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Home printer recommendations please…


Changing the facts
The most recent old thread about this is pretty old, hence new thread.


Should I get a laser printer or an inkjet printer?

Lasers cost more to run, inkjets cost more to re-up.

My needs are modest. I want to print out what I’m reading or writing cos I find it so much easier to mark, edit, research etc. on paper.

I don’t need photo printing capacity. Some kind of scanner or copier would be cool but not essential.

Given the above, colour isn’t necessary

Not too complicated (QR codes and whatnot are so low down the list it’s pretty much in the “avoid” list. I’m not tech averse, but it’s just another layer of bollocks I’d sooner do without).

My flat is small so compact would be preferred. Good looking - or at least not dead ugly - is a huge bonus.

I’ve looked at various online review sites and checked the Amazon reviews etc. but yunno, now feeling pretty bamboozled flummoxed and unclear. Too much choice, 1st world problem.

What’s your favourite printer Urban?
I’ve tried “just go down your local internet place and get it printed” but that doesn’t work for someone who tends to work during the night. Like me, right now and for the next several hours.
Budget: I’ll pay up to around £200 for the right printer but obvs cheaper would be better.
I've always gone for laser, have always assumed inkjets would jam up although I base this on no experience. Brother are good I recently got an HL-L2310D which works nicely. From what I've seen avoid HP like the plague.

I've always gone for laser, have always assumed inkjets would jam up although I base this on no experience. Brother are good I recently got an HL-L2310D which works nicely. From what I've seen avoid HP like the plague.

This looks very cute. Neat.
Also set up immediately with Linux. My last one also Brother photocopied and scanned which was really useful but that eventually stopped printing so I've kept it for the rare occasion I need to copy stuff.
Also set up immediately with Linux. My last one also Brother photocopied and scanned which was really useful but that eventually stopped printing so I've kept it for the rare occasion I need to copy stuff.

I’m on a mac. Currently on an iPod air, intending to finally get a proper laptop sometime this year.
If there's no chance of needing colour, then laser may be the way to go - I've never had a laser printer at home so can't offer much thought on the ones for the home market.

absolute cheapest probably isn't the best bet, and while an odd make might be cheap to buy, getting new toner cartridges / compatible ones may prove expensive or difficult in years to come.

Personally, I do (or used to) need colour (although not photo quality) occasionally, and I'm on my third or might just be my fourth epson inkjet in what must be about 25 years of having a home computer, and not really had much problem with them (the current one must be getting on for 10 years old) - it takes 'compatible' cartridges which don't cost much and haven't caused any problems (I get the occasional snarky message on screen when I print but it goes away again). It did get a bit cruddy during lockdown and I wasn't using it, but you can get 'cleaning cartridges' which cleaned it up OK.
Don’t know. Haven’t had to buy one for ages because it hasn’t broken.

So best one you can afford that ticks all your boxes.

The one that two sheds posted looks good. The next one up is much larger and has more capacity than I need.

But. I am now using this mission as procrastination, when I should be doing the work.

I’ll check back in when I’ve done some actual work.
If there's no chance of needing colour, then laser may be the way to go - I've never had a laser printer at home so can't offer much thought on the ones for the home market.

absolute cheapest probably isn't the best bet, and while an odd make might be cheap to buy, getting new toner cartridges / compatible ones may prove expensive or difficult in years to come.

Personally, I do (or used to) need colour (although not photo quality) occasionally, and I'm on my third or might just be my fourth epson inkjet in what must be about 25 years of having a home computer, and not really had much problem with them (the current one must be getting on for 10 years old) - it takes 'compatible' cartridges which don't cost much and haven't caused any problems (I get the occasional snarky message on screen when I print but it goes away again). It did get a bit cruddy during lockdown and I wasn't using it, but you can get 'cleaning cartridges' which cleaned it up OK.

I’ve actually got an Epson over there in the other room that hasn’t been used in about five years. I fired it up about two years ago, it went into that endless Dalek shuffle and I remembered the frustrated despair of yore and switched the fucker off again. I’ve decided that I’d rather buy a completely new printer than try to rekindle and mend the dysfunctional relationship I used to have with it before I moved house.
Don’t buy a Samsung, had a laser printer that was an incredible pain in the arse to set up and, after a few years completely refused to connect to wifi. You tube / Google says I’m not alone. ( and I love Samsung TVs)

I inherited an HP Envy 4527 from my daughter’s boyfriend when he went home after his studies and it took about 2 minutes to set up , works perfectly so far. It’s slow and low volume. But given the ink costs the same as unicorn tears that’s OK. Would recommend. So maybe this is the exception that proves the rule.


Literally just printed a 30 page black and white document in 10 minutes with no issues.
I’ve been really happy with my HP printer. No issues at all, connects easily to all my devices and I do the subscription service so I’m not running round at 10pm trying to find ink when I’ve forgotten to print something.

I’ve got the 2721e but it’s a couple of years old and seems there’s newer versions.
Not sure what price the Brother print cartridges are like. I really don't use it too often so didn't need a new cartridge in the three years I had my last one.
The one that two sheds posted looks good. The next one up is much larger and has more capacity than I need.

But. I am now using this mission as procrastination, when I should be doing the work.

I’ll check back in when I’ve done some actual work.

My Brother laser printer hasn't missed a beat in a few years. Only problems I had was when I printed off too much and the tray got filled up and I think I may have had a couple of dodgy 3rd party cartridges.
I’ve been really happy with my HP printer. No issues at all, connects easily to all my devices and I do the subscription service so I’m not running round at 10pm trying to find ink when I’ve forgotten to print something.

I’ve got the 2721e but it’s a couple of years old and seems there’s newer versions.
It's their ink subscription scam that makes me wish a painful death on them. They can and will stop your print job half way through, even if you have full cartridges, if you neglected to buy new ones from them. You're paying per page, even if you only put a full stop on each page.
It's their ink subscription scam that makes me wish a painful death on them. They can and will stop your print job half way through, even if you have full cartridges, if you neglected to buy new ones from them. You're paying per page, even if you only put a full stop on each page.
I’m shambolic and am happy to throw money at anything that doesn’t require me to remember anything. ADHD tax. 😉
It's their ink subscription scam that makes me wish a painful death on them. They can and will stop your print job half way through, even if you have full cartridges, if you neglected to buy new ones from them. You're paying per page, even if you only put a full stop on each page.
Yes there was a whole list of people on reddit wishing a painful death on whoever at HP decided on their cartridge policy.
Another vote for Brother. My last one lasted about 12 years and I only bought a new one because the old one stopped talking to the network. And I think that was my fault as I got the password wrong. Anyway I bought the new version of the old one. I can give you a link, but I wanted to be able to print A3 and colour so it's over the top for your needs. But not that much more pricey than two sheds one.
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