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Help - anyone know where the Na'amod Hanukkah event will be today?


Approved by toads
I have been prevented from going to any Gaza protests so far by illness or commitments and was finally going to get to one this afternoon, a Na'amod Hanukkah thing, but fucking gmail seems to have totally lost the email with the details (gsv says some of his emails have been vanishing lately too, and I did seem to lose another email mysteriously this week) if I try to sign up again it says 'this event is full' and for obvious reasons they don't list details publically. Can anyone message me details in the next two hours?! I know the time and remember that it was somewhere in Hackney but no more than that
Yeah, spam, trash, everything - not there :confused:

Kind of surprised there's not been a reminder email today so wondering if not going ahead
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