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Has anybody seen this Sept 11th film?

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I've only watched the first 15 minutes or so...and many of the facts so far tend to coincide with the Michael Moore fellow's interpretation of events.

Shall watch the rest in a bit.
Jazzz said:
With one or two problems it takes apart the official theory comprehensively
Only in your gullible "truth-seeking" mind, of course.

So, concerning the trifling matter of producing some actual, credible, hard evidence for this incredible deception... any movement there yet?
Daily Mail?

Is this a Canadian Publication you talk about or are you an avid reader of the UK version Johnny?
vimto said:
Daily Mail?

Is this a Canadian Publication you talk about or are you an avid reader of the UK version Johnny?
Don't think you have to be an "avid reader" to get the gist of the rag.
Oh dear no. If ever I was up for taking in conspiracy theories now would be the time really it would. Tell me there are giant fungi climbing up my door and I'll believe it oh fuck! how will i get out tomorrow like but I'm still not ready for al this bollocks :D

Oh shit something is well fucked up here...I think I need to go to bed and pass out before it finds a way in round the back.

Well freaked out. :(

We just haven't got a clue what to do.... :D
Groucho said:
We just haven't got a clue what to do.... :D
No idea what you're on about, but...

And the, of course, there's the other lyrical masterpiece sung by the same band:

"Up town, down town
Little Willy, Willy drives them wild with his run-around style
Inside, outside
Willy sends them silly with his star-shine shimmy shuffle smile"

What could they be singing about?!
editor said:
And the, of course, there's the other lyrical masterpiece sung by the same band:

"Up town, down town
Little Willy, Willy drives them wild with his run-around style
Inside, outside
Willy sends them silly with his star-shine shimmy shuffle smile"

What could they be singing about?!

Beats me :)
editor said:
And the, of course, there's the other lyrical masterpiece sung by the same band:

"Up town, down town
Little Willy, Willy drives them wild with his run-around style
Inside, outside
Willy sends them silly with his star-shine shimmy shuffle smile"

What could they be singing about?!
Now now editor...remember the Johnny rule now :)
Anyway I watched it all and I quite enjoyed most of it.

Loads of congecture sure but at the same time it was still asking the simplest of questions to begin with.

Questions that haven't been answered.
spring-peeper said:
Well, I was totally put off to begin with. But after reading vimto's comments, maybe I will give it a watch.
I was put off it as soon as it started shunting out the same old fact-free conjecture.

Its highly selective collection of barely associated facts and unsubstantiated 'connections' makes it a propaganda film for conspiraloons who, above anything else in the world, need to believe that they're in on 'the truth.'

For all its claims to be asking important questions, the film spectacularly fails to answer this simple one: "where's the actual, credible, reliable evidence to back up any of these wild claims?"
Jazzz said:
So no evidence then, just an appeal to majority opinion.
It is a quaint custom of human discourse that the responsibility for substantiating a claim generally lies with the party making the claim. It isn't usually considered acceptable that people pull wild and spurious claims out of their arses for the rest of society to disprove. So your challenge to editor ends up looking a little foolish... :rolleyes:
The bit with the drone plane crash was good ,but,then the conspricy bollocks
kicks in .Even when olie north had reagan ears as head of cunning plans .I doubt anyone would have authorised the plan .They would either laughe at it or had someone
who suggested it locked up a mad .imho.
editor said:
Only in your gullible "truth-seeking" mind, of course.

So, concerning the trifling matter of producing some actual, credible, hard evidence for this incredible deception... any movement there yet?
There's been plenty. I'm not rising to these taunts. Watch the film or shut up.
Everything is fine with 9/11

No wait...the whole "storyline" is a lie.

So i`d encourage ppl to watch docus on it.
For me - its not whether the film presents a clear explanation of events - it clearly doesn't. It does however ask some awkward questions which have clearly not been answered - and that information appears to have been suppressed. i.e Hotel footage of the Pentagon crash - where is it? Or where is the wreckage from the fourth Whitehouse destined plane? These and other details have alot of validity and give the film some value.

Its not an all or nothing argument.
exosculate said:
It does however ask some awkward questions which have clearly not been answered - and that information appears to have been suppressed. i.e Hotel footage of the Pentagon crash - where is it? Or where is the wreckage from the fourth Whitehouse destined plane? These and other details have alot of validity and give the film some value.
So what research have you actually undertaken into these 'questions?

Or do you just take the word of the agenda-laden film that something's 'going on'?

Surely you haven't forgotten the woefully unresearched claims that Jazzz used to come up with? (the one about the '9/11 planes not existing' was one of the more memorable - a simple email to the airline from two posters here produced a perfectly reasonable answer to the 'mysteriously unanswered question')

It's the total lack of credible, basic research and endless selective quoting that makes most of the conspiraloon claims so ridiculous.
editor said:
Surely you haven't forgotten the woefully unresearched claims that Jazzz used to come up with? (the one about the '9/11 planes not existing' was one of the more memorable - a simple email to the airline from two posters here produced a perfectly reasonable answer to the 'mysteriously unanswered question')

Actually they didn't email the airline, they emailed BTS, got a nothing reply, and this was still a very strange anomaly - in fact the two flights were then inserted IN the database later (which rather belies the idea that they never needed to be). This gets a mention in the film too.

Incidentally, this film was ranking fourth on google video - but then it seems they found a way to fix the rankings so it didn't appear... well not last time I looked.
thinks about joining thread...

decides that picking his nose is a more useful utilisation of time

picks nose

looks for hankies

cant find any

Why not taking a break from picking your nose and watch it pingu? You never know, you might be able to say that you weren't one of the people left behind when it came to saving humanity
Jazzz said:
Why not taking a break from picking your nose and watch it pingu? You never know, you might be able to say that you weren't one of the people left behind when it came to saving humanity

Hahahahaha! New heights of pomposity are reached. How is humanity under threat, exactly? And how will watching your film help to save it?


I have seen threads and discussions about this reoccur over and over and over again with the same bollocks being spouted. Not just here btw, IRL too

even if there was a conspiracy now its dead in the water due to all the loonspudery thats occured.

you could produce a digitly signed letter from george bush saysin "yeah we did it, we needed an excuse to go fight in afghanistan" and most people would still doubt it.

The best one was a discussion about a flight that supposidly never existed. a flight on which a relative of my stepdad was on... guess the cia persuaded him good on that one. he, and my mum, even went to the funeral too... talk about thorough...

so to summerise... I am not going to waste yet more of my life on something that I can do fuck all about.

sorry dude. you might be a sound bloke and all that but the other conspiraloon stuff really fucks up your credability.
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