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How angry do you get when your internet goes down for over 10 mins?

How angry do you get when your internet goes down for over 10 mins?

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I bloody hate the way I get so wound up when the internet goes down (it invariably goes kaput when there's a looming deadline or half way through transferring a big file. I think it works in cahoots with the printer).

To be fair, it doesn't happen that often but I definitely Do. Not. Like. It.
I don't really get wound up about anything to that extent. Drops out a fair bit here so I just go do something else for a bit; guitars to play, something or other to put away.
turn the router off, walk the dog, have that long piss I was putting off and if its not on when I get back I call my provider and turn on a wifi hotpot on me phone. Its fine, theres always a way.
Depends - if I'm in the middle of watching something it can be vexing, but I can always switch to the phone connection if need be. But otherwise it's not the end of the world. No connection means it's a good time to have a nap.
There's no mobile reception at home so when internet goes down, we are completely cut off from the outside world. It only ever goes down when we have a power cut, which is generally caused by bad weather

The good side of it is that my children all come out of their rooms looking puzzled. It's nice to see them every now and again
Chill out until it comes back up, If it's in the day whilst I am working this is an ideal time to nip to the room next door and a grab a quick paid for nap. Outages are very rare anyway.
The router failed a few years ago and we were left without internet for a whole weekend which I managed to survive but Son and Youngest seemed to view as the end of the world.
Son was camped over his phone eking out his data minutes whereas Youngest just packed a bag including her school uniform and decamped to Eldest's until Tuesday.
What's more frustrating is that since we changed onto what is supposed to be the local fibre network I get subjected to "mircro dropouts" - ones that last anywhere between 5 to 30 seconds and then the connection is restored ...

Especially annoying when I'm doing something other than just browsing ...
Only time I threw a wobbly was when it went down whilst I was booking a holiday online. I wasn’t sure whether either the payment or booking had gone through and it was only after a phone call to the booking agency concerned that we got confirmation it hadn’t. On any other occasion it’s played up (not often) I’m usually just annoyed. My other half however acts like it’s the end of the fecking world. There again, I suppose my ‘just chill out, it’ll be resolved eventually’ attitude doesn’t really help the situation; indeed it makes him even more uncouth and hillbilly like.
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