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Helicopter down

Fuck, now it is up to ten feared dead. :(

It was returning from the Miller Field, operated by BP.
BP have grounded all Bond flights and are using Scotia for flights today.

The EE is now reporting that one of the people killed was a survivor of the last Puma ditching around six weeks ago:

There is a rumour going round that BP have been forcing contractors back to 2004/05 rates, which cannot be good for overall safety. :(

There was also someone crushed to death on the MV Wellservicer yesterday afternoon. Not a good day for Aberdeen or the oil biz here.
Interesting - The EE have pulled the story about the survivor of the last crash being killed in this one completely. The buzz from someone with a connection to one of the companies involved is because it was false.

If so, my reasonably low opinion of this paper has just nosedived! :mad:
16 deaths in a North Sea helicopter crash. Fly and Die.

The reckless pursuit of oil and gas industry profits, as approved by the UK state, the Queen and her ministers, claimed 16 lives and made April fools of all North Sea workers. 1st April 2009.


BBC: Helicopter crash probe continues

Bastard Salmond, bastard Brown and the bastard Queen all expressed fake concern for the lives of 16 workers lost but it was their fault they died.

Oh sure, BP and Bond Helicopters are to blame too - but they operate with the agreement and under the regulations set by the state.

The UK state passes no regulation, imposes no fine, which ever threatens the profits of the oil companies. That is the fault of the head of state, the Queen and her ministers of state - Prime Minister Brown and First Minister Salmond and their governments.

Do Scottish, British and other workers want to die for these bastards? I certainly don't.

You wouldn't catch me commuting to an oil rig via helicopters which drop out of the sky like a stone when they fail.

Oh helicopters can be made safer than that - if you are willing to pay. You don't often hear of "Marine One", the helicopter which carries the US President or the Queen's flight helicopter crashing with all lives lost, do you?

But then the heads of state can spend the money on the safest helicopters, maintained and piloted in the safest possible way. Not so in the oil industry.

When BP hands out the contracts for helicopter transport, do they choose the safest or the cheapest? They will SAY "safety is the priority" but we all know that profits are the priority so they will opt for the cheapest contracts they can get away with which save money at the expense of safety.

If the North Sea industry can't afford to fly helicopters safely then they should ferry the workers by ship.

Not forgetting the "Herald of Free Enterprise" ferry disaster of 1987 wherein 193 passengers died and the Titanic before that of course. So ships can be dangerous too, if you allow royalists any say in the way they are captained.

With a stupid head of state, refusing to sack stupid ministers, you must expect stupid people in charge to cause death and disasters regularly.

The only coherent solution is to have an intelligent head of state, a good president of a republic and a republican revolution to overthrow the monarchy and the UK is the right way to go. Workers could strike and demand a republican revolution to better their conditions of employment.

If instead Scots and Britons insist on keeping on working for these royal twits then "be prepared to die in avoidable accidents" would be my warning.
I've lost a few family members to the North Sea Oil Industry over the years...

Such a shockingly sad tragedy to have lost all those men..

You wouldn't catch me commuting to an oil rig via helicopters which drop out of the sky like a stone when they fail.

The only flying Dow is ever going to do is off the handle on an uncharted course.. :rolleyes:

Got a job yet Dow..??
3 Guilty Bastards attend Aberdeen Helicopter deaths memorial service

BBC: Helicopter's 16 'heroes' honoured


What a cheek! What a brass-neck! Three of the men most culpable for the deaths of 16 men turn up to the memorial service in honour of the men who died - and they are given pride of place in the front row of the church service!

Bizarre! Their incompetent and reckless rule killed the 16 men but to bluff their way out of the blame they are due, the 3 then turned up to the dead men's memorial service! The 3 are to blame for the deaths yet they get treated as "dignitaries" by the church and by the TV media and are given front row seats and a favourable mention on TV. That is not right. That is wrong, very wrong!

To give respect to the 3 men whose reckless misrule killed the 16 is to disrespect the dead 16.

First Minster Alex Salmond, Prime Minster Gordon Brown and Prince Charles Windsor - 3 partners in the crime of culpable homicide or manslaughter which they can't be convicted of right now because they are the very ones who now rig the Queen's courts for and on behalf of the Queen so that the Queen, her family and her ministers never take the blame when the Queen’s rule kills people as it always does.

The Queen and her UK state loosely regulate the North Sea oil industry but so lackadaisical is the UK law, regulation and enforcement and so miserly is the compensation for injury and death that the oil industry is allowed and indeed encouraged to keep on risking the lives of workers simply in order to keep the vast profits flowing.

Rigorous and effective safety measures would cost a lot of money. When a North Sea oil worker dies, or when 16 workers die, it costs the oil industry next to nothing because the Queen and these 3 guilty men don’t make them pay enough.

So it works out cheaper for the oil industry to let workers die.

Money matters but workers’ lives don’t actually matter to the guilty 3 because they know all they need to do is to sound sorry on the TV when there is a lethal accident and then the brainwashed viewers will give undue respect to the 3 guilty “dignitaries”.

Well I am not fooled by the pretend sorrow of these guilty men. Nor do I forget to blame the person most blameworthy of all - Queen Elizabeth whose rotten rule kills people with impunity.

The North Sea workers need a better head of state than any monarch. They need a president who will really value their lives and insist upon effective safety measures.

The Queen must go from Scotland and she should take her family and her rotten ministers with her. Go now or the Scots should make them go.

Industrial action - strikes or whatever - in combination with political and military action towards a Scottish republic or other republican options is the way forward properly to value and therefore to save workers’ lives in Scotland and in the North Sea.
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