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How could coronavirus remake our economy and society?

Was not really sure where to put this but it fits with other FT pieces indicating the direction of capital - an distinct opposition to austerity and favouring of investment for productivity

Researchers found that Britain’s sprawling suburbs of low-density housing, often poorly connected to city centres by weak transport links, were a key reason why British cities are less productive and pleasant places to live than their European mainland equivalents. Narrowing that divide should be an essential part of prime minister Boris Johnson’s plans — due to be formally laid out in a government white paper in the coming months — to “level up” areas outside London and arresting a decade of UK productivity declines, says Andrew Carter, the think-tank’s chief executive.

The MMTers have gone strangely quiet since inflation has come along. According to them, governments should be responding to it by raising taxes significantly, clawing back covid handouts and dampening demand for anything stuck in a supply chain. :hmm:
The MMTers have gone strangely quiet since inflation has come along. According to them, governments should be responding to it by raising taxes significantly, clawing back covid handouts and dampening demand for anything stuck in a supply chain. :hmm:
To be fair I'm not sure any economic model has an answer for inflation caused by borked global supply chains except unbork the supply chains (or in the longer term produce more locally). Anyway, taxing the rich would probably reduce inflation of assets a little and I'm all in favour of that.
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