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Has anybody seen this Sept 11th film?

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Yes, and I think it should at the very least be considered interesting, no one person should accept events that made such an impact on history and everyday life at face value.
Ozric said:
Yes, and I think it should at the very least be considered interesting, no one person should accept events that made such an impact on history and everyday life at face value.
Why not ?
Its conspricy fruitloop at its finest imho.Hell if they wanted to fake something why not just crash a few planes .Not blow up a couple of the most famous buildings in the world .you get your paranio and excuse for war
at a bargain price .
dylanredefined said:
Why not ?
Its conspricy fruitloop at its finest imho.Hell if they wanted to fake something why not just crash a few planes .Not blow up a couple of the most famous buildings in the world .you get your paranio and excuse for war
at a bargain price .

I thought the film raises some interesting points.

And I am not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination.
No its conspricy loonies at the finest .Take unrelated stuff out of context
and spin it together .Some plan by a loonie general to invade cuba years ago.
Nasa flying a boeing by remote control . And a twin towers graphic used on a
couple of anti terrorist pamphlets .And that was the first 5 minutes .
Damage didnt look like a 757 had flown into the pentagon .How would they
know what its supposed to look like etc,etc .
exosculate said:
Its got alot of holes in it as you might expect. But it does in places highlight some interesting stuff and unanswered questions.
..in a highly selective, agenda-laden, bias-heavy, sloppy non-journalistic way.

Dredging up the Operation Northwoods non event and desperately trying to make it stick to 9/11 speaks volumes of the dubious nature of the video.

There's no proof of remote control planes, imploding towers or any of the other daft theories to be found in this ludicrous video. Nothing.
It's just empty conspiraloon speculation from unqualified wannabe 'truth seekers.'

Come back with some actual evidence from reliable, informed and credible sources and I might start listening.
I heard a relative of someone who died on one of the planes talking saying what a wonderful tribute it was to their life and in their memory.

Does anyone else find this remotely odd?
oddworld said:
I heard a relative of someone who died on one of the planes talking saying what a wonderful tribute it was to their life and in their memory.

Does anyone else find this remotely odd?
'Odd' in what sense?
What's the context?
What's your point?
You're not mistaking it for the Flight 93 film, are you?
mentalchik said:
i love little micheal
editor said:
You're not mistaking it for the Flight 93 film, are you?

Yes, shall I shut up now :oops: :oops:

Even then though I cant get my head round the fact that a blockbuster movie of such terrible events can be a tribute to loved ones that were lost.
oddworld said:
Even then though I cant get my head round the fact that a blockbuster movie of such terrible events can be a tribute to loved ones that were lost.
There was an article in the Guardian today and apparently the Brit director got the families involved very early and asked them lots of personal details to ensure that their loved ones would be really accurately portrayed on-screen.

I guess that explains the 'wonderful tribute' comment.

Apparently the film works quite well as a movie (mainly shot in an old plane in Pinewood!), although many in the States think it was 'too soon' to be released.
editor said:
There was an article in the Guardian today and apparently the Brit director got the families involved very early and asked them lots of personal details to ensure that their loved ones would be really accurately portrayed on-screen.

Ok, thanks, makes a little more sense now I guess.
Jazzz said:
Did you watch the film, editor?
Some of it, but there's only so much sloppy, hopelessly biased 'journalism' I can stomach.

Interesting to note that Operation Northwoods - you know the rejected plan that never happened - wouldn't have involved the murder of any US citizens, which rather undermines its supposed 'precedent' for 9/11.
editor said:
Some of it, but there's only so much sloppy, hopelessly biased 'journalism' I can stomach.

Interesting to note that Operation Northwoods - you know the rejected plan that never happened - wouldn't have involved the murder of any US citizens, which rather undermines its supposed 'precedent' for 9/11.

Firebombing and sinking an American ship at the Guantanamo Bay American military base—reminiscent of the USS Maine incident at Havana in 1898, which started the Spanish-American War—or destroy American aircraft and blame it on Cuban forces. (The document's first suggestion regarding the sinking of a U.S. ship is to blow up a manned ship and hence would result in U.S. Navy members being killed, with a secondary suggestion of possibly using unmanned drones and fake funerals instead.)


"We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington"


So they were quite prepared to sink their own warship, and it's hard to see how a terror campaign in Miami, Florida and Washington could be safe for US citizens.

Why not watch the film past the first few minutes?
Jazzz said:
Why not watch the film past the first few minutes?
Thanks, but I've no interest in hearing the same old fact-free conspiraloon speculation all over again, even if it is in a "very well produced" video package.

Come back when you've got some credibly sourced hard evidence.
Moderately entertaining fluff, with some almost endearingly flimsy evidence.

The narrator was a real spod who started to crow very annoyingly in the last halfhour.

All this stuff just writes itself. Take one nut interested in everything from UFOs downwards. Add disaster. Serve warm.
editor said:
Thanks, but I've no interest in hearing the same old fact-free conspiraloon speculation all over again, even if it is in a "very well produced" video package.

Come back when you've got some credibly sourced hard evidence.
Perhaps you would care to produce some on behalf of the official theory?
Jazzz said:
Perhaps you would care to produce some on behalf of the official theory?
No thanks. I'll leave that to suitably qualified experts, fully trained in their relevant areas of expertise.

I do believe the odd document or two has been produced involving demolition experts, WTC architects, accident investigators, air traffic controllers, professors of computer science, chief structural engineers, seismologists and professors of engineering, physics, combustion.

But be sure to take up any 'inaccuracies' with them and you go right ahead and tell them where they've got it wrong, along with your supporting evidence and proof.

All credibly sourced, of course.
Anyway, others should watch this film. With one or two problems it takes apart the official theory comprehensively
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