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how manys acts and statutes are there active altogether?

to be honest, all you need to know about the whole freeman stuff is a little bit of history. a basic reading of a general history of the uk will show you who gets to make the laws, and what the average pleb like me gets to do about it.
and support. ive only been studying law for almost yr now. that right studying! not trained. im studying the law of the land for myself. if the uk is a free country, then is the ultimate test. enjoy ;)

Hmmm..... I assume by "studying the law" what you actually mean is reading a lot of green ink websites and watching a lot of videos by Gerrish, Menard, Chapman, Taylor and others of that ilk who will tell you about the success they've had but can't actually back any of it up with evidence. With all due disrespect I've seen countless numbers of idiots like you on YouTube who will happily boast about their legal knowledge but none of them have a clue and, like you, the ones with the most to say are the ones with the worst English skills.

wot are u talking about? can u tell me the differnce between legal and lawful?

Legal: That which pertains to or is permitted by law.

Lawful: That which is permitted by law.

They are different words but in the main their meaning largely overlaps and the distinction you are attempting to make does not exist. I know you kooks like to go on about 'legalese' but in reality what you really mean 99 times out of 100 is that you just don't understand what you are reading because your command of the English language is at best marginal. Making distinctions between words where they don't exist or conflating two or more definitions of a word is standard FMOTL woo and it doesn't work in court or anywhere else. The courts are not interested in silly semantic games. It doesn't matter two hoots to the courts if you want to claim growing cannabis is lawful but not legal or vice versa as far as they are concerned it's a criminal offence and that's the end of it.

The law is what the law is and whether you think it applies to you or not is neither here nor there. You cannot evade the law by employing silly word games or magical incantations.

if i was wrong then how comes crown court judges are running out of courtrooms.

Let me guess... Courts are acting in commercial law which is the law of the sea and when the judge 'runs out' they are abandoning ship and you get to dismiss the case against you because you are the highest sovereign power in the court... Isn't that the way it's supposed to work? I've see these videos of judges / magistrates leaving the room when the court is being disrupted by an out of control rabble and do you know what it proves? Fuck all. If a judge leaves the room the court is adjourned it's not an aquittal.

Ultimately the proof of any pudding is in the eating and the FMOTL nonsense has an unbroken history of failure. This crap goes back three decades to the Sovereign Citizen movement in the US and in all of that time there's never been a single solitary success because none of it is real to anybody other the little mouse operating the levers inside the footler's head.
I watched the video of you in the interview room (well I skipped the bits I've heard repeated verbatim a dozen times before before, which was most of it) and I'd say the key take-home message of it is that you started the interview in police custody and, after lots of mumbo-jumbo, you were still in police custody. The only thing you've done is confirm for the record that you were growing cannabis. This is what we call a zero sum gain.

Even if you people are right about all this stuff, you're not of course but even if you were, do you really think that the justice system will allow itself to be derailed so easily? It's not a question of who is in the right, it's a question of who is in control. They are in control, you are not. If they want to put you in prison they will do so.

People talk about 'common law' as if there was once a set of laws created by and for the common man, and that these were usurped by corporate laws which only apply to those who are somehow tricked into submitting to them. First of all, no hierarchical society would allow the plebs to decide what the laws are. Since long before there were paper and pens to write laws down with society has been hierarchical. Secondly, no ruler or government would create laws which only work on an opt-in basis, because if people were willing to voluntarily do as they were told there would be no need to draft laws in the first place.

Yes it would be lovely if you could get caught with a flat full of hydroponics and talk your way out of it. Yes it would be nice to score some points against the people who control our lives. Yes it's nice to think about some mythical time in the distant past when the only laws were about not murdering people and not talking in the cinema once the movie's started. Sadly wanting these things to be true doesn't make it so, as even a little bit of research outside of the freemen circle-jerk will soon reveal.

The best way to avoid the long arm of the law has always been the same: don't get caught.

He probably gave the coppers something to laugh about during their doughnut run, though.
My predictions for this thread...

1) Magna Carta
2) Lawful rebellion
3) CQV Act 1666
4) Capital letters
5) The "Straw man"
6) Some crap about birth (berth) certificates
7) Something about fiat currency
8) Debt isn't really debt and you can pay a bill by writing on it at 45 degrees in blue ink
9) The Bills of Exchange Act
10) You don't need a driving licence / MOT / insurance / Registration / road tax unless you are 'acting in commerce'.
11) Black's Legal Dictionary
12) Admiralty law
13) Putting judges on their oath
wowzers thanks peeps. that nails it. lol. this is me. plz watch all vids before you all start commenting. im not a freeman on the land nut. i know its common law land. the moj have told me personally. watch all my vids and comment back. im just gonna ignore any negative posts coz im here for constructive criticism only.

GUILTY!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad: *slams hammer down*
wowzers thanks peeps. that nails it. lol. this is me. plz watch all vids before you all start commenting. im not a freeman on the land nut. i know its common law land. the moj have told me personally. watch all my vids and comment back. im just gonna ignore any negative posts coz im here for constructive criticism only.

Your full name and date of birth are on the video. I suggest editing the sound that only your first name is audible.

Never, ever, ever admit anything to the police.
Never, ever, ever speak to the police without legal representation.
Freeman of the land theory will not help you get out of an arrest with the police. You know this because it didn't work. It never does.
Freeman of the land theory will not help you get out of an arrest with the police. You know this because it didn't work. It never does.

Actually it's a lot worse than that. Employing FMOTL woo will get you in to deeper trouble than you were in to start with. You might think you're being clever when you're regaling the police or the courts with your dazzling legal knowledge but what the courts hear is a confession and a lack of remorse which is going to result in a guilty verdict and a harsher sentence.

