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The two wheel pics you showed don't seem to indicate either a flat or lose nuts but you can't really tell the nuts in a photo.
err you have a flat mate :hmm:

think he meant without some air the tyres going to fall off not the wheel itself
They are definitely not flat.
It's a lowered VW T4 Transporter.
I could check the pressures- that's a great idea.
I am assuming that is front wheel drive, which means there is less to go wrong on the rear axles.

suspension, tyres, brakes. A sticking brake caliper could have caused smoke which could have been something another motorist might have spotted. How to check and is it likely, I don't know.

Ax^ what do you think?
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James from RAC will be here in 10 minutes.
The tyre s definitely needed air. Not much. But still. My bad I meant to do it before leaving and ran out of time. I'm pretty fastidious about it normally.
I walked a motorbike over extremely hilly terrain at 4am at least 6 times. Give yourself a break. I had no fuel, it was the same trip each time and I had reserve tank lol.

Edit one time I took a shortcut and got stuck in marshland
I'm wondering if the brakes were binding or if the tyre appeared to be somewhat under-pressure.
However, IME both of those make noise or affect the handling ... as does a shonky well-bearing

Will be interested to see the update on James's findings
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They are definitely not flat.
It's a lowered VW T4 Transporter.
I could check the pressures- that's a great idea.

looks back at the picture of the tyre

well fuck me your right clearly a lower VW T4

my bad :p

glad James has arrived to check it out and get ya moving :)
kalidarkone sounds like it might be a wheel bearing or something, don't quite understand your post about the rim? Hope James can fix it where you are, otherwise it could be a long evening getting your Van to a repairers or home.
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This has reminded me of the first time I drove my partner’s car, on my way to Cornwall the night before the famous full solar eclipse. It was a battered Polo and she didn’t have a full licence or saw the car as a precious possession, but I was still mindful about something going wrong, as we’d only been together a few months.

Happily on my way halfway between London and Bristol I started to notice some cars flashing me before the overtook me. Then another one flashed me then started to turn its lights off and back on before accelerating away.

Panicked as fuck, I stopped at the next Services and had a thorough examination of the back of the car, and ran the engine whilst watching for fire or smoke. I couldn’t see anything wrong for love or money, as I was about to climb on the car and resume my journey, I noticed the rear fog light was on :facepalm:

Still, it’s not as if a rear fog light used on a clear night is likely to be so disruptive to other drivers as to pose a risk. I guess at a stretch someone behind me might have misinterpreted it for a brake light, but on a clear motorway with sparse traffic and bearing in mind you’re supposed to keep adequate safe distance from the car in front, one would have to be rather incompetent not to realise a few seconds after sighting it that it’s not a brake light, the car was not braking, and even if it were, the other two lanes were clear and there was no hazard ahead.
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So folks I got home at 23.30 and then drove to a dub night. When I went to leave the battery was flat

Went back to get it this morning and it was just about to be towed.....I had to pay £300 call out. Tried to jump it but it seems there is something wrong other then the battery.

So paid another £100 to be relayed home.

On the bright side- better that this occurred in Bristol rather then in Cornwall..
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