well, i staggered into bristol at half nine and am only 20 mins late for work
what a jolly lovely time, apologies if i descended into mute confusion once the sun came up
a big thank you to pk and chums for putting it together;
lovely to meet you fuzzy, skim, filter, ph and, um... probably others memories of whom i've lost in the black holes of my prannied mind
glad you came out wiskers, and sorry bout the helicopter, but twas fun whilst it lasted
maggot: if there's ever a reception i will do you a speech, promise
- and what a lovely bride you make szc...
hon meshes: shell (big hugs babe), zero, etnea (i *think* we were introduced... briefly), yoss, blagsta, dervish (i had something i was going to ask you, but i forgot - another time), red rose, crissy, oic (better than drugs), the utterly scrumptious sparkling, deus (glad you made it), jtg, hp66, spacey, the b... bloody hell the list goes on!
fuck it, you're all lovely, and i know there were loads i didn't get a chance to chat to (gergl, i didn't even notice you were there until you left!) - next time...
staggered back to my secret 'south london' lair for a snooze, and then went out bowling in the evening - watch out nate+flim, the training is paying off.
and big big hugs to liberty. i saw you, but to my shame i could say no words when i saw your eyes. much love to you.