It depends how you define failure. One can produce all sort of statistics to show Brits are better off now than they were in 1979 but fact is in those days a school leaver at 16 could by their mid 20s be buying a house on a mortgage provided they did not totally piss everything against the wall in their teens. Those now in their mid 20s with no hope of ever buying a house might argue that their peer group were better off in '79. I think people are beginning to understand that the increasing wealth gap between the old & young helps nobody.
Same with democracy. One can present all sorts of arguments about how undemocratic our system actually is but it is what we have in the UK & history proves that if a political party puts a good enough case even if they are lying like the Tories this time they get voted in & all I was suggesting was that within our 'democratic' system in years to come there might be enough voters willing to vote for a party that offer to build council houses at a rate that might also bring down the price of houses significantly. It might not be by next general election but possibly the one after that?