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Donald Trump got turned down!!!!!!!!!

Interesting - All of Trump's company accounts are now "overdue".

There are various reasons of course and as well as the options discussed in the article, this is a common tactic for a firm desperately trying to raise more funds or otherwise try to stave-off the inevitable.
Interesting - All of Trump's company accounts are now "overdue".

There are various reasons of course and as well as the options discussed in the article, this is a common tactic for a firm desperately trying to raise more funds or otherwise try to stave-off the inevitable.
Could be about his tax lawuits. If you don't file, you don't provide evidence.
I'm working an event with one of Trump's former chefs today.

The one who famously got sacked for making a "willy cake" - He works for us now and Trump's loss is very much our gain. He's very good, great fun to work with, has reworked our menus to the point where we make virtually everything from fresh in our own kitchens again and doesn't regret it one bit..! :D
Just to park this.

Reported from the transcript of Trump's deposition to the NY AG:


Trump claims that he could sell Turnberry for much more than its assessed value. He said if he tried to sell it to the Saudis, he could get "a fortune" from them - "far beyond what it's worth." He claims that he has had numerous offers from people to buy Turnberry for huge sums, but refused to say who they were. P.62-66.


In 2013, this property was assessed at $191 million. In 2015, Trump valued it on his financial statements at $435 million. When asked how the value of the property could have more than doubled in just two years, he claimed that Sean Connery helped him negotiate a zoning permit for to build another course on the property but admitted that he hasn't actually build it yet. P.235-237.

He then said he had big plans to develop the property further by building a hotel and houses, but Scotland put a wind turbine near the course, and he refused to develop further unless they removed it. He said he testified before the Scottish Parliament and explained, "I happen to be a very good environmentalist, in my own way," and told them he would not provide any more economic development unless they removed the turbine. They refused, so he has not done anything additional to the property. P.246-248.


At one point in the deposition, Trump claimed that he currently has $400 million in cash in the bank. P.80. He said that his biggest business expense by far is legal fees. P.35.

Trump claimed that he never needed to use banks to borrow money for his deals because he always had enough cash to self-finance, but he would do it for the tax benefits. P.83.

Link to the full transcript - if anyone can stand seven hours of Trump talking :eek: :

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Tell us something we don't already know - but it is nice to see it accepted:

Donald Trump, his companies and some executives have been found to have fraudulently inflated the valuations of non-existent Scottish golf club properties by up to £200m as part of a scheme to dupe banks and others and borrow more at lower rates, it can be revealed.

It comes as it emerged the Aberdeen club's operating company has run at a deficit since it opened in 2012, and has amassed total losses in the ensuing 11 years of £13.025m.

Now maybe Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire might like to explain why they have been parroting his bullshit for years, despite it being flagrantly obvious that there was nothing like the money he claimed involved...?

Episode three of Trumped went online today and is particularly interesting.

It finally gets Alex Salmond and Neil Hobday speaking on the shady meeting at the Marcliffe Hotel which resulted in the Government call-in and it also confirms that John Swinney, who was later designated the final decision after the PLI was right-in on it at the time. :snarl:

More questions than answers now..!
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