Three words...



My predictions for this thread...

1) Magna Carta
2) Lawful rebellion
3) CQV Act 1666
4) Capital letters
5) The "Straw man"
6) Some crap about birth (berth) certificates
7) Something about fiat currency
8) Debt isn't really debt and you can pay a bill by writing on it at 45 degrees in blue ink
9) The Bills of Exchange Act
10) You don't need a driving licence / MOT / insurance / Registration / road tax unless you are 'acting in commerce'.
11) Black's Legal Dictionary
12) Admiralty law
13) Putting judges on their oath
Do you under-stand?
wowzers thanks peeps. that nails it. lol. this is me. plz watch all vids before you all start commenting. im not a freeman on the land nut. i know its common law land. the moj have told me personally. watch all my vids and comment back. im just gonna ignore any negative posts coz im here for constructive criticism only.

Not gonna comment on your views or anything but please take this advice, it's something I wish I'd learned a lot sooner. Always get a solicitor. Seriously.
Not gonna comment on your views or anything but please take this advice, it's something I wish I'd learned a lot sooner. Always get a solicitor. Seriously.

<footler bollocks>But solicitors are part of the LAW SOCIETY and using one creates joinder between your legally-lawful-flesh-and-blood-natural-human-being and the corporate-strawman-fiction-person</footler bollocks>
if yous already know all this stuff is true. and whe. i say true i mean evidence to support it all. why do u all still dismiss it? i will never use a solicitor again. if i never wanted to grow again i would. how can you all dismiss something that can be proven?
if yous already know all this stuff is true. and whe. i say true i mean evidence to support it all. why do u all still dismiss it? i will never use a solicitor again. if i never wanted to grow again i would. how can you all dismiss something that can be proven?

What evidence is there of anything except that all this Freeman on the Land bollocks is just that - bollocks?!
if yous already know all this stuff is true. and whe. i say true i mean evidence to support it all. why do u all still dismiss it? i will never use a solicitor again. if i never wanted to grow again i would. how can you all dismiss something that can be proven?

I think you should do a new grow. Maybe write to the police to tell them though to make sure they don't get confused and think they can arrest you.
if yous already know all this stuff is true. and whe. i say true i mean evidence to support it all. why do u all still dismiss it? i will never use a solicitor again. if i never wanted to grow again i would. how can you all dismiss something that can be proven?
What do you want from this exchange?
if yous already know all this stuff is true. and whe. i say true i mean evidence to support it all. why do u all still dismiss it? i will never use a solicitor again. if i never wanted to grow again i would. how can you all dismiss something that can be proven?

You're a fool.
if yous already know all this stuff is true. and whe. i say true i mean evidence to support it all. why do u all still dismiss it? i will never use a solicitor again. if i never wanted to grow again i would. how can you all dismiss something that can be proven?
Well, that's me convinced.
if yous already know all this stuff is true. and whe. i say true i mean evidence to support it all. why do u all still dismiss it? i will never use a solicitor again. if i never wanted to grow again i would. how can you all dismiss something that can be proven?

If it "can be proven" why can't you prove it? Where is this "evidence to support it all"?

There is no credible evidence the footler woo has ever been anything other than an abysmal failure and perhaps you'll forgive me if I don't take legal advice from somebody who makes thirteen mistakes in two lines.
What do you want from this exchange?

I suspect he wants the same thing the 'freemen' and all of the other CT loons always want... Praise for being clever enough to have looked "behind the curtain" and to have "lifted the veil" and revealed the troof that has been hidden from us sheeple.

Of course as with all CT loons (and FMOTLism is a conspiracy theory no matter what they say) our friend here will never actually engage in anything approaching an intelligent debate because that would involve real evidence that this crap actually works when in the real world it self-evidently doesn't.

Footlers will only ever engage in conversation other footlers who share their delusion and they will swap stories of how they beat 'the man', they will never engage with anybody who actually challenges them to back up what they say.

ETA: By the way... FMOTLism is a very good argument against legalising cannabis. An inordinate number of footlers are stoners and it's not unreasonable to suspect that in many cases the only reason they believe something so patently ridiculous as the freeman woo is because their judgement has been severely clouded by too many spliffs.
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if yous already know all this stuff is true. and whe. i say true i mean evidence to support it all. why do u all still dismiss it? i will never use a solicitor again. if i never wanted to grow again i would. how can you all dismiss something that can be proven?

so did you get away with it?
so did you get away with it?

According to his YouTube page the case goes to court in 2015 but given the fact the cops have a full confession and the FMOTL woo is a lot of bollocks it's pretty much a foregone conclusion.

I'd like to be in court for the case to see if he persists with his nonsense or comes to his senses. Either way he's fucked but throwing himself on the mercy of the court might just get him a slightly lighter sentence. If he goes in to court with a cocky "You can't touch me because growing cannabis is legal / lawful / some other bollocks I read on the internet" attitude the magistrate or judge is going to throw the book at him. And serves him right.
common law land.

Common law: Case law, law based on precedent set in previous court decisions.

Common land: Land owned by a legal personality over which a group of other legal personalities have certain rights.

Common law land: An idiot confusing two terms because they use the same word.
Common law: Case law, law based on precedent set in previous court decisions.

Common land: Land owned by a legal personality over which a group of other legal personalities have certain rights.

Common law land: An idiot confusing two terms because they use the same word.

You're missing the point. Much like Humpty Dumpty when a footler uses a word it means exactly what he wants it to mean, neither more nor less.
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