstituted group, have managed to raise substantial funds to realise this 12 month programme.

We are working in partnership with Black Cultural Archives, Brixton House, 198 Gallery, Raw Materials, Code 7, Angel Town and Myatts Field community groups, tenants and other Brixton based organisations, including BXP, who have the infrastructure and resource to realise a project of this scale.

This is an invitation for everyone to get involved and create or participate in acts of exuberant defiance that fuel the future of Brixton inspired by its radical past.

The funding to pay for all this activity has been generated through hours and hours of community time.

Please do not undermine our efforts with false claims.

If you would like to talk to the co-founders, including myself Tony Cealy or any other members of the community group directly then drop us a line at connect@81actsofexuberantdefiance.com
I suspect the only answer we will get is some sort of blustery repetition of this.
“Weak ass white men views don't count Stand up or STFU and stay in your lane”.
This was meant to happen on April 10. Sounds ace. Did anyone receive their postcards?

From the 81 Acts website: Every household across Brixton will receive a beautiful commemorative pack to display and keep. Within the pack a set of postcards will tell the story of Brixton’s iconic Uprising of ’81 and invite local people to pay respect and act as a mark of remembrance. Exploring the 6 core themes of 81 Acts, the residents of Brixton can take action from their homes through a series of acts detailed in the pack.
Partners: Arts Council England, The Brixton Project, Jogpost, The United Families and Friends Campaign, Brixton Pound, Make It in Brixton
This was meant to happen on April 10. Sounds ace. Did anyone receive their postcards?

From the 81 Acts website: Every household across Brixton will receive a beautiful commemorative pack to display and keep. Within the pack a set of postcards will tell the story of Brixton’s iconic Uprising of ’81 and invite local people to pay respect and act as a mark of remembrance. Exploring the 6 core themes of 81 Acts, the residents of Brixton can take action from their homes through a series of acts detailed in the pack.
Partners: Arts Council England, The Brixton Project, Jogpost, The United Families and Friends Campaign, Brixton Pound, Make It in Brixton


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I have an abiding memory of 81.

Few days after a member of government came to Brixton. Surrounded by police he walked down Atlantic road. Heard several middle aged Black women out shopping shout at him to get out of Brixton.

After the 81 riot there was a feeling of victory in the air. The older generation who had put up with a lot of racism supported the younger Black British who finally had enough and kicked back.

As demonstrated in my anecdote.

So I do think the Brixton 81 riot was an important moment in Black British history. I also think rioting is at times necessary to show the authorities they can't have it all there way. This country has long tradition of this

I'm not keen on calling it uprising.

I use term Black British as the young people involved grew up here. This was their country as much as mine. The recent Windrush scandal shows how Black people are only here on sufferance. I know some people on Brixton who have relatives caught up up in the "hostile environment".

Theresa May, the architect of hostile environment, and Thatcher had racist views on immigration imo.

And Priti Patel is from the nasty side of Tory party as well when it comes to immigration.
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On the lead up to the 81 riot the Met had decided to do a police operation called Swamp.

The name itself is antagonistic. Thatcher had made comment on this country being swamped by immigrants.

One of the reasons that she became popular with some sections of British society. People remember Enoch but the Tories under Thatcher also used immigration.

It has not been unnoticed by some of my Black British friends that the run up to referendum on EU was dominated by immigration from EU. As one said to me Poles are being viewed like his parents were when they came here from Caribbean.

I was stopped under Operation Swamp.

One of the sad differences between then and now in Brixton was that then we were all in it together.

81 was not a race riot. It was anti police riot.

One thing a politician like Thatcher did was to make clear what side one was on. If you lived in Brixton you were suspect.

I do not see that now.
And Priti Patel is from the nasty side of Tory party as well when it comes to immigration.
Not only that her parents are Ugandan Asians - so she may not have total empathy with black people.

Regarding the riot we are commemorating or celebrating, it wasn't as if there was no warning.

Ted Knight's council commissioned a report on policing - which is archived at the National Record Office at Kew
Final report of the working party into community police relations in Lambeth | The National Archives [Final Report of the Working Party into Community Police Relations in Lambeth]

This report came out in January 1981 - and Operation Swamp eventually caused the riot in April.1981.

Then of course Willie Whitelaw had to get Lord Scarman to do the Scarman Report - which said exactly what the council report had said all over again. But no doubt Thatcher, Tebbit and crew found Lord Scarrman a more acceptable messenger than Ted Knight - albeit the council report had been signed of by Lambeth Tory councillors who had participated in the inquiry.
81 was not a race riot. It was anti police riot.
Was it not a lot of things to a lot of people?

I won't argue that the spark was police action but wasn't the fuel that burnt from multiple issues?

This was a little bit before my time (technically I was living in Brixton at the time but given i was in an amniotic sac at the time I can't really give a first hand perspective) but my experiences of later riots I fell this was true of those events.
Was it not a lot of things to a lot of people?

I won't argue that the spark was police action but wasn't the fuel that burnt from multiple issues?

This was a little bit before my time (technically I was living in Brixton at the time but given i was in an amniotic sac at the time I can't really give a first hand perspective) but my experiences of later riots I fell this was true of those events.

I meant it was not like Notting Hill. Where race was major factor.

Imo white and black communities got on in Brixton most of time.

In 81 one pub got burned down which was hostile to Black customers. But that was it.

By my time in Brixton we all got on with each other.
I meant it was not like Notting Hill. Where race was major factor.

Imo white and black communities got on in Brixton most of time.

In 81 one pub got burned down which was hostile to Black customers. But that was it.

By my time in Brixton we all got on with each other.
The Windsor Castle on Leeson Road also got burnt down - where there seems no suggestion that the landlady or pub were racist. She and her pub were "collateral damage".
Windsor Castle, 54 Mayall Road, SE24 - lost pubs of Lambeth
We have heard claims that people have misunderstood the purpose and journey of 81Acts and are sharing their misinformation about it being resourced or supported by Hondo.

81 Acts Builders would like to take this moment to set the record straight.

81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance has been being built through 300+ community members who have contributed to the steering group voluntarily since 2017.

We have worked tirelessly to be as inclusive as possible and, as an unconstituted group, have managed to raise substantial funds to realise this 12 month programme.

We are working in partnership with Black Cultural Archives, Brixton House, 198 Gallery, Raw Materials, Code 7, Angel Town and Myatts Field community groups, tenants and other Brixton based organisations, including BXP, who have the infrastructure and resource to realise a project of this scale.

This is an invitation for everyone to get involved and create or participate in acts of exuberant defiance that fuel the future of Brixton inspired by its radical past.

The funding to pay for all this activity has been generated through hours and hours of community time.

Please do not undermine our efforts with false claims.

If you would like to talk to the co-founders, including myself Tony Cealy or any other members of the community group directly then drop us a line at connect@81actsofexuberantdefiance.com
I'm glad you cleared that up - thanks. I guess the confusion arose from the Brixton Project being involved - they famously tried to cover up the fact that they were being financed by Hondo to help push through a huge tower against the wishes of the community. Bit surprised they were invited to be part of this project, to be honest.
Have you taken any fees or expenses or have you entirely volunteered your services for the 81 project?

From the beginning of my involvement in 2018 to this very day all my time and energy has been entirely voluntary and not a penny claimed in expenses period.
Lee Jasper did not participate in either the 1981 or the 1985 disturbances as he had not yet been placed in Brixton at the time of either occurrence.


(Source: Rice N Peas)

As many others have, no doubt, previously discovered to their cost, his involvement in even the most laudable of causes is a near guarantee of failure.

It was a mistake to involve him in something in which he was not involved.
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