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Helen Worth aka Gail platt to leave Coronation street

Storyline should be Martin Platt comes back from New Zealand to resume his role as a mascot rooster for Weatherfield County FC, gets involved in an altercation with Kev Webster down the Rovers and decides to skip town back to New Zealand after rekindling his romance with Gail. Although they'll probably do some trite death storyline instead.

The urban interest in Coronation Street seems to have dropped off massively these days. I used to enjoy the Corrie Last Night thread but nobody posts there anymore. My Mum still watches it so I occasionally watch when I'm there but it's a world away from its heyday. All the comedy is gone, the characters/storylines are rubbish, and everyone's house looks like it was kitted out in homebase. Tragic. They even do this really crass product placement now. People actually ordering 'Heineken 0%' as part of the script and all that shite. Terrible.
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It's likely none of the soaps are gonna be around in a few years any way, certainly not in their current form.

I often thought what a total waste of money all the new set building was for Eastenders and Coronation street when they don't pull in even half the audience they used to.
All the best characters like Blanche, Norris and Maud have died. They went hard on trying to make it all trendy and relevant to the youth but most young people don't give AF about soaps, or linear TV in general.
Yeah used to love Corrie, one thing I genuinely missed when I was in Australia. But came back and it was going downhill fast. Gave up on it after a year.
They even do this really crass product placement now. People actually ordering 'Heineken 0%' as part of the script and all that shite. Terrible.

They used to do this on the radio 100 years ago, they'd create a weekly housewife-friendly kitchen sink drama full of recognisable voices, to wrap around a soap advert. Or an Ovaltine advert. Today's is fun free beer.

So they called them soap operas you see. Content marketing, it's really nothing new.
Storyline should be Martin Platt comes back from New Zealand to resume his role as a mascot rooster for Weatherfield County FC, gets involved in an altercation with Kev Webster down the Rovers and decides to skip town back to New Zealand after rekindling his romance with Gail. Although they'll probably do some trite death storyline instead.

The urban interest in Coronation Street seems to have dropped off massively these days. I used to enjoy the Corrie Last Night thread but nobody posts there anymore. My Mum still watches it so I occasionally watch when I'm there but it's a world away from its heyday. All the comedy is gone, the characters/storylines are rubbish, and everyone's house looks like it was kitted out in homebase. Tragic. They even do this really crass product placement now. People actually ordering 'Heineken 0%' as part of the script and all that shite. Terrible.
Or bring back Our Brian, and see what became of him?

It could be the big comeback he was ...oh I forgot, he came a cropper in a nightclub.

Maybe a ghostly return?
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